Chapter 19
After half a cup of tea time, the drunken Taoist took over the fairy sword initially, took the fairy sword in his hand and looked at it, and walked towards Ye Guxin admiringly, thinking about Ye Guxin while walking, and shouted: "Master, I got it, I got it "

After the drunken Taoist came to his side, Ye Guxin saw that he was still flipping through the fairy sword repeatedly, and couldn't help but said angrily: "Okay, don't look at it anymore, no one will snatch it from you, is it necessary to use it like this? Look. There will be opportunities in the future.”

"Tian Nan, tell all your friends to go back." Turning around, he said to Tian Nan.

"Yes, Master," Tian Nan agreed, and then walked towards those cultivators.When those cultivators saw Tian Nan walking towards them, they all looked at him.

"Fellow daoists, my junior brother and I are going to go out with the master in the future, and it is impossible to stay here anymore. I have some medicine pills that I usually refine when I have nothing to do. I won't need them in the future, so I will give them to you." Yes, as he spoke, he took out a few bottles of pills from his storage ring, including the Peiyuan Pill for foundation building, and the Containing Pill for stabilizing the Nascent Soul stage. After seeing them accepting them, Tian Nan continued: "Everyone Fellow Daoists, let’s go back, we and Master are leaving too.”

"Thank you Tian Nan for donating the medicine. Let's say hello to your master." Seeing what Tian Nan said, everyone knew that they had something to do. Anyway, there was nothing else to do now, and they all bid farewell to Tian Nan.

Tian Nan returned to Ye Guxin's side after seeing that everyone had left, and said to Ye Guxin: "Master, they are all gone, I think..." When he said that, he couldn't think twice, and took a look at Ye Guxin , found that his face didn't change, and continued: "I want to go back to the cave, I still have some things in there that I haven't taken."

Ye Guxin looked at his uneasy expression, and smiled amusedly, "Okay, you go, there is nothing to be worried about, Master is not a wild beast, there is nothing to be afraid of, go and come back quickly."

"Yes, Master" Tian Nan said with a smile on his face.Then he turned around and flew towards his original cave.In a blink of an eye, he disappeared.

Ye Guxin looked at the drunk Taoist still playing with the fairy sword, and asked curiously: "Little San, why don't you go back to the cave, don't you have nothing to clean up?" The drunk Taoist's real name is Zui Xiaosan. Drunk Taoist.

"Master, I store all my things here, unlike Senior Brother who puts everything in the cave, which is so inconvenient." While he was talking, his eyes were still looking at the fairy sword. Seeing him like this, Ye Guxin couldn't help but said kindly: "Okay Oh, Xiaosan, don’t look at it anymore, I really think this fairy sword doesn’t have a name yet.”

As soon as the fairy sword was mentioned, the drunk Taoist immediately regained his spirits, and said to Ye Guxin: "Yes, I don't have a name yet, why don't you come and get one, Master."

"En, that's good." Ye Guxin sized up the fairy sword and said: "This fairy sword is mainly made of ten thousand years of cold iron and then added with golden stones. The blade emits stars from time to time. Why don't we call it the cold star?"

"Han Xing, Han Xing is a good name, thank you Master for giving it the name." The drunken Taoist said a few times in his mouth, and the more he called Yue Shun, he quickly smiled and said to Ye Guxin.

"Okay, your senior brother should be here too." Ye Guxin just finished speaking, and saw Tian Nan's figure flying towards here from a distance.

In an instant, Tian Nan had already come to his side.

"Master, I've packed up, I don't know where we are going now?" Tian Nan asked Ye Guxin as soon as he arrived

"Let's go to my original place, Tianyuan Mountain Range. I used to be there. I don't know if a new land has come now." Ye Guxin said with nostalgia.

"Land? Master, you were really land in the past. I thought you were lying to me. Didn't you say that the cultivation level of land is only equivalent to a person who has survived the catastrophe? What's wrong, Master?" The drunk Taoist said, but was interrupted by Ye Guxin "Could it be that Master's cultivation doesn't look like land at all?"

Ye Guxin took a deep breath and said, "Our land and mountain gods are spirits of the earth. The heavens and the earth were naturally conceived. For hundreds of millions of years, those who cultivated it all followed the opening of the chaos. The heavens and the earth naturally conceived a wonderful book "Di Huang Jue" But no one has ever been able to break through the first level. We, with low skill, have been enslaved by the fairy world for hundreds of millions of years, becoming a slave-like existence. When the people of the fairy world want to use us, we have to be sent by them like dogs. Don’t they Don't you know that the land of mountain gods also has dignity? Ah..."

Speaking of the last sentence, Ye Guxin was already yelling at the sky.With his roar, there seemed to be a huge thunder sounded between the sky and the earth.

"For hundreds of millions of years, it is not that no one wants to break through forcefully, but the end of that is the same, that is, going crazy, exploding and dying, and fortunately, it is also exhausted."

"Your master and I also practice this Earth Emperor's Art. A hundred years ago, I finally couldn't bear it and finally started to forcefully break through. When I broke through, I was stunned by the powerful skill, and I broke through naturally after waking up. .Now I have also cultivated to the third level of Yimu Heart. The skill is also equivalent to the late stage of Immortal General."

"Tian Nan, in fact, what you said just now woke me up. Although I can't control me in the fairy world now, there are still hundreds of millions of lands of mountain gods who are enslaved by others. I want to change this situation. I Go against the sky." In fact, Ye Guxin still didn't say a word: Maybe God sent me here to save the land of mountain gods here?
Ye Guxin looked at Tian Nan and the others' shocked expressions and thought that since they decided to do this, it must be difficult.Perhaps his life was in danger, so he thought for a while and said, "If you are afraid, then don't follow me, and go back to where you came from."

When Tian Nan and the others were shocked, they immediately turned pale when they heard what Ye Guxin said, and knelt in front of Ye Guxin and said, "Master, you don't want us anymore, we are not afraid of anything, please drive us away!"

"That's right, no matter how many dangers there are, as long as Master is around, we won't be afraid of anything," Taoist Zui also said.

"Hey, I'm also afraid that you are in danger." Seeing their resolute expressions, I couldn't bear to say: "Okay, get up, I won't chase you away, let's go to Tianyuan Mountain Range"

"Yes, Master," Tian Nan and the two stood up, standing on the left and right sides behind him.

(Piaopiao, please put this book on the top, drifting here is very grateful)
(Speaking in this book today, those who voted, all will be refined, hurry up, first come, first served)
(End of this chapter)

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