Chapter 22
Ye Guxin removed the restraint and walked out of the retreat room, and saw two young mountain ghosts standing outside the room. As soon as they saw Ye Guxin walk out of the room, they looked at Ye Guxin with fanaticism.They have gone through a lot of hardships for this job of guarding the gate, and defeated countless competitors to get it, just to have a look at their emperor. The number of applicants is endless, and their ability to defeat countless opponents shows that they still have some advantages.They saluted Ye Guxin respectfully: "Your Majesty, you are finally out of customs. I wonder if you should inform Master Tian Nan that they know."

"Ye Guxin waved his hands casually and said: "No need, I will go back to find them later, by the way, how long have I been in retreat? "Ye Guxin asked the two mountain ghosts.

"Huihuang, you have been in seclusion for three years," said the two mountain ghosts cleverly.

Seeing that they were still clever, Ye Guxin wanted to promote them, so he asked them, "What's your name?"

The two mountain ghosts couldn't help being flattered to hear their emperor asking their names, and the one on the left replied: "The young one is called Lin Feng, and his name is Lin Mu."

"Lin Feng, Lin Mu, yes, good name, you two will follow me from now on." After saying that, they went straight out regardless of whether they agreed or not. As soon as they left Xunxinju, they felt that the Tianyuan Mountain Range had completely changed.

On the highest peak of the Tianyuan Mountains stands a majestic temple. The temple was hidden underground by the mountain god of the earth with the spirit of the earth. If Ye Guxin himself was not the land, he would not have discovered it for a while.Ye Guxin's great spiritual sense through the sky discovered that Tiannan Zhang Cong and the others were inside the temple, and there were countless land and mountain gods in the mountains that were constantly patrolling back and forth.

Ye Guxin led Lin Feng and the two into the temple with a drop of a thousand miles.It wasn't until Lin Feng and the two arrived at the temple that they realized it, and couldn't help but look at Ye Guxin with fanatical eyes again.

Tian Nan and the others were caught off guard when they saw Ye Guxin and Lin Feng suddenly appear, but they immediately reacted and bowed down to Ye Guxin, "Welcome master (emperor) to leave the customs."

"Okay, get up." Ye Guxin waved his hand to get them up.

After getting up, the drunk Taoist smiled and said to Ye Guxin: "Master, you should have broken through the third floor this time."

"That's right, I have also reached the Heart of the Ocean on the fourth floor, and my skill has also reached the early stage of Golden Immortal." Ye Guxin smiled.

"Congratulations, Master (Emperor)" Tian Bo and the others congratulated Ye Guxin after hearing that Ye Guxin's skills had improved.

Ye Guxin took a look at their cultivation, and found that Tian Nan had already transformed all the true energy in his body into fairy spirit, and the drunken Taoist had already survived the calamity. It also passed without any risk.Now there is some fairy spirit in the body.

At this time Zhang Cong asked Ye Guxin: "My lord, now that you're out of customs, do you want to meet the land of the mountain god?"

"Don't be busy, I'll spend some time sorting out a set of exercises for you in our land. You can't practice the Dihuang Jue anymore." Ye Guxin said to Zhang Cong.

When Zhang Cong heard that Ye Guxin was going to create a special exercise for them, he couldn't help being excited and thought of him knelt down and said, "Zhang Cong kowtowed to you on behalf of all the mountain gods and lands in the world."But when he was about to hit the ground, he found a soft force that prevented him from going down again.Zhang Cong knew that only their Huangye Guxin could have this ability.

"Emperor, let me kowtow to you on behalf of the brothers in the world."

"Get up, don't you think I am your emperor? Since I have decided to be your emperor, then these are already my obligations. I have the responsibility to make you stronger. Only strength can make us stronger." It is possible to truly rebel against Heaven. They are your brothers, aren't they my brothers, aren't they my people?"


"Okay, needless to say, three months later, we will summon the land of the mountain god again." Ye Guxin turned his back and said with a wave of his hand.

"Yes, Huang." Zhang Cong didn't say anything, but looked at Ye Guxin's back with an excited look, and then walked out respectfully.

After seeing Zhang Cong leave, Ye Guxin said to Tian Nan and the others: "Okay, Tian Nan, Xiao San, you go out too, don't bother me these three months, I want to think about your cultivation method "

"Yes, Master." After finishing speaking, they also went out, and Ye Guxin said to Lin Feng and the two of them again, you just guard the door and don't let anyone in.

"Yes, Emperor." After finishing speaking, the two stood guard on both sides of the temple.

Ye Guxin sat cross-legged and comprehended the high-level exercises in his mind. He wanted to use these advanced exercises and his own understanding of the origin of heaven and earth to create a set of exercises that belonged to the mountain god Land himself, and also used as the foundation of the Emperor's Sect. Town teaching method.

Slowly, three months passed without knowing it, and countless land and mountain gods gathered in the Tianyuan Mountain Range. These mountain gods and lands all came to worship their Huang Ye Guxin after hearing the news, and after they heard Zhang Cong say that they were When creating their own cultivation techniques for them, I felt a little more fanaticism and respect in my heart.

On this day, countless mountain gods and lands gathered outside the temple like mountains and seas. The infinity made a huge Tianyuan mountain range extremely crowded, and the long line actually reached the Qixia mountain range connected to Tianyuan.Although there were many mountain gods coming to Hungry Land, there was no crowded event, and they all looked at the distant temple with a pair of fanatical eyes.Because there is their emperor, the hope of their revival, and the faith in their hearts.

Ye Guxin, who was still in the temple, also felt the great power of faith.After thinking about it, there is still a statue missing in the temple. If you want to cultivate the divine way, the primordial spirit must have a sustenance, but you have to think about the appearance of the statue, after all, the appearance of this statue is the appearance of his second primordial spirit .Can not be sloppy.

Ye Guxin thought for a while, and with a thought, countless golden lights began to gather in the center of the hall following Ye Guxin's spiritual thoughts, and a statue of a god slowly appeared in front of him.

I saw a book holding a book in its left hand and a pen in its right hand.The statue's feet did not touch the ground, but stood in the air, its eyes staring at the void unyieldingly.An unyielding aura emanated from the statue.If you take a closer look, you can see a huge and beautiful world behind the statue, where there are countless fairy flowers and plants, birds and animals, running freely between the mountains and forests.The whole world is filled with a kind of peaceful atmosphere.All good things emerge from it.This is the world Ye Guxin cultivated in.Dihuang Realm.

When he succeeds in the divine way and the Earth Emperor Realm is formed, a divine catastrophe will fall, and if he survives it, he will form a realm of his own, but if he survives it, the world will collapse.Refining the world has always been against the sky, and it has always been just a chance.Without exception.

Ye Guxin looked at the statue and smiled with satisfaction.A trace of the primordial spirit was separated from the primordial spirit and entered the statue. After the primordial spirit entered the statue, the statue became even more agile.Ye Guxin's primordial spirit slowly turned into the appearance of a god statue, because it is still too weak and small, it seems a little hazy.

Ye Guxin thought of the many propaganda methods of Taoism, Christianity, and Buddhism when he was on Earth, and Ye Guxin had also seen their teachings. Think about it, a sect cannot live without a temple.

As I read it, the boundless golden light gathered into a book, combined with many scriptures on the earth, took a part that was useful to him, modified it, and added Ye Guxin's point of view in it, that is, to punish evil and promote good, Don't be oppressed by others' rudeness, and promote to live with dignity.The land is not born to be enslaved, etc., and so on, the local emperor's holy scriptures have been compiled. In addition to these, there are also exercises he created for the land within three months. The "Earth Emperor's Canon" created by Tiandao's understanding of the origin now only has two kinds of exercises, because Ye Guxin only understands two kinds of origin.

(Originally, I wanted to take a break to adjust my depressed state of mind. But I saw someone saying that I have to rest after updating a chapter every day. I just feel tired when I find that the book I have written so hard has no one to support it.
Forget it. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I will continue to update tomorrow. I have to express my position here: as long as you continue to support me, I will continue to update.)
(End of this chapter)

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