Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 224 The Skeleton King Appears

Chapter 224 The Skeleton King Appears
How could Tian Nan and the others let Sun Wukong face it alone? The drunk Taoist immediately sacrificed the magic weapon he had obtained recently, that is, the wine gourd. The suction force sucked most of the arrows into the gourd in an instant.Then the gourd was swung back into the hands of the drunk Taoist.

The drunken Taoist shook the gourd in his hand twice with a smile on his face, and the Five Elements Divine Fire suddenly appeared in the gourd. The arrows shot by those skeletons were originally made of bones, but they were instantly turned into ashes by the Five Elements Divine Fire .

Seeing it from the side, Monkey King couldn't help shouting: "Second senior brother, good tricks, but I am your junior brother, and I can't lose to you, right? Look at my tricks." With a shout of "change", the golden cudgels in the air suddenly turned into tens of thousands, covering the whole sky, and those arrows couldn't even fly in.

After Tian Nan saw it, he laughed and scolded again: "You two boys, today you stole all the limelight from us. You must know that my Tianlei Yin has never tried its power since it was fully refined. Next time you can Don't rush to do it, let me show my face in front of the master, now the master must be watching us outside." It is true that Ye Guxin has been paying attention to Tian Nan and the others since they entered, after all, he does not want his apprentice Died suddenly in this skeleton array.

Seeing Sun Wukong's tricks, he couldn't help but shook his head, and said: "Oh, you really don't fear those who don't know, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, this skeleton is just the simplest change, according to records, there must be eighteen skeleton flags Only then can the skeleton array be formed, with eighteen skeleton flags, that means there will be eighteen skeleton kings inside. I don’t know what power the skeleton king has. I hope you are all right.”

The drunken Taoist smiled and said, "It's okay, senior brother, with so many skeletons, don't you think you won't have the chance to show your face? How about leaving the skeletons outside to you?" You must know that they just blocked the arrows that shot out just now. , those skeletons were not killed.Now she just showed her face to Tian Nanlu.

Tian Nan looked at it, nodded, and said: "Okay, today I will show you my Tianleiyin. This Tianleiyin was the first magic weapon that Master got back then. When he accepted me as a disciple, he gave it to me. A meeting ceremony. Although its power cannot be compared to a divine weapon, it should not be underestimated. It is a treasure." After speaking, a round magic weapon flew out of Tian Nan's body. It was Tian Lei Yin, after Tian Lei Yin flew out, In an instant, it became the size of an acre of field.Cover the skeleton below.

Now Tian Nan's cultivation base is easy to deal with. He can already completely control Tian Lei Yin, and its power is even more amazing. Originally, Tian Lei is the representative of the sky, and its power can be said to be huge. It can be said to be unimaginable, but the power of water and fire is hard to compare with the thunder of heaven, even the catastrophe of heaven appears in the form of thunder.We can see its power
Tian Nan's eyes were serious, one by one his handprints entered the thunder mark of that day, and in an instant, countless thunderstorms appeared in the sky without warning, and none of those thunderbolts fell completely entered the thunderstorm of that day.

Tianleiyin lit up in an instant.A trace of electric light flashed on it.Then a series of sky thunders the size of buckets fell from that day's thunder lead. Those sky thunders fell on the ground, and the skeletons with a radius of ten meters beside the sky thunders were instantly wiped out.What is the sky thunder is the representative of heaven's punishment.It is formed by the awe-inspiring righteousness between heaven and earth.

It naturally contained unparalleled power. After the energy of the sky thunder smashed those skeletons, those skeletons could not be revived again under the influence of the surrounding black dance.This result was unexpected by Tian Nan and the others, and they couldn't help but be very surprised. Sun Wukong said: "Brother, I didn't expect you to have such a method. If you knew that Tianlei is so easy to use, you should take it out earlier, that would be great." ?"

Tian Nan smiled and said: "Junior Brother, I just found out, otherwise I would have used it a long time ago. Alright, now look at my Five Elements Thunder." Sky thunders, those thunders have different colors, and their powers are even more different. Among them, the most powerful one is the water and fire double thunder.

When the fire thundered, the inside of the skeleton exploded in an instant. Countless fireballs mixed with traces of electric light bombarded the surrounding skeletons, and the touched skeletons burned themselves one by one.

But those who were struck by the water lightning turned into ice sculptures one by one, and their vivid appearance looked like a work of art.

A series of five-element thunders flew out of Tianleiyin.The surrounding skeletons didn't want to enter their bodies at all, Sun Wukong saw that he had taken out a peach from nowhere, and said while biting: "Brother, your magic weapon is really good, when will you use me to use it, I see Brother, your magic weapon is not much worse than a divine weapon."

Tian Nan was also reluctant to change because of the ability to attract thunder from the sky this day, and he practiced day and night to have the power he has today.He smiled and said: "Your brother and I are just such a treasure that can be sold, and you have been thinking about it. It seems that this treasure of mine will not last long. Hehe" talking non-stop, One by one, the fingerprints were printed on Tianlei Yin.

To say that Ye Guxin and his apprentices are very united and have no clumsy heart. Before Tian Nan was accepted as an apprentice by Ye Guxin, he was a casual cultivator. For a hundred years of cultivation alone, loneliness is unavoidable.I have always longed to have some people to accompany me.Since having these juniors, he has been extremely caring.For these juniors, they usually pick out any good things first.So in Sun Wukong's heart, they also respect him as a big brother.

Sun Wukong heard it and laughed quickly: "Brother, I was just joking just now, you must not take it seriously." Suddenly when he was speaking, eighteen huge piles of dead bones rose around them unknowingly.A gloomy air flashed above, and all the black mist in the space suddenly quickly entered those bone piles.

And at some point in the sky, a round of black moon suddenly appeared, and eighteen black moonlight brilliance suddenly and without warning irradiated from the moon to the eighteen piles of dead bones.Then bursts of wailing and howling flashed around.And the surrounding skeletons suddenly stopped moving, and they all knelt on the ground, facing the eighteen piles of dead bones, as if they were on a pilgrimage.

Tian Nan and the others couldn't help being shocked when they saw this situation, Tian Lei Yin also stopped.He couldn't help asking: "What's going on?" Chi Tian frowned at this time, and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, after I went back yesterday, I studied the volume of the formation left by Master. Although there is no picture of the large skeleton formation in the formation volume, it does explain the skeleton formation."

Gou Tian also asked: "What's written in there, is there a way to break the formation?" Listening to Tian Nan, they also showed a questioning look.Seeing this, Chi Tian shook his head and said: "Brothers may be disappointed, but there is no way to break the formation in this skull formation. Back then, it was only the ancient great sage Donghuang Taiyi who used the innate Lingbao Chaos Clock to stabilize the formation. Only then can we break through."

The Bull Demon King had a violent temper, and immediately shouted: "Then since you have no way to break the formation, what are you going to say? It's better to kill it quickly."

Tian Nan raised his hand and said: "Brother Niu, why don't you be in a hurry? Isn't it easy to kill? My junior brother knows the best matchups. We can't be wrong if we listen. Junior brother, go ahead."

Chi Tian nodded and said: "The thing to pay attention to in this skeleton formation is that it is composed of [-] skeleton flags, and each skeleton flag represents a skeleton king. This skeleton king is not afraid of swords, guns, water and fire. It’s infinitely large and extremely powerful. Look around, there are just eighteen piles of dead bones here, and if I’m not mistaken, there should be those eighteen skeleton kings.”

Upon hearing this, Sun Wukong immediately laughed and said: "Junior brother, you must be too cautious. Think of my old grandson, who was born with a stone monkey, and ordinary swords with copper tendons and iron bones can't hurt me. It doesn't matter if he is a skeleton or a skeleton king. My old grandson just smash it into meatloaf with a stick." Said, he flew towards the nearest lump of bitter bones.Bian Fei also said: "Let my old grandson be the pioneer for the brothers and sisters today. Look at the stick." After finishing speaking, he raised the golden cudgel in his hand and smashed it down on the pile of bones in front of him.

The golden cudgel is so powerful that it weighs tens of thousands of jins. It was a magical weapon used by Dayu to control floods in ancient times, and was finally used by the East China Sea to suppress the underwater dragon palace.Unexpectedly, it was taken by Monkey King.With this stick down, the space seems to be torn apart by it.Bursts of golden brilliance flashed on the golden cudgel.

And when Chi Tian saw Monkey King flying out, it was not in a hurry to stop him, so he could only watch what happened quietly. After all, he was not very clear whether there was Skeleton King or not.

When the golden cudgel was about to reach the bone mountain, the black moon brilliance shining on the mountain suddenly became brighter, and instantly entered the bone pile, with a loud "bang", the huge bone mountain fell on the golden mountain. Under the immense force of the cudgel, those who were hit flew away in all directions.

The crisp sound of "ding" instantly changed the whole world.The originally unstoppable golden cudgel suddenly and mysteriously stopped in mid-air.Tian Nan and the others couldn't help being startled, they quickly fixed their eyes and saw a huge black bone knife appearing under the golden cudgel, a black brilliance flashed above the bone knife from time to time.

Then the bone mountain under the bone knife began to crack, and a huge skeleton slowly appeared in front of everyone. Not only was the skeleton about ten meters high, but it was also wearing an armor made of bones.Skulls appeared on it one by one, looking extremely sharp.

(My eyes are so sore from watching the computer)
(End of this chapter)

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