Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 226 Amber Soul Reappears

Chapter 226 Amber Soul Reappears
Although these things were said slowly, they happened in the blink of an eye. The three-pronged fork in the hand of the Bull Demon King touched the skull that was shining with lightning.A soft force appeared between the two, and the skull, which was not something to focus on in the first place, flew out in an instant under this soft force.

But the things in this world are so coincidental, the place where the skull landed was not deviated or slanted, it just happened to land on a mountain of bones.That bone mountain is one of the seventeen bone mountains.

There was a loud "bang", the skull exploded violently after touching the object, countless electric lights flew around like silver snakes, and the bone mountain was blown to pieces by the skull, followed by a huge A figure emerged from the bone mountain.A skeleton exactly the same as before appeared in front of Tian Nan and the others.But it's not exactly the same. If there is any difference, it is the weapon they hold in their hands. What this skeleton holds is not a bone knife, but a huge black bone gun.Now Tiannan and the others can still see the lightning flashing on the skeleton.

But those electric lights were instantly extinguished by the black moon brilliance shining on it from the top of the head, and the dark eyes were ignited in those two huge eye holes.He suddenly turned his head to look at the Bull Demon King, his eyes were full of anger. When the Bull Demon King saw it, he didn't wait for others, and said in his mouth: "Everyone, don't grab it, it's just mine. See how I break it. Today It's time for me, the old cow, to show my skills."

The Bull Demon King's cultivation is not bad, he has already reached the level of a quasi-Yaozun, and his cultivation level is only one step away from the Yaozun. The Bull Demon King also feels that his realm is about to break through recently.He himself is a different kind of flying cow in the wild, born with infinite strength, moving mountains and filling seas is just a small skill.A pair of horns are even more impenetrable to swords, water and fire.Invincible.

The battle between this one and that skeleton was inseparable, and the surrounding skeletons lurking underground were all shattered by the breath leaked from the battle between them.But the spear in the skeleton's hand penetrated everywhere, and it inserted it whenever it saw a gap, making it difficult for the Bull Demon King to gain the upper hand for a while.He was firmly suppressed by the skeleton.

When Zhang Cong saw that Monkey King and the Bull Demon King also moved their hands, his blood boiled even more. Seeing that the Bull Demon King was about to lose, he took out the magic weapon Tiger Soul Knife without even thinking about it.The current Tiger Soul is much stronger than before. Ye Guxin once imprinted the golden god pattern into the Tiger Soul Knife, which made its sharpness increase.Moreover, it also prevented the evil spirit of the Tiger Soul from turning back on its owner.It has become a real artifact.Later, Ye Guxin saw that he had a sword but no sword technique, so he passed on to him a kind of sword technique recorded in the previous Fengshen, called Tiansha Saber Technique.

The evil spirit contained in this Tiansha sword technique can be described as earth-shattering. If it weren't for the tiger soul knife with the golden god pattern protecting the master, Zhang Cong might have been stunned by the evil spirit when he was practicing.

Tian Nan didn't say anything when he saw Zhang Cong going to help the Bull Demon King, but the seal formula in his hand kept changing, and suddenly shouted: "Tiangang Thunder Formation." Dao of thunder light fell in the direction of the Tiangang array in an instant, just enough to cover the Skeleton King inside. After the thunder light appeared, it did not disappear or explode as fast as the previous thunder and lightning, but turned into 36 A bucket-sized thunder beam surrounded the Skeleton King.Then countless thunderbolts shot out from the 36 beams of light.

The skeleton glanced coldly at the beams of light around it, and let out a strange "quack" sound. Although the power of thunder and lightning was a guest star of foreign objects like them, they were afraid of it, but now its body is like a diamond, and its power is infinite.I will never be afraid of this little thunder formation from the sky.

The bone knife in question gave off a black light and slashed directly at the surrounding beams of light. It was shaped like electricity, and it was extremely fast. When Tian Nan saw it, he pinched his hand, and all the beams of light suddenly burst.The incomparably powerful energy wanted to radiate around, and countless lightning forces formed a large area.It's like a huge lightning net.Suddenly covered the skeleton inside.And the skeleton's bone knife actually went through the grid and cut into the air.The strength of Zhan Kong at that moment directly turned his body around.

Sun Wukong saw that Tian Nan actually covered the skeleton in the power grid, but the skeleton couldn't get out of the power grid, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "Brother, you are too strong today, and you still have such a means " Tian Nan shook his head and said, "The power grid won't be able to trap that skeleton for long, if the energy that erupted just now is consumed, the power grid will also disappear."

Sun Wukong scratched his head when he heard this, and suddenly said: "Senior brother, is there a way to keep this power grid from disappearing, so that even if it can't be killed, it can still trap it for a while." All kinds of handprints, said: "Of course, otherwise, why should I waste my energy to build this power grid? As long as the thunder continues, the energy of the power grid will not disappear. It can also trap it. But to kill it, It's still too difficult. This skeleton is invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and now my lightning can only trap it for a while. No wonder it was able to kill millions of elite monsters in ancient times."

At this time, Ye Guxin who was outside was observing them with a magic talisman. After seeing the power of those skeletons, he couldn't help but start to twitch in his heart, thinking: Hehe, these skeletons are so powerful. If you are afraid of Luzhou, then who dares to invade China.The puppet art on Fengshen before seems to be useful, I will do a few now.Such a big guy, if you take it, you can't be mad at that hate, hehe.

Just do it, Ye Guxin directly started making puppet jade charms.Although the skeletons are powerful, it is a pity that they have not yet produced consciousness. As long as this puppet jade talisman is injected into their bodies now, a consciousness that is only loyal to him will immediately be produced.Absolutely no act of betrayal.As long as a few pieces of jade charms can subdue such a useful Skeleton King, why didn't Ye Guxin do it.

At this moment, Ye Guxin suddenly saw a white crane flying over from the sky, and it seemed that her target was the skeleton formation.Ye Guxin also noticed the aura on her body, her cultivation was actually not weak.And after the white crane, a big man with his feet on the blue sky appeared in the sky. From what he looked like, he was transformed by the green bull.

After Ye Guxin saw them, he didn't deliberately hide his figure, they spotted him at a glance.After the white crane found Ye Guxin, it suddenly turned into a woman in white and came stepping on white clouds.He arrived in front of Ye Guxin in an instant, and saluted: "White Crane pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor, Your Majesty is well." And it was Qingniu who also came in front of Ye Guxin, and also saluted: "Qingniu came to pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor by the order of the Lord. .”

Ye Guxin nodded, and with a flick of his right hand towards them, Baihe and Qingniu felt an incomparable force lift them up in an instant, and they were extremely shocked by Ye Guxin's cultivation.At this time, Ye Guxin's voice also came over and said: "There is no need to be too polite."

Bai He bowed slightly and said: "My mother once said: Hate Li is against the sky and has no way, and even set up such a fierce formation, let me help you break the formation." Qing Niu also said after seeing Bai He "My master also asked me to help you break the formation, and hand over this bottle of Nine-Turn Golden Elixir to Your Majesty." He said, took out the jade bottle containing Nine-Turn Golden Pill, and handed it to Ye Guxin.

Ye Guxin put it away without even looking at it, nodded and said: "Thank you, master and lady, for me. I, Ye Guxin, will not let him go when I hate to arrest my daughter Ling'er. I will have a fight with him sooner or later. This skeleton array It's not time to break, first let those apprentices play for a while, let them know that there are many people who are stronger than them in this world, and let them calm down." The two Bai He quickly answered yes.After all, this is Ye Guxin's home stadium.

As soon as Zhang Cong came in front of the skeleton, a strong evil spirit emanated from his body, and instantly poured into the Tiger Soul Knife in his hand.A white tiger roared in the blade.He shouted: "Lao Niu, I'll help you." After speaking, he immediately took the skeleton's spear.He only felt the Tiger Soul sink in his hand, and boundless pressure pressed towards him from all directions.

Only then did Zhang Cong understand the horror of the skeleton. The pressure alone was so great. Seeing that Zhang Cong had blocked the skeleton's spear, the Bull Demon King hurriedly said, "Brother Zhang, be careful, this skeleton is so fucking scary. I thought the strength of my old cow was the greatest, but it was not enough to meet it." After speaking, he also lifted the three-pronged fork and inserted it into the two eye holes of the skeleton.

The skeleton held the gun in one hand, and blocked the three-pronged fork with the other. There was a loud "dang", the skeleton was fine, but the three-pronged fork in the bull devil's hand was trembling non-stop, and there was a flash of light on the bull devil's face. Painful look, but immediately disappeared without a trace.He shouted in his mouth: "This guy is not as good as a knife or a gun. His whole body is harder than steel. How can he fight like this?"

When Zhang Cong heard this, he said in a long way: "Look at me, my tiger soul is a magic weapon, so sharp, I don't believe that I can't break it." Said the tiger soul was blown up by his dance, endless The evil spirit is mixed in it.He slashed at the skeleton's left hand violently. In the life of "Dang", Amber hits the target.

"Kacha" I saw a small crack appearing on the left hand of the skeleton. Amber Soul is indeed worthy of an artifact, and its sharpness is indeed unparalleled.It could actually hurt the skeleton's body.After the skeleton felt it, the eyes in his mind trembled, and the black light grew suddenly on his body, and the wound was instantly intact.With a wave of his arm, Zhang Cong felt an irresistible force reaching Tiger Soul.

"Holding" a mouthful of blood, he couldn't hold back anymore and spewed out from his mouth, and flew out violently.Amber even fell directly to the ground.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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