Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 238 One more game

Chapter 238 Another round
one more game
Seeing Lin Mu's fight, Ye Guxin couldn't help nodding his head. Without his guidance, they could still have such a cultivation base, such a state. It can be seen that they really worked hard, otherwise they wouldn't have the cultivation base they are today. Think again Thinking of their hard work guarding the temple for thousands of years, it is indeed not easy, and it is also a great achievement for him.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly said to Tian Nan who was beside him: "Tian Nan, from now on, the six people who participated in the competition today can enter the mystery box to see my supernatural powers. Don't stop me when the time comes." After finishing speaking, he looked towards the void and said lightly : "Although my mountain god land has made rapid progress, it is still because of the short training time and lack of experience, it is difficult to compare with those who have experienced many battles. Letting them who have potential to practice more supernatural powers can be regarded as improving the overall strength. "

When Tian Nan heard it, she also nodded and said: "Yes, Master, I originally wanted to tell you about this matter. I saw that they only practiced the Emperor's Code before, but they didn't have many attack methods. After this competition, ask the master a question, so that some people with potential can learn more supernatural powers. Unexpectedly, master, you actually proposed it first."

Ye Guxin nodded and said: "In the future, as long as you are of my Emperor's lineage, you can learn the same supernatural powers from the mysterious box as long as you have cultivated to the emperor level. If you have not raised a level, you can enter again. What can be learned, how much can be learned Achievement depends entirely on their own. After all, I can’t take care of them forever. We cultivators must rely on ourselves. Others can never be relied on. Others will always belong to others, and it is impossible to become our own. This sentence You must remember."

Tian Nan nodded again and again.Indeed, what belongs to others is only what belongs to others, but what belongs to oneself will always belong to oneself. Only by learning more supernatural powers and practicing more, sooner or later, one day you will be able to surpass the people in front of you.

However, Lin Mu and Yi Tianchou in the barrier were still fighting extremely fiercely. The sword energy on Lin Mu's body had already prevented his own safety. There was no way the Thunder Fire Hook could do him any harm.And Lin Mu's sword energy couldn't enter his body, and he would be directly blocked by the elusive thunder and fire hook.It's really weird that the two have been at each other for a long time, neither of them can beat the other.

Ye Guxin saw it, and knew that if he wanted to decide the winner, it might not be an ordinary difficulty. After thinking about it, if he continued to fight, it would only be a matter of endurance, but it would take an unusually long time. He couldn't help but said to Henli: "Henli, you see, it's hard for them to decide the winner in a short period of time, so it's better to deal with it in a draw, what do you think?"

Hate Lixin didn't take this kind of competition to heart. If it wasn't for the sake of the face of those who came to help, he wouldn't want to wait any longer. If Xiang Linmu and the others were so time-consuming, then he really didn't know what the competition would be Now, when I heard Ye Guxin's proposal, I knew it was the best choice now, so I nodded and said, "Okay, let's deal with it as a draw. Let's separate them now. It will only take time to continue the fight."

Ye Guxin also nodded, and the two of them emitted a white light at the same time, each imprisoning the people on their side, and the fierce battle between the two stopped silently for a moment.At the same time, standing still, Ye Guxin said: "The two of you are evenly matched, and it's hard to tell the difference for a while. Why don't you just let it go, and this match will be treated as a draw. What do you think?" He waited quietly while speaking. Follow their answers.

Lin Mu originally had unlimited admiration for Ye Guxin. In his heart, Ye Guxin was the eternal god, the patron saint of the mountain gods and lands in the world. In fact, he was not the only one who thought this way, basically all the mountain gods and lands thought this way.After hearing Ye Guxin's words, he also knew that Yi Tianchou in front of him was not inferior to him.If you want to decide the winner, I'm afraid it won't be decided in a short while, and he said without the slightest opinion: "Your Majesty, I have no opinion." After finishing speaking, he didn't even look at Yi Tianchou in front of him, and said Enchantment.And Yi Tianchou also snorted coldly, and walked on.

Seeing the fallen trees, Ye Guxin nodded and said: "It can be seen that you have been practicing hard, but I just hope that you will not relax at all in the future. You must know that cultivation is against the sky. It is like sailing against the current. If you advance, you will retreat. This Yimu Zimu Tower will be handed over to you, and you will practice hard in the future to guard the lineage of my Emperor." Then he handed over a tower that is the same as the previous Tianlei Zimu Pagoda to Lin Mu, It's just that the tower is cyan, and the cyan bead on the top of the tower seems to contain endless vitality.

After Lin Mu took over, his face showed a look of joy, and he quickly knelt down and said: "Thank you for your generous gift, Lin Mu must work hard to cultivate, and His Majesty's cultivation will not be in vain." tower.stepped aside.Lin Sen beside him showed an envious look, after all, it is an extremely honorable thing to be rewarded by Ye Guxin.Seeing Lin Sen's expression, Lin Mu smiled and said, "Brother, don't worry. His Majesty will definitely give you a magic weapon when you play later. Don't you have it too?"

Lin Sen thinks about it too, except that Yu Luo didn't get it, as long as the rest of the land of the mountain gods go to battle, they can get a different pagoda. If he goes to battle, he will definitely get this kind of treasure.He smiled and said: "Brother, you don't have to worry, don't say there are treasures, even if there are no treasures, I will play to let everyone know that our mountain god land is not easy to bully." a sacred color.

Lin Mu also nodded when he saw it.Seeing that it ended in a draw this time, the Demon Realm couldn't help but dare not underestimate the land of these mountain gods, knowing that they have indeed grown up under Ye Guxin's cultivation, but their growth speed is really amazing In just a few thousand years, such strength can be achieved. Looking at those lands of mountain gods, there are thousands of them. If these forces are combined, it is not a simple force.

Zhu Shangfang among the three members couldn't help but jumped out and said: "Devil Lord, let's let this one go." But the head of Zhu Shangfang was very frightening, with his eyebrows raised, he looked like a ghost.What is in the hand is a pair of meteor hammers.His meteor hammer is also extraordinary, it weighs more than 6000 catties, and it was forged by him from meteorites that fell from the sky. If it hits a person, it will cause serious injury even if it does not die.

Henli also nodded, but did not speak, what he is doing now is keeping his own strength at the best state, in order to deal with the upcoming battle.No matter how exciting the fight is now, it's just a foil. The real main show is the final battle between him and Ye Guxin.

When Zhu Shangfang saw Henli nod his head, he immediately flew into the barrier.The meteor hammer in his hand hit the ground, and in an instant the ground sank and waved around him, spreading out in all directions.Then came the sound. A loud bang resounded through the sky.Lin Sen couldn't help frowning when he saw it, and he stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, please allow me to play, and let me show off my emperor's lineage."

Ye Guxin nodded and said: "Go, but your own safety is the most important thing. If you lose to the enemy, you don't need to force yourself. If you work hard in the future, you will naturally surpass them, you know." Lin Sen nodded when he heard that, but the expression in his eyes But there is a trace of firmness.Fly directly into the enchantment.

After entering the barrier, he glanced at Zhu Shangfang and said: "The mountain god Lin Sen is here to ask for advice." After finishing speaking, he quietly looked at the person in front of him, Zhu Shangfang grinned and said, "My name is Zhu Shangfang, and I will teach you a lesson today. I'll let you know how heavy the hammer in your Grandpa Zhu's hand is." His smile really looked like a ghost possessed him, Lin Sen couldn't help laughing when he saw it, and waved his hand suddenly, countless vines appeared on the ground without a sound, As soon as they appeared, they immediately surrounded Zhu Shangfang inside.I don't know what those green vines are made of, but they are extremely tough.After being rolled to Zhu Shangfang, Zhu Shangfang didn't break it even after pulling it, which shows its tenacity.

Seeing the creeping vines growing around him, Zhu Shangfang couldn't help but feel his scalp numb, and even scolded: "Damn, what, good guy, you're still twitching non-stop. Huh, you grow up, don't you? Let's see your grandpa today!" Burn you up with a torch." After Zhu Shangfang saw that he couldn't stop talking, he was also very angry, he opened his mouth and sprayed in front of him, and a black flame spewed out from his mouth in an instant.

As soon as the fire appeared, it began to burn, trying to burn the surrounding vines to ashes.But when Lin Sen saw the faint smile, he snorted coldly in his heart: How could my rattan art be so clean that you can burn it with a single fire? I don't know that the wild fire can't burn out, and the spring breeze blows life.Thinking of a picture suddenly appearing above the head, the picture is tumbling like chaos, and there are two lights flashing inside, one is yellow and the other is cyan.

This is the diagram of the Great Rebellion Five Elements Formation, but his cultivation base is not enough, he only refined two attributes, that is, earth and wood. With a thought in Lin Sen's mind, a blue light shot into the sky vine. The burned vines began to grow at an even faster speed, and wrapped Zhu Shangfang around his legs.

"Hum..." With a cold snort, a layer of flame suddenly appeared on Zhu Shangfang's feet, which directly burned the sky vines on his feet, and flew up violently, saying: "You little climbing vines can't do anything!" Me, don't watch me smash you to pieces today, the meteor hammer in my hand turned into a violent blow as soon as Liu Guang wanted to smash it to the ground.

The meteor hammer should run at a high speed, and a layer of flame appeared on the surface, like a fireball, and the momentum was terrifying.But Lin Sen was also happy and unafraid. With a finger pointing, countless sharp spikes suddenly appeared on those sky vines, and the spikes flashed coldly from time to time.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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