Chapter 246
However, Ye Guxin has taken a fancy to Henli's Luobao money, and Henli is also a little interested in Ye Guxin's God Alchemy Ball. After all, there have been two God Alchemy Balls since the beginning of the world, one is the one in front of him, and the other is the one in front of him. One was the first to be refined in the prehistoric period. It can be said to be a rare thing, and because I have the money to drop it, I want to drop it.In this way, not only can one obtain treasures, but one can also use the refining ball to refine the purest skills.In that way, countless masters can be created at once.

With such benefits in front of his eyes, besides, Henli couldn't watch Ye Guxin take away the devil he had worked so hard to restrain, so Henli made a move, only to see that Luobao money suddenly turned into a golden light, and hit it in the blink of an eye. Touching the surface of the alchemy ball, the light of the alchemy ball disappeared for a while.He was directly carried by the Luobao money and flew over with wanting to hate.

When Ye Guxin saw it, he couldn't help being surprised at the effect of Luobao money. He didn't expect that after the Luobao money touched the ball of refining spirit, the connection between himself and the ball of refining spirit disappeared in an instant.And this didn't vibrate his soul, Ye Gu thought to himself: It is worthy of being the treasure that can drop the treasure of the Nirvana Saint, and Luobao money is worthy of the word Luobao.It does.But Ye Guxin was already on guard when he saw the Luobao money, how could he let him just take away his Alchemy Ball.

The blue water flag above Ye Guxin's head suddenly released a blue light, and the last one appeared in front of Luobao Qiang, a chill condensed in front of Luobao Qiang, and layers of thick aurora ice lay on Luobao Qiang front spread.What is treasure drop money? Its ability to drop treasure is the best in the world, but its attack power is not much. Originally, at the speed of treasure drop money, if you don't pay attention, it may really be run away by it.

But who is Ye Guxin? As soon as the Luobao money appeared, he had already focused on it.How could it get away.Luobao Qiang is only a magic weapon, and the Aurora Xuanbing is not a magic weapon at all, at best it is just a chill, and Luobao Qiang has nothing to do with it.As soon as it touched it, it quickly froze into an ice sculpture together with the refining ball.

Henli saw it, and suddenly realized in his heart. He didn't expect that he was calculating Ye Guxin's refining ball, and Ye Guxin was also calculating his Luobao money. Choose Luobao Money without hesitation.With Luobao money in hand, any magic weapon can be easily obtained, but I didn't expect to be careless for a moment today, and released Luobao money in front of Ye Guxin.

Judging from Ye Guxin's behavior just now, he not only wants to take back the refining ball, but also takes away his Luobao money. It seems that Ye Guxin is very interested in Luobao money this time.But Henli didn't want the magic Luobao money to fall into Ye Guxin's hands.One of the eight hands of the Demon Dao Golden Body was holding a large black net, and suddenly swung out the large net, covering the already frozen Luo Bao Qian.

This net looks exactly the same as the sleepy dragon net used by his apprentice Liuyu before, but he doesn't know that the net that Henli is holding now is the original one, called Suotian net.It means that even the sky can be locked.What Liuyu used was just an imitation he made according to the Suotianwang, but it was already extremely powerful.Not to mention the Suotianwang, which is the purest, most violent, and the most persistent bit of magic that Hate Li has extracted from the universe for thousands of years with great mana and perseverance. up.

After Ye Guxin saw Henli throwing out the Suotiannet, he already felt the terrifying aura coming from somewhere, but even so, Ye Guxin would not give up the Luobao money.Could it be that he has the means, but he doesn't?The blue wooden flag above his head suddenly shook slightly.

In an instant, countless blue lights flew out from inside, and quickly came to the front of Luobao money, blocking the middle of Suotiannet and Luobao money, and then those blue lights turned into seeds, and those seeds were in the In the blink of an eye, it germinates and grows rapidly, within a billionth of a second.These seeds have evolved a growth history of all things.Countless towering giant trees stand in the starry sky.Put that drop of treasure money shrouded below.

This is the start of a new round of battle between Ye Guxin and Henli, that is, the battle between the ownership of Luobao money. If you want to get Luobao money, it depends on who has better means and who has stronger magic power.This is a contest of strength, neither Henli nor Ye Guxin dare to neglect.

At this time, people from all walks of life who were paying attention to the battle between them saw such a change in the battle, and they couldn't help watching more carefully, and they couldn't take their eyes off them. They wanted to see something from the battle between them. The endless tricks made them even more addicted.Thinking about my own spells compared to them, it is really insignificant, not worth mentioning at all.

Sun Wukong and the others were even more delighted to see it, and couldn't help but praise it again and again, and Tian Nan, the most knowledgeable among them, couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the money with wings: "Luobao money, no wonder Master wants to be with you!" He fights." It can be said that there are very few people who don't know the name of Luo Bao Qian.So after Tian Nan saw it, everyone else saw it too, their eyes lit up when they saw Luo Bao Qian.

I thought to myself: If the treasure money is in my hands, am I afraid that I will not have a magic weapon in the future?If you want something, just drop it.Everyone's eyes lit up thinking about it, but they were all just thinking about it. Who are Henli and Ye Guxin? Even if Saint Nirvana came over, he might not be able to get this treasure from them.Especially the emperor Ye Guxin is a person who has no taboos.Who dares to provoke.So even if they have that idea, they just think about it in their hearts.Have a dry addiction.No one dares to pluck the hair on the tiger's head.That can only be an act of courting death.

But I saw those blue lights turned into giant towering ancient trees, those countless ones were huge, and they were all exactly the same. Hate Li's lock sky net was not blown, after being scattered, it quickly changed It is huge, three points bigger than those ancient trees, and it directly covers them inside.Looking from the outside, one can see a net that looks like the fisherman's net, and a large piece of big fish is caught in it.

As soon as the sky-locking net covered the forest made up of giant trees, a burst of mysterious black light quickly emitted from the surface, and the black light quickly penetrated into it as soon as it appeared.Then I saw that the entire forest was slowly shrinking in the black light with the shrinking of the lock sky net.There is actually a tendency to catch everything.

Ye Guxin saw how it would make him happy, and a blue light emitted from the top of his head broke through the restriction of Suotiannet and entered the forest inside.After the injection of blue light, those trees stopped shrinking instantly, and seemed to be about to grow bigger again.And after Ye Guxin's love emitted that blue light, he even said coldly: "Big--Luo-tian-hand"

As soon as Ye Guxin's words fell, a giant hand that could cover the sky appeared in the void.And quickly Xiangsuo Tianwang was caught.This big Luo Tianshou was originally specially used to collect the magic weapon, as long as it was caught by him, the magic weapon would be difficult to move.obediently into the pocket.

This Da Luo Tian Hand is also a technique that all practitioners understand, but they have not seen that the Da Luo Tian Hand can be cultivated to such a huge level. Not to mention it is a magic weapon for capturing, even if it is capturing people, it is also accurate.The hands of the Tathagata of the Western Paradise also have other supernatural powers, as long as a person enters, it is like entering another dimension.That also has a name called Palm in the World.There is a world in a grain of sand in the western sky, and there are three thousand worlds in the hands of the Tathagata.You can get rid of this, but you can't escape that.It can also be regarded as an amazing supernatural power.

But although Ye Guxin's big Luo Tianshou looks terrifying, but he doesn't have much supernatural power. Dao Jian Qi.As long as Henli dares to touch the big Luo Tian's hand, the nine sword qi will come out. At that time, as long as Henli is blocked for a moment, Luo Baoqin will also have the surname Ye.This move can be described as extremely clever.With the momentum of this big Luo Tianshou, it is impossible for Heng Li to detect the sword energy inside.

And Henli was a little startled when he saw the mighty Da Luo Tianshou, but he also disdainful, and sneered, "Hmph, Ye Guxin, no matter how powerful your Da Luo Tianshou is, you can't take my Suotian!" Net, Suo Tianwang has long been combined with my primordial spirit, so how can it be taken by you." As he said that, the hand holding the demon seal smashed down at the big Luo Tian hand, and as soon as the demon seal was released that day, Hate Li After touching his hand, it became incomparably huge, and he took advantage of the situation to meet the big Luotian hand.

Although I don't know what Ye Guxin means, but be careful to make the Wannian Ship, Henli still used the magic seal of that day.Want to break it up.On the other hand, it is exerting pressure on Suotiannet, trying to drag Suotiannet and its contents over.But there is a whole forest inside, and the trees are huge.Besides, how could Ye Guxin watch the movement of Suotianwang and remain indifferent?

With a sneer, he said: "Henli, I will fight with you today, and today I will see how heavy things you can pull." After finishing speaking, there was a sneer, and then, a yellow light suddenly flew out from the top of the head, sinking When I entered the forest, I saw that the originally blue forest and trees suddenly had a layer of yellow.That is the strength of the earth flag.Now Ye Guxin is not so anxious about the Luobao money.Instead, he had to fight with Henli on this first.Find out who is the real protagonist.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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