Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 253 Gods Twilight Earth Emperor Heaven Realm

Chapter 253 Gods Twilight Earth Emperor Heaven Realm
Ye Guxin took the jade box from Yuenu's hand, why do you say, the five spirit beads should be on his body in the end, and when he became a saint, he felt that there were some spirit treasures in the world that were destined for him. After all, he found that the five spirit beads just corresponded to his original heart, and there were more than just five spirit beads.Instead, there are nine.

Opening the jade box, one can see that the five spirit beads are constantly emitting all kinds of brilliance inside, which looks very beautiful.But Ye Guxin didn't care about these, pointing at the five spirit beads, in an instant the five spirit beads turned into five brilliance and entered Ye Guxin's body, and slowly stopped in the original heart with the same attributes.Then you can see that the flame above the original heart burns hotter.

"Yuenu, after I open up the dojo, I will give you some magic weapons for self-defense. You have worshiped under my sect for so many years, and I haven't given you anything. I will make up for it later." Ye Guxin saw Yuenu's faint smile. road.The current Moon Girl is still dressed in white, and her face is covered with a layer of white gauze, but no one has ever seen the face under the white gauze.Even Tian Nan and the others as senior brothers don't know.After all, if Yue Nu is unwilling, no one has the right to make her take off her veil.

Yuenu nodded and said, "Thank you, Master." Ye Guxin couldn't be blamed for what happened to Hate Li back then, and both of them fought in a fair competition. , The method is not as advanced as Ye Guxin, these moon girls have understood before, and they have no resentment towards Ye Guxin.Be Ye Guxin's apprentice with peace of mind.

Moreover, these senior brothers of hers also cared about her very much and cared for her very much. She also felt the long-lost love from them.It also completely settled down.

Ye Guxin was also very happy when he saw it, and said with a smile: "Okay, then let's go to that 33 days away, the land of chaos, and see that I also come to open up the world. Refining the world." Speaking of a huge auspicious cloud, the group of people all Hold it up.Go directly to the land of chaos 33 days away.

Opening up the world is the ability of a sage, as long as you become a sage, you can open up your own space.Like other saints, they all have their own space, their own ashram.As long as the development is successful, everything here will be completely controlled by oneself.The rules are changed according to their own wishes.This is the world that belongs entirely to the saint.

I think Ye Guxin has never been outside 33 days since he came to this world. You must know that 33 days away is the land of chaos. The land of chaos is so dangerous. A saint, without the support of a magic weapon, does not have a chaotic body.It is impossible to go up without great mana.Originally, Tian Nan and the others' cultivation bases would not be able to rise to this level.But under Ye Guxin's protection, there is no danger.

When everyone came 33 days away, they saw chaos in front of them.Nothing.Ye Guxin saw it, and said to Tian Nan and the others behind him: "You have to take a closer look now, the opportunity is right in front of you, it's up to you how much you can comprehend. Alright, I'm going to start." After speaking, Zhan Tian suddenly appeared in hand.The current Zhantian is not inferior to any innate spirit treasure after Ye Guxin became a saint.

Ye Guxin looked at the chaos in front of him and smiled faintly.Zhan Tian suddenly swipe towards the Chaos in front of him, and the Chaos began to tremble in an instant, and then Ye Guxin swung it a few times without stopping, and it happened to be the Nine Swords in front of him.In the end, the chaos was divided into two parts, and the ground water, fire and wind appeared in it. Ye Guxin saw it, took a breath, and suddenly blew towards the ground water, fire and wind, and the ground water, fire and wind began to riot violently. Split one by one, turning into clear and turbid air.The clear ones rise, and the turbid ones sink.What is clear is the sky, and what is turbid is turned into the earth.These seem to be extremely messy, but they contain the supreme avenue.

Slowly, the sun, moon and stars began to appear in the sky, and mountains, rivers and mountains appeared on the earth.stream river.Since then, the world has been completed.But the heaven and the earth were initially fixed, but the stars in the sky were unstable and began to float around.It looked like if they were moving around, they might bump into each other.

But Ye Guxin was not worried at all, five brilliance suddenly appeared on his body.But it was the five spirit beads that had just been taken into the body.These five spirit beads have a function, that is, they can form a spirit treasure chaotic beads.This chaotic bead also has the effect of stabilizing the chaotic world.Now Ye Guxin wants to use the Chaos Orb to define the newly opened world.

Under Ye Guxin's control, the five spirit beads were suddenly combined in the air, and after emitting a multicolored light, a dragon bead-sized bead with various things constantly appearing on its surface appeared in front of everyone.This is the innate treasure Chaos Orb.When Ye Guxin saw it, he smiled slightly, and pointed at the Chaos Orb with his hand, the Chaos Orb emitted bursts of brilliance, covering the whole world in the brilliance.The sun, the moon, and the stars also stopped moving in this majestic light.

Ye Guxin exerted his power again, re-swinging the stars in the sky, and arranged them according to the Zhoutian star battle array, and for a while, the endless power of the stars shone on the earth.This world can be regarded as really refined, but looking at the surrounding area is bare and desolate, it is really deserted.

Seeing it, Ye Guxin waved his hand again, and a ray of colored light flew in, and all things revived in an instant, flowers and trees, exotic flowers and plants.Pieces appeared one by one, and then a little bit inward, birds and beasts gradually increased.The world suddenly became lively.

Ye Guxin smiled, seeing that the world had been formed, he waved his hand again, and a high mountain rose from the ground, reaching a height of ten thousand zhang.It is called Lonely Mountain, and it is called Lonely Mountain.Ye Guxin looked at the Lonely Mountain again, and a magnificent palace suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain.Standing between heaven and earth.Very majestic.

Ye Guxin followed the dragon and the snake with his sword, and slashed in the void. Three huge characters appeared on the plaque of the palace, and those three characters were impressively - Dihuanggong.Those three characters contain extremely powerful sword energy, and the font contains supreme sword theory.The power is terrifying.

So far, the creation of the world has been accomplished, the overall situation has been settled, the chaotic orb was divided into five spirit beads again, and returned to his body.Looking at Tian Nan and the others behind him, he found that they were all in a daze.Haven't recovered from the aura of just opening up the world, shook his head and said: "Okay, you can't lose what you get, now come with me to enter this Emperor's Heaven Realm to have a look." world.

And Tian Nan and the others were also awakened by Ye Guxin's words. Seeing that Ye Guxin had entered the Dihuang Heaven, they quickly followed in. The sky was transformed, and he was able to communicate with spirits, so he casually enlightened two spirit stones, and the spirit stones turned into two boys.The servant is at the gate of the main hall.

After Ye Guxin entered the main hall, he sat down in the main seat, and when he saw Tian Nan and the others coming in, he nodded and said, "Okay, the feeling of opening the sky this time can make your cultivation improve a lot, but you must remember that if you want to Speed ​​makes progress. Everything must be based on a stable state, otherwise, if you want to improve in the future, I am afraid it will not be so easy."

"My Ye Guxin's sanctification this time can be regarded as a real support for my lineage of mountain gods and lands. From now on, as long as it is not a big deal, not many people will mess with us. Besides, the twilight of the gods is coming soon, you must You have to work hard to cultivate, and don't lose my reputation as the emperor." Ye Guxin talked to Tian Nan and the others carefully.

"Master, you have been talking about Ragnarok all the time, but when it will start, I don't know if Master can make it clear so that the disciples are on guard." Tian Nan has been listening to Ye Guxin talking about Ragnarok. However, I don't know when this Ragnarok started. Now that Master is sanctified, he should know something about it.That's why I want to ask for clarification.

Ye Guxin smiled and said: "Well, Tian Nan, you are so impatient. Actually, this matter is difficult to determine, and the time has not been fixed yet. There is a space barrier between my Eastern God Realm and the Western God Realm. Only saints can cross this barrier. If they are not saints, as long as they approach, they will be seriously injured by the barrier of heaven and earth."

"The war between the east and the west will not start until the barrier between heaven and earth disappears, but nothing will happen within 300 years, but after 300 years, the barrier between heaven and earth may disappear at any time. The beginning of God's Twilight, we can't avoid it at any time, and I still have an opportunity waiting for me in the West. I have to go too."

"Hmph, who cares about the Western God Realm, when the time comes, we must pull out all the feathers of their bird angels, and then make a feather dress for Master and Teacher's wife. It must be very beautiful." But it was Sun Wukong, who didn't have a good impression of those birdmen in Ye Guxin's mouth, and they were not things from the East, and he didn't pay attention to them, and how much he died had nothing to do with him.

When Ye Guxin heard it, he smiled and said: "Well, Wukong, I will wait for the feather clothes you made for me and my teacher from now on. I hope you will not break your promise." When I saw the winged one, my eyes lit up, and I wanted to kill it and use it to make clothes for my master and my wife. Later, in the twilight of the gods, the angel with wings died the most at the hands of Sun Wukong.You must know that Sun Wukong's idea of ​​wanting to honor Ye Guxin is not a day or two.Now it is rare for Ye Guxin to speak in person, how could he not do his best for him.

Sun Wukong even patted his chest and said: "Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely dedicate his clothes to Master and his wife when the time comes." He said with confidence.I am even more interested in those angels.

(I stayed up all night yesterday, and today I really can’t support it anymore. I support this chapter and I’m going to sleep.) , support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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