Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 255 Gods Twilight Nuwa Empress

Chapter 255 Gods Twilight Nuwa Empress
Nuwa couldn't help being happy when they saw the Empress Witch. When she saw the Empress Wu using the moment of beauty, she thought that the Empress Wu was already injured, but she didn't expect to be rescued by the Emperor. It must be her fault. good fortune.Then Ling'er was adopted as a righteous daughter by him.Ling'er can be said to be blessed by nature.Nodding repeatedly, he said: "Okay, you guys get up." After talking about the witch queen and Ling'er, they felt an irresistible power to lift them up.Knowing that it must be the work of Empress Nuwa.

Not daring to resist, she stood up, and Nuwa smiled when she saw it and said, "Okay, you guys have survived this catastrophe, and you can be regarded as turning out of the catastrophe, and Ling'er has a great fortune. Accepted as a righteous daughter. I feel very relieved. You can practice in my palace in the future, I don't know what you mean."

Nuwa asked this because Ye Guxin was here, and Ling'er had recognized Ye Guxin as her father now, so she must have let her know, otherwise Ye Guxin's face would not look good.Queen Wu's wish has always been to practice in the Imperial Palace. Now she is happy to hear that Empress Nuwa has given her permission. How could she object? But Ling'er is a big problem. I don't know if she is willing to stay here or follow Ye Guxin.After all, Ye Guxin is her adoptive father.

"Ling'er, would you like to practice with the empress?" The Empress Wu looked at Ling'er and asked, but she wanted to see what Ling'er meant.And Ling'er is also very contradictory now, she has just reunited with her mother, and she doesn't want to leave her mother, but she also doesn't want to leave her adoptive father. You must know that they have been together for ten years, it can be said that they were with Ye Guxin in childhood spent together.This also put her in a dilemma.That is to say, he can't bear his adoptive father, and he can't bear to bear his mother.Can't help flashing a sad look on his face.

Ye Guxin and Nuwa knew what Linger was thinking when they saw Linger, and they couldn't help but glanced at each other, Ye Guxin also said: "Linger, you don't have to worry about foster father, if you want foster father in the future, you can come to me. It’s not that we’ll never see each other again. You and your mother just met again, please spend more time with your mother.” These words gave Ling’er a decision.

Ling'er thinks about it, it's not bad, anyway, it's not a parting, it's just a period of time, if you miss him, go find him again.He just nodded and said: "Father, Ling'er will miss you." As he spoke, his face was full of reluctance.When Nuwa saw it, she said to Bai He outside: "Bai He, take the Queen and the Queen down, because Your Majesty and I still have something to discuss."

Bai He walked in and said, "Yes, you two, please follow me." Then he took Empress Wu and Ling'er out.Ling'er looked back at each step, obviously reluctant to part with Ye Guxin.

"Houtu has always been my boudoir friend, and it is a good thing for her to have a Taoist friend to become a Taoist couple." Nuwa said with a smile after the witch queen and the others left.In the past, Houtu was indeed her boudoir friend, but later because she felt the suffering of the world and finally transformed into the six realms, Nuwa was also sad for a while.A sage is also a man, and he is also lonely. You can endure thousands of years, but the loneliness of hundreds of millions and countless years is difficult for a saint. Otherwise, the great god Pan Gu in the chaos of the past would not be willing to open up the world for this reason. Transform the universe.In order not to suffer from the loneliness.

Back then, Houtu was crushed in the ground by the Ten Thousand Years Mysterious Tortoise that she accidentally threw down in the North Fear Luzhou. Later, Ye Guxin used the evil god's banner to gather the anger of Shenzhou.But it can be regarded as a big cause and effect for her.And she also owed Ye Guxin a huge favor.This favor has to be repaid.Then he took care of his descendants more.This favor is not small.The two are also considered good friends.

When Ye Guxin heard about Houtu, his expression was a little sad. What Ye Guxin proved was not a ruthless way, but a way against the sky.The matter of feelings has not been let go.His feelings for Houtu have not changed a bit.He said lightly: "If Houtu can recover after a hundred years, I will definitely bring her to live in Empress Wa's Palace."

Hearing Ye Guxin's words, Nuwa knew that he had thought of Houtu's injury. Houtu's injury should have been damaged a long time ago due to the blood curse of the ten thousand demons, but Ye Guxin was already incapable of great magic, and there were several great spirits. Only by protecting her body can she be supported until now, but this will also change Houtu's fate, and it is difficult to see her future results from the way of heaven.Now he can only rely on the legendary Heaven-Defying Pill.

"Back then, Houtu went to the end of the sky because of my mistake. In the future, I will be told by my sister Houtu about everything I see." Nuwa has never forgotten what happened back then.Nuwa became holy because of the merits of creating human beings, and what she proved was not a ruthless way.Also a loving person.

Everything before Ye Guxin's sanctification became clear in an instant. How could he not know what happened back then, and he also knew that she was indeed the reason for his miss, and he didn't really blame her. , How could he meet Houtu at the end of the sky, how could such a relationship happen.

"Who made it clear what happened back then. This time, I am [-]% sure that I can save Houtu. God's punishment, what is God's punishment? I, Ye Guxin, have never been afraid of any challenge." This sentence is easy to say, but there is something A proud aura circulated around.When Nuwa saw it, she couldn't help praising her: she is indeed a person who walks the road against the sky, but there is a force against the sky in her body.

"Okay, Fellow Daoist Lonely Heart, I got a spiritual tree in the Western God Realm when I was in the twilight of the gods. Let me give it to you, as I will do my best to my sister Houtu." After finishing speaking, he waved a ray of light In a flash, a golden tree appeared in front of him.The tree was covered with golden apples.A powerful energy response emanated from the apple.

Ye Guxin could feel that if the energy in this apple was refined by an ordinary person, it would immediately become a fairy.It can be seen how powerful the energy inside it is, but this energy has little effect on Ye Guxin. Compared with him, the energy is like the difference between a drop of water and an ocean.

Although this has no effect on him, it is a good spiritual object for his disciples.It is still possible to give it to the sect.And this golden apple has great potential to absorb endless energy.As long as it takes a long time, the energy inside can also accumulate to a terrifying level.It might be useful by then.

Hearing that Nu Wa said that she got it from the Western God Realm, and seeing that it was in the shape of an apple, she couldn't help being startled, and then said: "My Lady, is this the golden apple tree in the Western God Realm Yi Paradise?" Looking at Nuwa.

Nuwa covered her mouth with a light smile and said, "Fellow Taoist Guxin is really well-informed. He even knows about the golden apple tree in the Western God Realm. Nuwa admires it." She paused, and then said: "This golden apple tree When the tree was in the second Ragnarok that year, I also went to join in the fun. I went to their Yiyuan to have a look. I heard that there were Adam and Eve in it. Unfortunately, I did not see Adam and Eve. I just saw this golden apple tree and saw some good fortune, so I moved it out of Yiyuan. Now I’m just borrowing flowers to offer Buddha.” He said with a faint smile, and the way he looked was indescribably glamorous .

But it didn't do much harm to Ye Guxin.Ye Guxin also smiled and said: "I only know about this golden apple tree. I heard that this apple is completely made of energy. Moreover, the energy inside still has no attributes. Anyone can fuse it. It is indeed a treasure. It’s a good spiritual thing. I have a god, which can breed spiritual things, and I will plant this golden apple tree later. At that time, I will have another spiritual thing in the east.” If this golden apple tree can become like a flat peach If it is planted, it is indeed a big event.

"Well, I heard that there are still many good things in the west. Anyway, there are still a few hundred years before Ragnarok is reached. You can also go there for a walk, but this time Ragnarok seems to be the same as before. It's simple, there are some powerful guys in the west, and I'm afraid it will be a little dangerous this time." Nu Wa also figured out that this Ragnarok is not as simple as before.So I also reminded Ye Guxin.

She also knew that Ye Guxin would definitely appear in Ragnarok this time, and he might be the protagonist. Although the saint would not be destroyed by then, it wouldn't be good to lose face.

Ye Gu said coldly: "How can I be afraid of him in the little Western God Realm? I'm going to turn the world upside down this time. When will it be my East's turn to invade the West? If I don't destroy it, he still doesn't know how powerful I am!" It’s good if I don’t invade them.” Ye Guxin has never had a good impression of the West, and has long wanted to take advantage of Ragnarok’s twilight to give him a serious blow, so that he will not be able to recover in the future.Otherwise, they will not give up on Dongfang.

When Nuwa heard this, she didn't say anything, she just smiled, she already knew that there were variables in this battle, maybe Ye Guxin was the variable.It's a bit early to say this now, after all, there are still hundreds of years.There are so many variables here.Even a sage can hardly see clearly.

Ye Guxin took a look, and put away the golden apple tree in front of him with a wave of his hand.Entered the Fengshen.When he had time, he practiced the method of planting.Now that what should be said has been said, it is also time to say goodbye, don't underestimate this moment, ten days have already slipped away quietly.Now is the time for him to preach.It is also time to return to the Emperor's Heaven Realm.

Standing up, she said: "Your Majesty, I've been bothering you for so long, so it's time to go back. If you have time in the future, you can find me in my palace. I will naturally know."

"Fellow Daoist, you are welcome. I will naturally visit your underground palace when I have time. If you have something to do, fellow Daoist, let's go first." Nuwa also stood up and said.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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