Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 257 Eight Views in the Palace

Chapter 257
The Western Buddhist world is located in the far west, with few people and even more dull aptitudes. It is difficult to achieve the Dao at all. Even if you practice Buddhism, it is difficult to achieve much. The East is different. The Eastern people are outstanding. Three out of ten people with high qualifications, and the rest with relatively poor qualifications are much better than those from the West.How can you say that the West does not hang down.That is to think of the East to pass down the orthodoxy all the time.

But there are so many sages in the east, while in the west there are only two sages, Zhunti and Yingying. As long as there is no chaos among the sages in the east, it will be even more difficult to pass on the orthodoxy in the east, but even so, they will not stop there , when he was conferred the gods back then, many people with high oriental aptitude passed away.Now I am thinking about going on a journey to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.Test the mind of the Eastern Saint, the bottom line.Tathagata's second disciple, Jin Chanzi has also been reincarnated.As the protagonist of Journey to the West.

And Tathagata has another idea, that is to rescue the clone that Ye Guxin pressed under Wuzhi Mountain back then, just in time to protect Jin Chanzi from coming to Lingshan, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.But it is not known whether they can reach Lingshan safely.

The current Ye Guxin doesn't even have a good impression of the Buddhist world. If he wants to preach in the east, he has to pass the test of Ye Guxin, and the clone of the Tathagata is suppressed by him. It is not so easy to rescue it.It is impossible for Ye Guxin to let him be so relaxed now that Tathagata bullied him like that.I just don't know who will protect him without Monkey King now.

Ye Gu thought in his heart, and the car drove towards Bajing Palace.The cloud road of the nine black dragons is indeed not slow, and it is already approaching the Bajing Palace at this time.The full name of Bajing Palace is Daluo Tianxuandudong Bajing Palace.But it is also the world opened up by Lao Tzu.

Lao Tzu deserves to be a figure who has long been sanctified, the head of the Sanqing.When Ye Guxin was about to arrive, he had already sensed it, pinched his hands to calculate the secret, smiled lightly, and said: "Jin Tong'er, go to the door to meet the distinguished guest, and bring him here directly. I am sitting in the gossip In front of the furnace. The fire flashed in the Bagua furnace, and the light continued to burst out from the furnace. It was Lao Tzu who was refining alchemy. There was a burst of strange fragrance in the furnace. It was obviously a good furnace, but this furnace did not know what it was Golden Elixir.

Although Jin Tongzi didn't know who the distinguished guest was, the master was sure he was right, so he just waited patiently at the door. Sure enough, after a while, he saw a car pulled by nine black dragons driving towards Bajing Palace.Knowing that this is the honored guest that the master said, he did not dare to neglect, and quietly waited for the car to arrive.

In an instant, the nine black dragons stopped in front of Jin Tongzi at the same time, and the car didn't vibrate at all from the extreme movement to the extreme stillness. It can be seen that the nine black dragons' grasp of strength has reached an unimaginable level.In order to have such an effect.Ye Guxin took a sip of the wine gourd in the car.I know that the Bajing Palace has arrived.Also put down the wine.Get out of the car.

Jin Tongzi looked at it and found that it was the Emperor who had met once before. He couldn't help being surprised. Everyone knows that the Emperor has disappeared after being sanctified, and he certainly knows it.Just now he said that it was a distinguished guest, but he never thought it was Ye Guxin. Surprised, Jin Tongzi hurriedly stepped forward to salute Ye Guxin and said, "Greetings to His Majesty the Emperor. The master ordered me to pick up His Majesty."

When Ye Guxin heard it, he couldn't help admiring that Lao Tzu was really amazing, he was worthy of being a saint who has been sanctified for countless years, the head of the Sanqing, he nodded and said: "Okay, you lead the way in front." Then Jin Tongzi led the way in front, and in Ye Guxin also followed behind Shiyun and Banyue holding their treasures.

Ye Guxin looked at the surrounding scene while walking, only to see that the dense air in the Palace of Eight Views kept rising, and there was even a strange fragrance blowing from the surroundings.All kinds of strange scenery are countless.Ye Guxin couldn't help but praise.The scene of Zhenxian's home is also.Walking while watching, after a while, I have arrived at Lao Tzu's alchemy room.

Jin Tongzi stopped and said: "Your Majesty, the master is waiting for you inside." Seeing Ye Guxin, he nodded lightly and said: "Yes, Shiyun, Banyue. You just wait here." "Yes, Your Majesty" Waiter When Yun and Banyue heard this, they quickly replied.

Ye Guxin didn't stop, and just walked in.I saw Lao Tzu in Taoist robes sitting on a futon, looking intently at the alchemy furnace in front of him, seeing the flames flickering in the furnace, he knew that some kind of elixir must be being refined inside.And Lao Tzu turned his head gently, looked at Ye Guxin, waved his hand, and a futon appeared in front of Ye Guxin.Then Ji Shou said: "Fellow Taoist Guxin. Please sit down." There was a calmness in that tone.

Ye Guxin was not polite, and sat directly on it.He said lightly: "Fellow Daoist, you should know why I came here this time." After speaking, he looked at Lao Tzu quietly.After all, he knew he was coming, so if he just deduced the way of heaven, he would naturally know why he came.Ye Guxin also doesn't like turning corners.Speak up if you have something to say.

Lao Tzu smiled and said nothing, shook his head, nodded again, and said, "Fellow Taoists are too impatient. There is a saying: Haste makes waste. Peace of mind makes things come true. Inaction leads to governance." What Lao Tzu pays attention to is innocence.Ye Guxin didn't take it seriously when he heard it, but just smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist, I don't agree with what you said. We practitioners are doing things against the sky, and I practice the way against the sky. And I have proved that It is not the way of ruthlessness, it is difficult to be as pure and inactive as you."

Lao Tzu nodded, knowing that Ye Guxin's way is against the sky, so he didn't argue much about it. After all, we are all saints and have different ways.Not much to say on this. "I know why you came this time. You can be regarded as an anomaly. You have become a saint in just a few thousand years, and you can be said to be a genius. What's more, what you have proved is the most against the sky. The way of heaven, the way of love. It’s okay to lend you this gossip furnace, but I just happen to be refining a furnace of medicine pills, if I move now, the medicine medicine inside will be wasted. It’s not beautiful.”

When Ye Guxin heard this, he also thought to himself, anyway, there is still a period of time before the hundred-year mark, if he misses alchemy because of this, it would not be beautiful.I also calculated it in my heart, knowing that this furnace can be refined within a hundred years, so I just borrow it when the time comes.Then he nodded and said: "Fellow Daoist, I calculated just now that your potion of pills can be completed within a hundred years, and I hope that fellow Daoist will not hesitate."

Lao Tzu said in a low voice: "Good" He also knows that this potion of medicine can be finished within a hundred years.That's why he agreed to Ye Guxin just now, but he still has something to tell Ye Guxin, after all, now the Western Church wants to have a hand in the East.This has to be guarded against.Although there are only two saints in the Western religion, if they come from behind the scenes, they will not be easy to attack the juniors if they are afraid of the saints.

Although Lao Tzu advocates innocence and inaction, but now it is about orthodoxy, he has to do something. No one will share his own cake with others, and this person is not a family.This is even worse.If it was just Dongtu fighting on its own, no one would have anything to say, but now that the Western Church wants to intervene, they have to respond unanimously.

Tathagata used his second disciple's generosity to test the East to see what the East's attitude is towards the West.If you resist, it is definitely impossible for the Western Mahayana Buddhist scriptures to enter the East. Although this is a waste of effort, it can be regarded as a true understanding of the attitude of the East. If you acquiesce, then the Western Way will naturally enter the East.Then everything will be complete.

When Ye Guxin heard what Lao Tzu said, he quickly closed his eyes and began to calculate the way of heaven. In an instant, he understood the cause and effect, and couldn't help but coldly snorted: "No matter how chaotic the East is, it's also about the East. If he wants to get a leg in the West, That's absolutely impossible. He has saints in the West, but don't I have one in the East? He wanted to travel to the West, which annoyed me, so I went to travel to the East. There are saints in the West, but I don't know how many more saints there are in the East than he does. ?”

In these words, he has already clearly expressed his attitude.Lao Tzu also nodded, he also knew that Ye Guxin's beliefs can be said to be the most in the East, and he has the belief that Luzhou is a state in the north.And basically all of them are followers of Ye Guxin.The rest of the beliefs are simply ignored.But I didn't expect that he would have such insight and such a mind.Can't help but admire.He nodded and said: "Good, it's not my turn to take care of the affairs of the East. They also got involved when they conferred the gods. It's really abhorrent. Now they still want to preach in my East. Really It's too holy to deceive people."

When Ye Guxin saw it, he couldn't help but feel a little amused. This issue related to the orthodoxy, even Lao Tzu, who has always been pure and inaction, began to be annoyed.But he still said: "Fellow Taoist, don't worry, as long as I, Ye Guxin, are with me for a day, Western religions will never want to enter my Middle Earth to preach."

"Shan, I will take care of what fellow daoist asks for. When the time comes, I will ask someone to bring you the gossip furnace. Don't worry, fellow daoist." Laozi got the result he wanted, so he was happy. Give Ye Guxin an explanation.

Ye Guxin nodded and said: "Okay, then I'll take a step first." I didn't speak, but still nodded.Ye Guxin didn't care either.He walked out of the alchemy room at a leisurely pace.Seeing Shiyun and Banyue outside the door, he said indifferently: "Let's go back." After speaking, he walked straight to the car.

Shiyun and Banyue quickly returned to the car, and asked Ye Guxin: "Your Majesty, where are you going now?" Ye Guxin said in a cold voice: "Go to Wuzhishan" After knowing the plan of the Western Church, he also knew The course of Journey to the West will never let Buddhism take advantage of it.Didn't he want to save Tathagata's avatar?I let him suffer a big loss.

(If you want to talk about my update speed, it has always been very stable, even in the top [-] VIPs. So don't talk about me anymore)
(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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