Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 261 Traveling Overseas

Chapter 261 Traveling Overseas
For Ye Guxin, the Jade Emperor still dares to put on some imperial airs, and when he heard that Ye Guxin was leaving, he didn't dare to stand up with the Queen Mother to see him off, after all, his identities are different now.If it is not a saint, who would dare to put on airs with him.The Jade Emperor knew very well that the creatures in this world were just passing clouds in their eyes.It doesn't make any sense at all.

Ye Guxin went straight out of the Heavenly Court. Now that he had informed the Jade Emperor, the rest of the matter would be a matter of course. As long as the North Sea Dragon Clan moved to Zhongnanhai, Zhongnanhai hadn't been damaged at all over the years, and its aura was stronger than other places. I don't know how much richer it should be.And it was under the protection of Ye Guxin.

As the saying goes, it is good to enjoy the shade at the foot of the big tree, Ye Guxin can be said to be that big tree, to be protected by a saint is better than anything else, at least it is much better than being under the hands of Tianting.Beihai would not have any reason to refuse.

But Ye Guxin didn't intend to go to them so soon. Anyway, cultivators may not have anything else, but the only thing they have is time.Time has no meaning to them at all, as long as the catastrophe does not come, there is nothing to be afraid of.Not to mention a saint like Ye Guxin.That is even more irresistible.

Anyway, I plan to take a swim in the sea, so I will take a walk in the sea first.Near Ye Guxin is the East China Sea, and there is a dragon king named Ao Guang in the East China Sea.The sea area under him is also extremely vast, but who knows that the dragon king looks beautiful, but he is actually just a victim. This one looks at the dragon king's wealth, this one comes for weapons, and that one comes for treasures, but the dragon king is because of his cultivation. It's not good, it's just that no one dares to offend, and everyone wants to speak nicely.It can be described as useless to the extreme.

Last time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was given a treasure by Monkey King, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel.Later, they gave away armor and precious boots, which shows how weak the Dragon Clan has become.

Although Ye Guxin is considered to be reborn now, he has always regarded himself as the descendant of the dragon in his heart. Seeing that the dragon clan is so weak, he feels uncomfortable, so he came to find the dragon clan to guard Zhongnanhai, otherwise he could just find a Shui clan to guard Zhongnanhai. , which is the so-called cause and effect.In the past, he was the descendant of the dragon, but now it is Ye Guxin who wants to let the dragon clan stand on the top of the world again.Let the descendants of the dragon really have the capital to be proud of.It can also be regarded as giving the Dragon Clan a real chance to rise.

Although it passed through the East China Sea, it did not enter the East China Sea Dragon Palace.Instead, it directly entered the sea water.I saw a strange scene in the sea water.It is three points better than the scenery on land.In the past, Ye Guxin was used to seeing the scenery on the ground, but now the scenery under the sea is even more special.

Even this is a worthwhile trip.Ye Guxin was not in a hurry about other things, he walked and watched, with his current cultivation base, no one could find him in the water, and when he came down, he disappeared again, with the cultivation of the sea clan in the sea Why don't you even think about seeing him.

Along the way, I saw pearls, agates, and yushu corals, and there were many wonderful sights along the way. Ye Guxin nodded repeatedly.From time to time, I collect some rare treasures and put them into my own world.So it's not lonely.There are even more strange sea people on the bottom of the sea.Some have even heard of it.Not to mention watching it.

Suddenly there was a sound of fighting ahead.From time to time, it was accompanied by a soft drink.Ye Guxin couldn't help being a little curious when he heard that, he didn't know who was fighting in front of him.Quickly coming to the front, I saw a cold and handsome woman fighting with several strange people.

Ye Guxin saw through at a glance that the woman was from the dragon tribe, and those who besieged her were from the aquatic tribe.It's just that they didn't know why they were fighting, and Ye Guxin couldn't get in, so he watched from the side first.

"Third Princess, don't resist, you should surrender obediently, and we are left with some tricks." Although one has a human body, their cultivation is not enough, and some of their original characteristics remain.The man's hands were two large pincers.It looked like a crab.That man was worthy of being a crab, and when they fought, it was a rampage.A pair of large pliers is even more brave.In his mouth, he cursed a few words from time to time.

The three princesses said angrily: "Hmph, what kind of benefits did my sister-in-law do to you to intercept me here? My sister-in-law is really vicious. She wanted to kill me once while I was out. If my brother knew, My brother will definitely not let her go." While speaking, he swung the long sword in his hand, and the long sword flashed with a green light, and green light flashed every time he swung it.There is no hindrance in the water.Obviously not an ordinary magic weapon.

Ye Guxin looked at it, but shook his head. The green long sword in his hand was a good treasure in the eyes of others, but in his eyes it was no different from ordinary things.His Zhantian is no less than any spiritual treasure in the world.It can be said that his Zhantian was originally an unparalleled spiritual weapon.It can be improved with the improvement of his cultivation base.Those spirit treasures that have been fixed since birth are even more precious by three points.Why would he want to prolong other people's treasures?

"Hey, you don't have to worry about any benefits you give us. You won't know about it in the future. As long as you hand over the three Dinghai beads you got. Maybe we can give you a good time." said a thorny aquarium.There are three of them together.The one with the long thorn on its head is an arrow shrimp.The other one was the man with a turtle shell on his back, and he could tell it was a big turtle at a glance.

The defensive power of the tortoise shell is really not simple, and the three princesses' sword slashes only left a small mark on his tortoise shell, which could not cause any damage at all.When Ye Guxin saw it, he couldn't help but said to himself: That tortoise shell is indeed a good thing, if you take it, you can also make a good thing.But now is not the time.

"Hmph, you three lackeys, I think my Dragon Palace treats you well, why did you go to that sister-in-law and that vixen." As he said that, a flash of light flashed from the sword, thinking that the crab spirit's head was chopped off.That crab has been practicing for many years, although limited by his aptitude, it is difficult to obtain any great supernatural powers.But it can be considered a bit capable.Especially the pair of big pliers are like fine steel, there is no way for ordinary magic weapons to cause any harm to him.Seeing the sword, he was not afraid, and directly clamped it with the clip.

These three princesses are Ao locust, the third princess of the East China Sea Dragon Palace.She was favored by her father and brothers in the Dragon Palace, so she didn't pay much attention to the matter of cultivation, thinking that there would be no danger.It is indeed very happy to be in the Dragon Palace, and playing in the sea from time to time is also considered pleasant.

When I was playing in the sea some time ago, I got three Dinghai beads by chance. These Dinghai beads are also innate spiritual treasures, and there are 24 of them together.It claims to be one world in it, and if they are completely sacrificed, it can become 24 worlds.Has great power.It can even set the sea.Also known as Dinghaizhu.

After this Ao locust got Dinghaizhu, she let her family know about it, and the rest of the people didn't know about it. She didn't expect her sister-in-law to be greedy for this Dinghaizhu, so she gave benefits to the three guards around her , and what happened today.Although Ao locust didn't like this sister-in-law before, he never thought that she would have such thoughts.Her sister-in-law is a vixen.It's called the Princess of Change.

Originally, if Ao Liao had taken out the Dinghai Pearl from the beginning, the current situation might have been different, but now he is suppressed by those three people and has no time to make a move.This is also the result of her not practicing diligently.Otherwise, with the physique of the Dragon Clan, this would be the situation there now.Thinking of not practicing seriously before, Ao locust couldn't help but regret secretly.

But there is no regret medicine in the world. As time went by, Ao locust gradually couldn't support it, and the green light on the sword became more and more dim.Beads of sweat kept dripping down.She was gasping for breath.The crab spirit saw a flaw, and swiped the big pliers in his hand to cut Ao locust's neck.

At this time, Ao locust hiding was in no hurry, so he couldn't help closing his eyes, and said to himself mother.Then start detonating the dragon balls.As long as the dragon ball is detonated, even if she is physically injured, the three people next to her should not think about it. This can be said to be the last resort to die together.

When Ye Guxin saw it, he didn't give a secret compliment. Although his cultivation base was not high, Ye Guxin was enough to see it in his heart.If you know that if you explode yourself, the last trace of true spirit will dissipate in the explosion.Difficult to re-enter reincarnation.In this way, even if some people die, they will not choose to blow themselves up.

Since Ye Guxin saw it, she couldn't just let her die like this.Dragons have dignity.Then you can fly away from the nine heavens and soar in the sky.A dragon without dignity is just a longer reptile.A reptile is no longer worthy of being called a dragon.In Ye Guxin's eyes, although Ao Locust's cultivation base is weak, but she has dignity and heart, she is absolutely worth saving.

With a wave of his hand, the four of them were immobilized by a huge aura. Under this incomparably huge power, they couldn't move at all.Even Ao Locust's Dragon Ball, which had already started to explode, suddenly regained its calm.Ao locust couldn't help being terrified when he saw it. You must know that even his father and king couldn't stop the dragon ball from exploding.Unexpectedly, the person who came now not only stopped them, but also made them unable to move their bodies at the same time.From this, it can be seen that people must be much more powerful than the father.It's just that I don't know whether the person coming is an enemy or a friend.If it was an enemy, then it would be impossible for him to explode himself. If it was a friend, then maybe he would be saved today.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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