Chapter 265
Ao Shun has always been proud of being a dragon clan. He also knows that his dragon clan has lost too many masters and lost the cultivation methods, which makes today's dragon clan more capable of letting people come and go. Seeing this situation, he felt very heartbroken, but there was nothing he could do. Since the Heavenly Court did not send someone over this time, there was no need for him to ask the Jade Emperor.He believed that their Dragon Clan would one day soar above the Nine Heavens.

Hearing Ao Shun's words, Baqi was so angry that his eight heads burst into flames at the same time, shouting loudly, "Well, you golden loach, I'm going to tear your bones apart today." The flame, not only was the flame unaffected by the water, but it also seemed to burn more and more vigorously because of the sea water.This fire is also weird.It was not any kind of flame that Ye Guxin knew.He was almost certain that this fire would never be a flame in this world.

Because he is not ordinary fire, not heavenly fire, not Samadhi fire, not dark fire, and not five elements fire.It can be described as extremely weird.Originally, it was a law of heaven that water could incinerate fire, but fire can also overcome water. This must be based on the fact that fire is far stronger than water, but now it is in the sea, and the power of water is endless, and it can only be determined by eight divergences. How could such a situation occur with the little ability of the big snake.Since it is not the reason of strength, the only reason is that the fire is not ordinary fire.

Back then, the Great God Pangu opened up the world, and what he opened up was a large universe, and the evolution was prehistoric, which made the supreme existence bred in the chaos like Pangu only end in physical damage.The world opened by Pangu is different from that opened by saints like them. The world opened by saints can only be said to be a small world, how can it be compared with this prehistoric universe.

This prehistoric world was first opened, and then experienced a catastrophe of heaven and earth, which caused the prehistoric world to shatter and the universe to shatter.The universe was broken into pieces, and the pieces of the universe re-evolved into creatures and became another universe again.It can be said that there was one universe in the prehistoric period, but there are countless universes after the prehistoric period.Some of these universes are also very strange, and they regained their own rules after thousands of years.There are some rather strange creatures inside, and the power inside them is also very strange.And from one universe to the next, some peculiarities persist.

For example, just like the flame of Yamato no Orochi, since this flame does not belong to this world, it can only be a creature of another universe. In fact, this is because Ye Guxin does not want to calculate the way of heaven, otherwise, he only needs to calculate it casually. , maybe other sages like the feeling of knowing everything.But Ye Guxin didn't like it.

If you know everything, what's the point? There is a saying: Fighting with others is a lot of fun.Fighting against the sky, his ambition is endless.Only the unknown is called a challenge, and living is a world full of opportunities, which is fun.

Seeing the flames of Baqi, Ao Shun's eyes clearly showed a kind of contempt. After fighting with Baqi for so many years, Ao Shun knew exactly what abilities they had. When they met for the first time before, they were really jealous. It was a big loss, but then slowly created a kind of exercise according to their characteristics, and this kind of exercise was finally perfected not long ago.So there is no fear of this flame at all.That technique is called the Light of Punishing Evil.

Adding the evil-killing light to his own mana, he was absolutely sure of their spells, and he was already sure that as long as the head was beheaded with the evil-killing light, the speed of regeneration would be greatly reduced.It is not impossible to really kill them like this.Suddenly, the five claws on Ao Shun's golden dragon body lightly touched the flame.

The flame suddenly shattered into thousands of pieces and dissipated in the water.On the surface, Ao Shun is very relaxed, and he never wants to face a big enemy like before.He said coldly: "Humph, Baqi, today is your day of death. I already have a way to break your spells, and we aquariums have already learned it, so we don't have to be afraid of you anymore. As long as you are wiped out here, then you Baqi The Qi clan will disappear forever in my North Sea."

Before he came, he had asked his son and grandson to come with him to fight Huanglong directly, and lead the troops to destroy the base of Baqi, that weird island.It should be almost over now, and when it ends over there, it should start over here.Ao Shun smiled.After all, how can you be unhappy if you can eliminate these eight divergences that have been entrenched here for hundreds of years.

Seeing that Ao Shun shattered his own flame so easily, Na Baqi couldn't help but said in disbelief, "Impossible, how is this possible, Amaterasu said, No one can destroy us here, we are invincible. You are all going to die" and said the last sentence like crazy.The eight big heads danced non-stop, shaking the surrounding sea water.

Ao Shun didn't care whether they were crazy or not, and said directly: "Kill, don't leave any one behind." If these things are left behind, it will be like a legendary creature called a cockroach, which will revive.He didn't want any of these things to be left behind.At that time, even if you can't make any big waves, you will be bored to death.

After hearing his order, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals behind Ao Shun resolutely rushed towards Ba Qi in front of him one by one.In an instant, he was in contact with them, and his flesh and blood flew all at once, and Ao Shun also fought with Baqi. He had already understood Baqi's methods clearly for hundreds of years. , Without any effort, Baqi was beaten without any backhand power.Now Ao Shun doesn't seem to be fighting at all, but seems to be playing with eight divergences.I am venting the anger I have suffered for hundreds of years.

Ye Guxin watched from the side and couldn't help but shook his head, but he didn't say anything, that Baqi was a damn thing, as dirty as that nation.Just as shameless, just as damn.So Ye Guxin would not stop it at all.Just watch the fun from the sidelines and see what else will happen.Because he faintly felt that this matter was not simple.

Not for a moment, because of the existence of the evil light, those ambiguous ones were killed one by one.In the end, there was only the last one left, and that was Baqi struggling under Ao Shun's claws. Seeing that all his men were dead, Baqi let out a sharp cry of pain and said, "Damn you!" Loach, the master will avenge me. By that time, you will definitely die without a place to bury you. Hehe," he laughed strangely after speaking.The energy in the body suddenly became extremely violent.Not at all out of control.

Ao Shun looked at it, secretly said badly, and said fiercely: "Everyone, get out of the way, this guy is going to explode himself." After speaking, a burst of golden light trapped Baqi in the center, allowing others to leave quickly.When those shrimp soldiers and crab generals heard Ao Shun's words, they quickly left here one by one without saying anything, and quickly went to the distance.

During the hundreds of years of fighting with the Dragon King, they already had a tacit understanding, and it was this tacit understanding that made them run away quickly without thinking about what Ao Shun said. .And when they ran far enough, Ao Shun also felt that he could no longer suppress the frenzied power in Ba Qi's body.Seeing that the soldiers and horses under him had already left a considerable distance.The figure suddenly turned into a golden light and went away into the distance.

The energy in Baqi's body was not suppressed by Ao Shun, and all the power finally began to erupt in an all-round way. Huge waves suddenly appeared beside him, and the air waves were like volcanic eruptions.Everything around it was destroyed in an instant, and the body of Yachi had been turned into fly ash under this violent energy.Only a mass of berserk energy remained in the center.

But just when this mass of energy was about to explode, a huge hand suddenly appeared above that mass of energy from nowhere.Just grab that mass of energy, regardless of what kind of energy it is.Whether it was gentle or violent, once the energy entered the giant hand, it didn't know why the riot stopped.

It was Ye Guxin who was making the move. He was still a little curious about the origin of the eight divergences. Now that he saw that it was about to explode, he accepted his energy with a smile.Under an absolute force, the energy cluster the size of an acre turned into a gray energy ball the size of a fist.Ye Guxin's figure suddenly appeared under the energy ball.The left hand easily grabbed the energy.He smiled lightly and said: "Baqi, hum, you still have a master, still called Amaterasu, it's really good, Amaterasu, right? I will treat her well. I hope he can make me feel a little bit better." interest."

Ye Guxin was hearing Baqi's last words, and that person was still Amaterasu, and Amaterasu and Baqi were all the same as that despicable nation.This has already made Ye Guxin want to destroy them. It's okay if he doesn't know, but now that he knows, he will feel sorry for himself if he doesn't do it.

"Huh, I didn't expect to see you here. It's really a narrow road for enemies. Although you and I don't have any hatred, but you still have hatred against which ethnicity I used to have, then I can't blame me. Besides, you don't exist with me in this world." Come on." Ye Guxin said to himself in his heart.

And Ao Shun, who was standing next to him, saw that Ye Guxin was able to gather his energy when Baqi blew himself up. What kind of strength is needed for this?What kind of control.He didn't even feel the slightest bit of energy from Ye Guxin's body. There are only two situations where this happens. One is that the person in front of him is an ordinary person; Judging from the performance just now, it can only be the second type.

Not to mention killing him with this kind of power, even destroying the entire North Sea Dragon Clan would be an easy task.Can't help but start to guess who the person in front of him is.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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