Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 273 The Skeleton Guard

Chapter 273 The Skeleton Guard
Ye Guxin looked at the Weak Water River, and couldn't help but sigh, how many aquatic lives were buried in it to have such a strong toxicity, but no matter how strong the toxicity here is, it would have no effect on him at all. Besides, he still has the source of water in his body. No matter how weak the water is, it is still water and belongs to the five elements, so he will never be able to get rid of the source.And as a saint, he doesn't have to worry about this at all. There are not many things in this world that can hurt him.

Without even thinking about it, he jumped directly into the weak water. This time he entered the weak water, and his vision was very short. This time, nothing could prevent him from seeing the surrounding situation clearly.The weak black water was directly filtered out by him.I saw the bones of dead creatures everywhere around, one by one, I don't know how many there are, even if he is a saint, he would not know so clearly.After all, saints are not omnipotent.

Ye Guxin slowly wandered around, but couldn't find Han Tiexin.I just found that the octopuses of the past were swimming around in it, and there were quite a few of them. There were countless claws under each of them, and they kept waving around, but they didn't have a little flow on the water. As if he had never moved before, Ye Guxin also knew the reason why he hadn't found him before. If it wasn't for his extremely strong perception of danger at that time, he might have become a meal in their stomachs .

Of course, the current Ye Guxin doesn't take them seriously. Although this kind of Tianmo octopus is powerful, it can't get out of this weak water river. Only in the weak water river can they exert their power to the strongest. You can't see your fingers in this weak water river, and others can't guard against it even if they want to.By the time he discovered the danger, it was already too late.They are the strongest killers in this weak water.

At this time, a huge Tianmo octopus saw a person suddenly appearing here, its eyes lit up immediately, thinking in its heart that it had another chance to eat such fresh food after such a long time, it quickly moved towards Ye Guxin, There was no sign of the movement.There was not even the slightest fluctuation, and it came directly in front of Ye Guxin, and a huge tentacles rolled towards Ye Guxin's neck silently.

A cold light flashed in Ye Guxin's eyes. How could he let the tentacles of this octopus touch him now? If he couldn't see it, he might suffer a little bit, but now he can see everything clearly. A sword aura appeared silently in front of him, cutting the tentacles into two in an instant.The octopus felt it, and couldn't help but let out a strange cry.It's like an ultrasound.It caused the surrounding weak water to surge.Moreover, Ye Guxin felt a silent attack coming towards his mind.But that sound wave was far from his realm.It can't hurt him at all.

"A little octopus dares to attack me. I really don't know how to live or die." Ye Guxin snorted coldly, and pointed at the octopus. Countless sword energy erupted from his fingers in an instant, and the octopus hadn't reacted yet. At the time, his body had already been twisted into tens of millions of pieces by the sword energy.The situation was reversed in the blink of an eye.

Ye Guxin doesn't care about these things, he doesn't have any interest in these small fish and shrimps at all, what really makes him interested is the Twilight of the Gods, if only it could be in the prehistoric period now, there are countless masters, emerging endlessly .One by one to get now, that is also a generation of strong.I don't want to now, because of the Great War, the starry sky is shattered, and many exquisite formulas have been lost.One can be regarded as in a low ebb period.Ye Guxin can already meet him, and it is absolutely impossible for the current world to have the cloudy scene of masters in the prehistoric period.

Thinking about walking forward, he slowly searched for the Heart of Cold Iron, but he couldn't find it at all. The Heart of Cold Iron was really very difficult to find. There are many magic weapons, but it is a pity that these magic weapons have been corroded by the weak water, even if they are taken, it will not have much effect.And these magic weapons will not be placed in Ye Guxin's hands.For him, the magic weapon is dispensable.If he is not innate, he will not care at all.

Relying on feeling, I came to the place where I found the Heart of Cold Iron, but I found nothing, and there was no aura of cold iron around, so I couldn't help but sighed: "It really is a rare treasure. This cold iron heart The heart of the cold iron is indeed a rare treasure, but unfortunately, there are not many to be found now." I didn't say to stay here, since I can't find the heart of cold iron, there is no need to stay here anymore.And he has to go back to Beiluzhou to settle down all the Eighteen Skeleton Kings he received before.With them guarding the North Fear of Luzhou, it would be truly impenetrable.If others want to be unfavorable to this place, they have to weigh it.Besides, Ye Guxin himself is not something to mess with.Who would want to fight against him except a saint, unless it is Western religion.But that would require a saint to act.

There are two sages in Western religion, one is to mention and the other is to guide.But they don't have innate spirit treasures to suppress luck, so they can't compare with Dongfang at all. If it weren't for Dongfang's frequent internal strife because of religious matters, there would be no room for them.Although they don't have any powerful innate treasures in their hands, their golden lotus is indeed a treasure for self-defense.Even if Lingbao wanted to break it, it would be extremely difficult.The lotus platforms under the seat of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are refined according to their appearance.

Since the treasure is rare, Ye Guxin also quickly left the Ruoshui River, and suddenly appeared in the North Fear Luzhou, standing in the air directly. It is not a big deal for him to stand in the air like this. Now the practitioners in the North Fear Luzhou can be said to be There are so many, each of them is either a magic weapon or a flying sword, or they are standing on auspicious clouds, a fairy scene, and because they all respect Ye Guxin here, they don't fight much, if they want to fight, they all go outside to fight.For thousands of years, this North Fear Luzhou seems to have become a forbidden area.But it can be regarded as the last pure land reserved for practitioners.

There are quite a few people standing in the air like Ye Guxin, so this is not really eye-catching.And Ye Guxin stood in the void, and all the situation in Luzhou was already under his control.Ye Guxin suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of lightning in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, eighteen bone mountains suddenly and silently appeared in the eighteen corners of the North Fear of Luzhou. The bone mountains were extremely huge, as large as a hundred feet.Those bones were the countless white bones that Ye Guxin moved out from the bottom of the Ruoshui River with the supernatural power of transforming the world.It can be said that these eighteen bone mountains have also moved all the skeletons below.

Then with a wave of his hand, a black moon suddenly appeared in the sky. The moon didn't move, but shot out eighteen black brilliance to shine on the eighteen bone mountains.The moon, however, has been spinning above the North Fear Luzhou, constantly exuding bursts of moonlight essence.The sun hanging high in the sky that day did not affect it at all.This is actually the true power of the sun and the power of the extreme yin converging in Luzhou in the north.

In an instant, the aura of the entire North Fear Luzhou more than doubled.But this is only a little power leaking out, the real power is completely concentrated on the eighteen bone mountains.With another wave of his hand, eighteen huge skeletons of the same size suddenly stood in the void.A tyrannical aura instantly enveloped the entire North Fear Luzhou inside.Although the weapons in the hands of the eighteen skeletons are different, their power is similar.And because Ye Guxin turned on their minds, they are only loyal to Ye Guxin from now on.No longer controlled by anyone else.

The eighteen skeletons looked at Ye Guxin as soon as they appeared, and the tall body suddenly knelt down and said, "See Master." The voice came from the skeleton's throat, it was extremely hoarse, but it was still clearly audible.At this moment, the people around also knew that this person standing in the air would definitely not be a simple person.At this time, a few figures flew over from a distance, and that figure came to Ye Guxin, and quickly knelt down and said, "Greetings, Master." As soon as the people around saw those people, they knew exactly who the person in front of them was. Who.Besides Ye Guxin, who else could make Tian Nan and the others call them Shizun.Where did they dare to stand still, they quickly knelt down and said, "Greetings to His Majesty the Emperor."

Ye Guxin shook his head, he really didn't expect such a big momentum, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, and finally said: "Everyone get up." Then those people didn't have any excuses, they all stood up, Ye Guxin didn't care about them, Directly said to the eighteen skeletons: "That is your home, and it will be your task to guard the North Fear Luzhou in the future. If anyone dares to invade the North Fear Luzhou, kill them." The calf seemed to be full of murderous aura of destruction.

The people around felt it, and everyone couldn't help but feel shocked.He secretly thought: Ye Guxin has become a saint, why is he still so murderous, why doesn't he have the breath of a saint.Didn't it mean that saints seldom care about the following things? What is going on here?

They didn't know that what Ye Guxin cultivated was not killing the three corpses, but relying on his obsession, he followed the way against the sky, he was not afraid of any karma at all, and he didn't have any thoughts of pure inaction.Come when you want, leave when you want.This is the way of escape.

The eyes of the eighteen skulls flashed a cold light, and said: "Master, my subordinates will not let anyone invade the North Fear Luzhou unless we destroy it." After they saluted, they turned into eighteen Dao Guangguang entered a bone mountain respectively, and the black moon brilliance on the bone mountain appeared even darker and brighter after they entered.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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