Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 275 The Year of Artifact Refining

Chapter 275
100 years is just to melt the five-colored stone. I don’t know how many things to do in the future. Ye Guxin didn’t dare to neglect. At the moment when the five-colored stone completely melted into a liquid, he quickly threw that piece of sky crystal went in.As soon as Tian Jing came to the fire, she was slowly surrounded by the colorful liquid.

After the five-colored stone's liquid met the sky crystal, it quickly wrapped the sky crystal, and then slowly solidified, making the sky crystal and the five-colored stone connected together.Ye Guxin didn't care about these at all, the flames below kept raising the temperature, if the temperature was outside, it would definitely change the world.If not, a disaster will happen.This is also the reason why Ye Guxin does not refine weapons outside.

The endless flame burned the stone again for 300 years.It turned him into a mass of liquid again, but the current mass of liquid not only has the multicolored colors of the multicolored stones, but also the crystal color of the crystal, and the color of the crystal is more obvious.This is Ye Guxinyou throwing in all kinds of materials at once again.This was not thrown into the liquid, but placed on top of the flame, and the materials began to melt respectively.

This refining took another few hundred years, and all the materials were completely refined in these hundreds of years, but it contained some of the most precious refining materials in the world, even the fragments of Buzhou Mountain. This time, Ye Guxin spent a lot of money. If the cauldron is too bad, it will not be able to produce the best effect when refining alchemy. Ye Guxin understands this truth very well.Refining a hundred waste products is not as good as refining one treasure.

Looking at the various liquids in the void, Ye Guxin couldn't help but look a little serious, and with a thought, the various liquids entered the liquid formed by the heavenly crystal and the multicolored stone one by one.In an instant, as all the materials were fused together, the liquid in the air had completely turned into a crystal color.The aura contained in it is even more unimaginably huge.It is worthy of using so many precious materials.The things that are refined will definitely not be bad.

At this time, Ye Guxin's mind was even more concentrated, thinking about the appearance of the cauldron, and in an instant the liquid slowly changed its form following Ye Guxin's thoughts.A cauldron appeared in the air. The cauldron was divided into upper and lower layers. The lower part was something like a brazier.There are nine dragons of different colors on it, and the mouths of the nine dragons are all facing the furnace cauldron above.There is a bead in the middle of the nine dragons, that is, at the bottom of the furnace.

This is the Nine Dragons grabbing the bead, but this bead is very useful, and the bead is also hanging in front of the Nine Dragons, dealing with the bottom of the cauldron.And there are also nine identical golden dragons on it, and the golden dragon is alive and well, with nine claws under its body.It seemed that there was a group of golden clouds supporting his body up.It's amazing.

And the mouths of the nine golden dragons on it were all facing the inside of the furnace, as if they were looking at the things inside the furnace.And the lid of the cauldron is also very strange, there are actually nine small lids on the big lid.There was a gold ring on each of the little lids.I don't know what's the use.

Ye Guxin looked at the appearance of the cauldron, nodded, feeling very satisfied, it really turned out according to the appearance in his mind.But this is not considered to be the completion of this refining, Ye Guxin's hands began to change constantly, one by one the mysterious seals were punched into the furnace.Every time a seal is entered, the cauldron will vibrate once.The surface emits all kinds of strange lights.The vitality of heaven and earth was quickly sucked into the cauldron.

Suddenly Ye Guxin frowned, and with a thought, Lianren brought the book of fate and came to his own Emperor's Heaven Realm, because he just discovered that the heaven and earth aura needed for this cauldron is too huge, so huge that it can distort Space, this is the North Fear Luzhou, he didn't want to destroy the North Fear Luzhou directly, so he returned to his own world, where the sky and chaos are connected, and the spiritual energy can be said to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible .There is no need to worry about the aura at all.

After coming here, Ye Guxin didn't stop the seals in his hands, and printed them one by one, which contained Ye Guxin's understanding of heaven and earth, and his understanding of Tao, which contained his Tao.If someone can realize something from this cauldron after it is completed, they will definitely increase their cultivation base and their realm dramatically.

This refining tool has been used for thousands of years. During these thousands of years, Ye Guxin kept pouring some seal formulas into it, and the furnace cauldron was nurtured by endless spiritual energy, full of inspiration.The clouds and mist below the nine golden dragons above seem to be alive, and they are constantly changing, which is really beautiful.This cauldron has been tempered by Ye Guxin for countless years, as long as it is inside, it is impossible to come out without Ye Guxin's permission.

Even if it was a saint, he was sure to trap him in it for a while.It can be seen how terrifying this tripod is now.But it's not done yet.With a wave of Ye Guxin's hand, the Stone of Faith suddenly shattered and turned into a white cloud. Under Ye Guxin's control, the cloud quickly merged with the furnace.Ye Guxin has a lot of power of faith.There is more in this world than his faith, that is nothing.

The power of faith can not only be used to condense the golden body and cultivate the divine way, but also to offset the karma of cause and effect, and it can be used to refine weapons, so that the magic weapon refined in that way must be raised to a higher level.It can be seen that its benefits, otherwise the power of faith would not make it difficult for saints to let go. If they can let go, they are saints after all, but what is more difficult to let go is the inheritance of orthodoxy.It is because of this east that there is the station of conferring gods, plus the upcoming journey to the west, it can be said to be extremely chaotic.

How could such an East develop? It has always been in the struggle of saints. Even if there are wizards, they will be destroyed by them.

After Ye Guxin added the power of faith, he was not done yet. He had more than that. He still kept the power of merit from before. A small colored ball appeared in front of him, and it quickly decomposed into colored balls. The gas quickly went into the furnace.Under the guidance of Ye Guxin, a huge star light descended from the sky, covering the cauldron inside, and the power of the stars continuously tempered the cauldron.

At this moment, because of the existence of these kinds of strange powers, the power of the cauldron has surpassed most of the innate spirit treasures, but it is a pity that innate is innate after all, and acquired things are inherently contaminated with cause and effect and cannot be changed. For congenital things.Just like Nuwa Empress's Map of Mountains, Rivers and Sheji, it is also a powerful magic weapon, no worse than many innate spirit treasures, but it is still innate.

Innate is already doomed, if you are innate, then you are innate, if you are not innate, no matter what you are, you are still not innate. This was already determined when the chaos first opened and the flood appeared, otherwise the innate spirit treasure would not It will be so precious. After all, the magic treasures refined by saints are much better than innate ones. If everything is innate, then the world is full of innate spiritual treasures.

So even if this cauldron has surpassed the realm of Lingbao, it is still an acquired thing.Ye Guxin was not surprised either, for him there is no difference between nature and nurture, he has never been afraid of any cause and effect.And all he wanted was a cauldron that could help him make alchemy.The rest was out of his mind right now.

This gestation took 3000 years.And Ye Guxin seemed to be sitting here like Heng Gu for 3000 years. Suddenly, the furnace cauldron that was originally under the power of the stars suddenly started to vibrate, and traces of the power of the stars radiated from above.The nine golden dragons on the surface seemed to be alive.There was a cold light in his eyes, and he flew out of the book of destiny suddenly.

When Ye Guxin saw it, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and the book of fate appeared at all, and then the book of fate turned into a stream of light and returned to the hands of the real body of the emperor. Inside the Emperor's Heaven Realm.

Ye Guxin in this Heavenly Emperor Realm is the sky, which is the law. After the cauldron appeared, a huge black cloud suddenly appeared in the sky. The breath came from above.Countless forces were gathered by the black cloud.

Ye Guxin couldn't help frowning when he saw it, Heavenly Tribulation, this turned out to be Heavenly Tribulation, he didn't expect that this cauldron would even attract Heavenly Tribulation, it seems that it is indeed extraordinary.Since it was a catastrophe, Ye Guxin didn't plan to take action immediately, he wanted to see what step the furnace could do.See how much potential it has.Let's see how powerful he is.

After the black cloud appeared, it was suspended above the cauldron, and the cauldron seemed to know what it was, and it started to vibrate non-stop.A strand of spiritual energy was mobilized by it.This is not some kind of weapon spirit formed inside, but an instinctive reaction to danger.Ye Guxin couldn’t possibly be ignorant of the formation of a weapon spirit. Even if it was formed, he would have to kill it. After all, spiritual things are not easy to control. If they suddenly resisted at a critical moment, it would really be Damn it.

So no matter how good the spirit treasure is, no one will let the spirit treasure appear in it.And the formation of this furnace was only a few thousand years, how could it form any kind of spirit.This is just its most original reaction, and this is also its catastrophe, which makes it feel.Fly out from the book of destiny to fight against the catastrophe.

This day, Ye Guxin can also tell that he is indeed extremely powerful, and he doesn't know if the furnace can withstand it.If it can be pushed through, it can be said to be a good magic weapon.

(I have something to do in the afternoon. I have to go to the post office. I don’t have time to update. Please forgive me)
(End of this chapter)

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