Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 277 Shocked all walks of life

Chapter 277 Shocked all walks of life
This alchemy, Ye Guxin already felt that it was very unusual, as if someone was going to be unfavorable to Beiwei Luzhou and him, but when he tried to calculate it, he found that the way of heaven had been deceived by the sage. Serious injury, at this juncture, he didn't want to be hurt any more.At that time, if there were any emergencies, I couldn't respond quickly.The so-called soldiers come to block, water comes to cover.Now we can only respond to changes with the same.In order to be unable to comply with the law.

In the following time, a hundred years will pass in a blink of an eye, and the auction will end on this day. This is Tian Sheng who stepped forward and said, "Everyone, please be quiet, I have something to inform everyone." The life of an auctioneer already has a little momentum, and the people below are also giving him face because he is an auctioneer.After all, if I fell in love with a good thing, and I offended him again.Then when the price is called later, if he speaks faster, won't he get nothing?So after hearing his words, the scene immediately fell silent.

Tiansheng is very satisfied with this situation. If it was something he would not have dared to think about before, the big shots here are gone. Now relying on Ye Guxin's reputation and cultivation base, there are no people who make trouble here. Otherwise, even if they did not do it, the people in this venue would also do it. After all, it was hard to come to an auction. If he disturbed it, wouldn't it be in vain?Therefore, the quality of the people in this venue is still very high, even people of some status dare not mess around here.

They didn't dare to move around before, but now that Ye Guxin has become a saint, who would have trouble with a saint.So this face still has to be given. Thinking about seeing the land of the mountain gods before, everyone was shouting and drinking, but now they have to say hello when they see it. This is really a turn of events.

"My auction has been held for 100 years, and I have done my best to serve everyone. Everyone can find what they need here, but we are cultivators, after all, we focus on cultivation. If it is held once a year, Everyone comes to participate in this auction, and if you delay your cultivation, then the loss outweighs the gain. So my emperor decided to change the annual auction to once every 50 years, so that everyone can practice, and after cultivation, you can find it here The things I need can be said to be the same. Everyone is happy." After they calmed down, Tian Sheng immediately threw out a shocking news.

In an instant, it was as if a pot was blown up below, and they all shouted: "How can this work, I still have a lot of things that I haven't bought, and in the past 50 years, my heart must always be worried. "

"That's right, isn't 50 years too long? Can it be shortened?" Various voices came from below, but Tian Sheng didn't intend to let them go just like this, but threw out another The big news said: "Also, this time my emperor is going to open a furnace to make alchemy. My emperor said that if you want to watch it, you can come."

Saints alchemy, if you can watch it from the side, you will definitely be able to understand it. This kind of opportunity is even more rare. For a while, everyone's attention has shifted from the auction to the alchemy. .This is why Ye Guxin was afraid that they would not be able to accept the auction, so he used alchemy to divert their attention first, and they would naturally be able to accept this fact in the future.This is also to minimize the impact this time.

This auction has become an indispensable thing in the past hundred years. After seeing other forces, it is not that they have not done the same thing and established an auction, but their reputation and magic weapon The quality of the items was not as good as Ye Guxin's, and all of them couldn't go on because of the Emperor's Auction.During the same period of time, others will definitely go to the Emperor's Auction House.

There have never been any accidents in the auction here. Not only is there personal protection, after getting the item, it will prohibit fighting for a period of time, and it is also fair to buy and sell. Nowadays, the god coin card is one for everyone in all walks of life. .It would be really strange if anyone didn't.Now that there is no magic weapon or if you want a better magic weapon, looking for the Emperor's Auction is the best choice, so when there is another auction, there will be no room for other auctions.

Now Ye Guxin has set the auction time to be once every 50 years, which will not only give them time to practice, but also give other auctions a chance to survive, but it is absolutely impossible to surpass the Emperor's Auction, After all, the influence of the Emperor's Auction is too great, and if it is reopened in 50 years, the scale will be unimaginably huge.There will be countless people chasing after it.And Tiansheng also revealed a little about an item that will be auctioned 50 years later.

Tiansheng said: "If this change in my auction makes you uncomfortable, I can only say sorry, but we promise that at the next auction, you will get everything you want, and I also want to It’s about that a rare treasure will appear in the next auction.” Speaking of this, Tiansheng stopped, looked at the people below, and the people below were also quietly listening to him, wanting to know what he said. What is the divine product in the mouth.

"That divine product is the legendary source of life that is three points more precious than ginseng fruit, flat peaches, and anything else." This explosive news stunned everyone again.The source of life, this thing is something that makes people crazy even in the prehistoric period.Think of ginseng fruit and those in flat peaches, although they can increase skill, but what they increase is only skill. How can it compare with this source of life, what it adds is not skill, but potential, vitality.

The so-called skills are easy, but potential is difficult to increase.If your potential is gone, no matter how much skill you have, there is no way to improve it.The emergence of this source of life also solved the problems of countless people, so the people below went crazy in an instant. As long as they got this source of life, the speed of cultivation in the future would be as fast as flying.They never thought that the source of life, the Emperor's Auction, would also be able to take it out.

I really don’t know what else the Earth Emperor’s Auction can’t bring out. Except for saints, this source of life will not fight for it. As long as others are not sanctified, this source of life will have an indescribable allure to them. In an instant, countless people spread the news.Although I don't know how the effect will be, it can be predicted that it will be an unimaginable grand event here 50 years later.The people who came to this grand event must be some big names that others can't even think of.

And the young girl in the VIP room even told Qingdi about this, Qingdi was also shocked when he heard that, he had already felt that his reality had reached this time, and it hadn't grown for thousands of years , has encountered a bottleneck.And this source of life is the best thing to break through it.It's not that he hasn't looked for this source of life before, but it's a pity that he didn't have enough opportunities, so he couldn't find it at all. He didn't expect that the Emperor's Auction House is so powerful that he can even get this kind of magic item.

He is not worried that this news is false, after all, Ye Guxin's reputation is there. If anyone is to say who is the most promising person in the world, it must be Ye Guxin.So when Emperor Qing heard it, he didn't expect it to be fake.Since he knows the news, others will know it as well. It seems that there will be a fight between dragons and tigers by then.Just don't know who is the real winner in the end.

After thinking about it, the young girl's news just now said that the Emperor of the Earth is going to open a furnace to make alchemy. I can't miss this alchemy. After all, it is definitely not an ordinary method for a saint to make alchemy.Go see for yourself, maybe you can get some insights.It is not good to take the opportunity to break through the current realm in one fell swoop.So get ready to have a look.

Tian Sheng looked at the crowd below, smiled, and waved his hand, a beautiful fairy was holding a jade plate.There is a human-shaped green leaf on the jade plate, which is the legendary source of life.As soon as the source of life was taken out, everyone in the venue felt a strong breath of life emanating from it.The spirit couldn't help being shocked, knowing that it was the source of life of the gods.One by one eyes looked at the source of life revealing naked desire.

But nothing happened. After all, even if you can get it from here, you don’t know if you have the life to use it. There are no fools here, they just watch, and there is no confusion.Tiansheng is also very satisfied with the situation below. As long as there is this, the next auction will be unimaginably grand.Smiling and waving his hand, the fairy walked out from behind and took away the source of life.

At this time, the people below slowly came to their senses, and said innately, "Okay, that was the source of life just now, and my auctions have always been innocent. If there is one, then I will definitely be able to get it out. This is the next time. An auction item, there are still a few items that are not inferior to it by then, there is nothing that I can't sell at the auction, only you can't afford." Tiansheng also seized the opportunity to make a publicity.He has been an auctioneer for these years, and he is already very good.

He already knew that even if an auction would appear within these 50 years, he didn't want to surpass him at all.Who can have such a large amount of money, that is only available at the Emperor's Auction.Monopoly is not the best business method, and some small fish and shrimps are released under the monopoly so that others can taste a little bit of sweetness, so that the auction will not be on the cusp of the storm.We must know that if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will urge it.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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