Chapter 28
From this battle with the Abyssal Snake, Ye Guxin knew that his cultivation level could not reach the level that could defy the sky.There are many people who are stronger than him in this world, and those who have cultivated for tens of thousands of years come out randomly, and he is not able to fight against him now.

I have made such a big move in the human world, it is impossible that there will be no news from the fairy world.Maybe they are discussing how to deal with him now.Maybe Immortal World didn't take itself seriously at all.

But thinking about it now, even if these are true, there is no strength to resist, and the only way for the present is to increase one's own strength as much as possible.Fortunately, when the heavens come, they have the strength to resist.

Ye Guxin came back to his senses, seeing that Tian Nan and the others were still in a daze, obviously they hadn't recovered from the battle just now.Can't help being angry.

He came to them in an instant, one of them gave a popcorn, and said: "You guys are only good enough, this is still a small scene, if you see a big scene in the future, won't you embarrass your master and me?"

At this time, Tian Nan and the others also woke up from Ye Guxin's explosion.Ye Guxin couldn't help but lower his head in shame.But although the drunk Taoist lowered his head, he was still muttering: "Master, it seems that we are ignorant. Is it because your cultivation level is too high, Master?"

At this time, the drunken Taoist still didn't forget to flatter Ye Guxin, but the flattery obviously had no effect on Ye Guxin. Hearing what the drunken Taoist said, he couldn't help but hit him again.

"If you have this kind of thinking, you won't know how you will die in the future. Don't say that I am your master when you die. I can't afford to lose this person." Ye Guxin turned around angrily.

"You have to know how many people are better than me in the fairy world. They are like grains of grass, countless. Even if my cultivation base is several times higher, I can't look at the sky from the well, and Yelang is arrogant. But people can't underestimate themselves and lose Confidence. That will accomplish nothing. As a cultivator, we must not be happy with things or monuments. When we are weak, we must aim at the strong and surpass ourselves. When we are strong, we must always reflect on ourselves. Only in this way can we be certified one day Avenue."

After Tian Nan and the others heard Ye Guxin's words, they couldn't help but fell into deep thought.After a while, the three of them realized something, and at this moment their spiritual realm was greatly improved.Yuanshen is more condensed.

It can be said that it has benefited a lot.Ye Guxin was also happy for them when he saw that they were able to realize something in such a short period of time.

"Zhang Cong, you go back now. We still have something to do here. If there is anything, you can tell the real body of the emperor in the temple. If there is something urgent, this talisman is crushed, and I can immediately Hurry up." After saying 2, Ye Guxin handed over the jade talisman to Zhang Cong.Then said: "The matter of recruiting believers in the world must be quick, and the influence of the Emperor's Church in the world must be increased."

"Yes, Huang," Zhang Cong replied without hesitation. In Zhang Cong's heart, Ye Guxin had long been his god and his belief.He never questioned Ye Guxin's words.

He firmly believed that their emperor would be able to lead them into the legendary world.

"When you develop believers in the world, tell them that as long as they believe in me and recite the Emperor's Bible a hundred times, their wishes will come true and their wishes will come true. I will let the Emperor's real body come to the world to show miracles. Helping you," Ye Guxin continued, after all, a local emperor's bible does not necessarily make them believe in him from the bottom of their hearts.

"Yes, my lord, I will definitely take care of this matter, so don't worry." Zhang Cong couldn't help but said happily when he heard that Ye Guxin was going to perform miracles in the human world, so that it would be easier for him to recruit believers in the human world. .

"Okay, you go, remember not to relax your cultivation. After all, you are my right and left hand now. After Tian Nan and the others leave the customs, I will let them replace you for a while, and I will personally guide you. In fact, you can also be regarded as my apprentice. It's gone," Ye Guxin said kindly to Zhang Cong.

Hearing this, Zhang Cong immediately knelt down happily to Ye Guxin and said, "Disciple pays homage to master." If Zhang Cong still doesn't understand what Ye Guxin means.In fact, Zhang Cong has always envied Tian Nan and Zui Taoist.He didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to become Ye Guxin's apprentice today, that would be a supreme honor to him.

"Get up, I will formally accept you as my apprentice after I leave the customs." Ye Guxin was also very happy to see that Zhang Cong could understand what he meant. Zhang Cong was the first person he met when he came to this world. He is also very kind.Zhang Cong's ability to handle affairs has also been recognized by himself.

"Yes, master, the apprentice has gone out." After Zhang Cong saluted Ye Guxin again, he flew towards the temple.Gone in the blink of an eye.

"Tian Nan, do you two have any opinion on me taking Zhang Cong as my apprentice?" Ye Guxin asked Tian Nan and the others after seeing Zhang Cong leave.

"Master, we don't have any objections to you accepting Zhang Cong as an apprentice. In fact, we have wanted you to accept him as an apprentice a long time ago," Tian Nan said happily when he saw that Ye Guxin wanted to accept Zhang Cong.

"Yes, Zhang Cong has always taken good care of us, I have absolutely no objection to accepting him as an apprentice," Taoist Zui also said beside him.You must know that Zhang Cong has been taking care of them during Ye Guxin's retreat. They have long wanted a relationship with Zhang Cong. Today, Ye Guxin wants to accept him as a disciple. They are too happy, so how can they object? .

"Okay, I think it's embarrassing for you to go out with your current cultivation base. This time I want to improve your strength. Although this is a bit unstable, as long as you work hard, you will be fine. We are now looking for A cave is so safe to practice." After Ye Guxin's hunger consciousness had enveloped the entire Tianyuan Mountain Range, Ye Guxin brought Tian Nan and the two to a nearby natural cave.

Although the cave is not big, it is enough for a few of them to live in.

"Okay, let's practice here, you two sit cross-legged." Ye Guxin led them to the cave in an instant.Without wasting any time, they called Tian Nan and the others to start practicing as soon as they arrived at the cave.

Tian Nan and the others sat down cross-legged according to Ye Guxin's words and began to practice. They began to absorb the metal nature between heaven and earth according to the exercises in the Emperor's Bible.After Ye Guxin saw that they had started to practice, she separated a little from her own gold source and put them in Tian Nan's body respectively.

When Tian Nan and the others were cultivating, they felt an extremely large and pure golden vitality entered their bodies. When they were still wondering, Ye Guxin's voice sounded in their minds.

"Just now is a trace of my original energy. After you absorb it, your skills will have a qualitative leap, but don't be happy. Your realm doesn't matter. You have to practice hard to stabilize your realm."

(Today I will also challenge to update a chapter for every 500 points and 100 recommendations. I will vomit blood and give it away. How much you can vomit depends on your recommendations. Book reviews. I want it. Chapter 1 is here.)
(End of this chapter)

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