Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 287 I Don't Believe You

Chapter 287 I Don't Believe You
Once the golden lotus formation appears, it is radiant, and it is a miracle in the eyes of ordinary people. Looking at the surrounding situation now, it seems like a hell on earth. If it appears this way, it will not win many believers. A smile slowly appeared on his face.In the West, those people are so stupid that they cannot be educated at all, and it is difficult to achieve anything. However, in the East, there are outstanding people, various talents, and several saints in succession. Unlike the West, only two leaders can prove the way .

As long as some believers can be brought back to the West this time, the day of great prosperity of Buddhism will not be far away.Tathagata's fight is also easy to calculate, but this is like a dream, not to mention whether Ye Guxin will allow him to do this, but how can those believers shake their faith in their hearts.

But they saw that Yanan led all the arhats to lay down the golden lotus formation, surrounding the entire Beidouluzhou, but they didn't know that Ye Guxin was already watching the situation below, if they didn't want to see what the hell they were doing, just those ten Eight skeletons are enough for them to drink a pot. You must know that the eighteen skeletons are invulnerable to swords, guns, water and fire. Now they are practicing the Jade Soul Refining Art given to them by Ye Guxin in the bone mountain. The power is unimaginable .

As soon as they come out, half of them will die without seeing the believers.Where are those arhats who came to appear arrogantly? Those skeletons accepted Ye Guxin's order to guard the North Fear of Luzhou.Also did not move.Just wait for an order, and kill immediately.

But Ye Guxin wanted to see the methods of Western religion.He was originally practicing Shinto, and now the North Fear Luzhou is filled with countless powers of faith, hidden in the power of faith, even a saint can't even try to find his trace, so he just enjoys watching the excitement.I saw those arhats chanting the Heart Sutra together.A burst of Sanskrit filled the entire North Fear Luzhou, and countless golden lights slowly came from the sky little by little. It seemed far away, but it filled the sky in an instant.

The faces of the believers kneeling below had puzzled expressions.I don't know where this Sanskrit sound came from. According to this Sanskrit sound, it should be according to Western religion.They have been to North Fear Luzhou, but they are not ignorant, they just don't know what is going on with Western Buddhism coming to North Fear Luzhou.

During this longing, there was another change in the sky. The little golden dots suddenly split and turned into golden lotus stands. The lotus stands were divided into six grades, blooming thousands of times of golden light.The sky was scattered, and the Tathagata and the Buddhas showed their bodies one after another, with Buddha wheels on their heads, and there were thousands of visions.

The Tathagata is seated on a golden lotus, with his hand on the Buddha's finger, smiling, suspended in the void, quietly looking at the thousands of believers below, and said: "I am the Tathagata of the Western Lingshan. My Lingshan has thousands of Buddhist scriptures, which can save the world. , can get rid of reincarnation..." Tathagata said this, but he breathed out golden lotus, bursting with strange fragrance, talking about hype, just to lead their hearts to the west.But he didn't know how the faith in believers' hearts could be easily shaken.One by one just listened, but didn't have much promise.

The Tathagata suddenly said: "When you come to my west, you can achieve the right fruit. I don't know if you have the heart of Buddha." After finishing speaking, he looked at the countless people below. To get the biggest ostentation out, not only dispatched most of the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas in Lingshan.Even more scheming has been done, they also know that the hearts of believers are the most difficult to shake, so they first use killing to move their hearts, and then use tricks to lure them.

But it's a pity that no one in this world knows that Ye Guxin still cultivates the divine way and has achieved success in the divine way. They think that Ye Guxin can quickly become a saint because of the power of faith.With the magic of Shinto, coupled with the belief that has been established since birth, Tathagata's scheming was in vain.

Hearing the Tathagata's words, a believer below suddenly said: "The villain also knows that you are the Western Buddha. I also know that you want us to believe in you, but what can you give us? Can you give us eternal life and happiness? Can life give us not to be oppressed by anyone, can it give us freedom." He said with disdain on his face.Just relying on your Western religion to subvert the belief in my heart, it is simply a dream.With faith in my heart and God, we have nothing to fear.

Tathagata frowned. He had also read the teachings of the Earth Emperor Sect, but he didn't take it seriously. After all, he didn't think that anyone could achieve the eternal life.This mortal is even more so, unless he achieves the Dao, he can enjoy a moment of peace.How to truly live forever.

Although Tathagata wanted to recruit believers, he couldn't say that. If he said it and other people knew about it, he would really laugh at others.And he didn't believe that someone could give them eternal life.Ordinary people are entangled in karma and fate, and they can't get rid of it. How easy it is to want to live forever.Shaking his head lightly, he said: "This poor monk really cannot guarantee everyone's success. After all, chance is the way to go, and you can't help it at all."

The believer was even more disdainful when he heard this: "Since you can't give us these, why should we believe in you? Let me tell you, we will always have only one belief, and that is His Majesty the Emperor. It is he who gave us today's life. He brought our ancestors from the lowest level of the world to have an equal life. It is he who allows us not to suffer from the suffering of reincarnation after death. We live and work in peace and contentment in Luzhou, North Fear, and live happily. How can we go to the West? You still Let's go, if my emperor turns around, you won't be able to leave even if you want to."

What he said was that Tathagata was dumbfounded for a while. They never thought that the believers of the emperor were so firm, and their beliefs were even more unshakable.Can't help but ask from another angle: "If your belief is evil, if your belief is about to be lost, will you continue to stick to your belief?"

"I was born knowing that this life is for the faith in my heart. If my heart is not dead, how can my faith die? I have faith. Even if I pay the price of my life for this faith, I will never stop. If the faith is going to be lost, then Before my faith is lost, I will lose it. I don't believe in you." After finishing speaking, he knelt quietly on the ground, his face showing a sacred brilliance, and he prayed unheard.After him, countless people shouted: "I don't believe in you" and then, like the man in front, they knelt on the ground and prayed for the god in their hearts.Even if it is Tathagata like that, seeing it is also very moving.

What is a believer? If you haven't met these people, Tathagata will say that your believers are the best believers, but now thinking about your own believers, compared with Ye Guxin's believers, there is simply no comparison.A trace of sadness could not help but flash between the expressions.I didn't expect the two leaders to calculate, but they didn't calculate that this believer's heart is so firm, that nothing can be moved.Heaven and earth cannot move.This means that the Tathagata has thousands of great dharmas, but that is also useless.Can't help but smile wryly.

It seems that this time he was accompanied by his wife and broke up with the emperor for no reason. The shackles behind him are hard to see. Go to Lingshan, educate them slowly, and you will naturally be able to change them. Why tell them so much, they are already fascinated by the emperor, how can they understand my Western magic."

Tathagata frowned when he heard that, but he stopped talking, closed his eyes and didn't know what to think about. Originally, coming to North Fear of Luzhou was a taboo against Ye Guxin. After all, he came uninvited. If they were brought to the west, it would be even more of a joke, not to mention that their hearts are hard to change, even Ye Guxin's anger is not something Lingshan can bear.Now I am also in a dilemma.

But You Ming, who watched a good show in the distance, was amused in his heart. Thinking about how Zhunti plotted against him, he couldn't help feeling a little angry in his heart. Thinking about how he brought so many people out like this, if he didn't do it One game, isn't that a joke?Thinking of a strange laugh that suddenly came out of his mouth, the laughter had no roots and no roots, and it reverberated through the heaven and earth, directly shaking the Tathagata and the others. Paled face.

The golden lotuses all over the sky were also broken after they showed their figures, and one by one returned to the back of the Tathagata, but the Tathagata's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice: "Master Youming, I don't know that you have broken through my Dafa!" , What is the so-called thing?" There was a pain in the head as he spoke, this Nether leader is notoriously difficult to deal with, and he originally planned to wait for them to leave, or to go in after they had already been lured away, so there was something outside Wait a lot of times.

When he came in, he didn't see You Ming and his group, and he was still secretly happy, but he didn't expect that he hadn't left yet, and he was still hidden by the side, which made him a little angry.

Since You Ming had already made a sound, there was no need to hide any more. With a sudden flash of light, all the people of You Ming also appeared, and the black clouds rolled over their bodies, which was no less powerful than the coming one.You Ming looked at Tathagata, and sneered, "Tathagata, you really have such a great momentum, you even moved most of the Lingshan here, and you came here to recruit believers, but I didn't expect that people would not care about your Lingshan. It’s really funny, funny. I don’t know how the emperor will react if he finds out. I’m really looking forward to it.” It’s really funny when you think about it. Then the Tathagata brought so many people, and everything was revealed, but even a believer had to arrive.The faces of the two saints in the West are probably also very wonderful.

They can count the sky and the earth, but they can't count the hearts of the people. They have never entered the North Fear Luzhou, so how do they know the nature of the people here.

(Happy New Year everyone, I wish you all good luck in the new year. Thanks for drifting) Genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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