Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 290 2 Golden Immortals

Chapter 290 The Twelve Golden Immortals
Hongjun passed on three friends, Laozi, Yuanyuan and Tongtian.In the end, the three created a religion each.At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tianzun established the elucidation teaching, the Taishang Laojun established the human education, and the leader of the Tongtian religion established the cut teaching.Since then, the three religions have been established side by side.Later, because of the dispute between doctrine and orthodoxy, the three religions launched a war of conferring gods.In the end, it ended in the defeat of Jujiao, and a lot of the Twelve Golden Immortals who explained the teaching were also scattered.

The twelve golden immortals are: Guangchengzi in Taoyuan Cave in Jiuxian Mountain, Huanglong Daoist in Magu Cave in Erxian Mountain, Taiyi Daoist in Jinguang Cave in Qianyuan Mountain, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun in Yunxiao Cave in Wulong Mountain, Cihangdao Ren in Luojia Cave in Putuo Mountain, and Golden Immortal in Jinguang Cave. Dao Xing Tianzun of Yuwu Cave in Tingshan Mountain, Chijingzi in Yunxiao Cave of Taihua Mountain, fearful grandson of Feiyun Cave in Jialong Mountain, Lingbao Master in Yuanyang Cave of Kongtong Mountain, Puxian Immortal in Baihe Cave in Jiugong Mountain, Immortal Yuding in Jinxia Cave in Yuquan Mountain, Qingfeng Mountain Ziyang Cave is the real king of Qingxu and morality.

Among them, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Cihangdaoren, and Puxian Zhenren were cut off from the top three flowers, which damaged their Taoism. They were finally allowed to be taken to the West and became Buddhist Manjushri, Avalokitesvara, and Puxian. Xian Bodhisattva.There is also the fear of Liusun who has become the Buddha of fear of Liusun.It can be said that some famous Bodhisattvas and Buddhas in Buddhism all passed through the East from me.

But no one knows that the Twelve Golden Immortals went to the west but was signaled by Yuan Yuan, otherwise how could they covet the names of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.After all, no matter how strong Zhunti is, they are not as strong as the original ones. Each of them has innate treasures to suppress luck, which is extremely long.Unlike the Western religion, there is no powerful spirit treasure to suppress luck, and now it can only live in the corner of the West.

This is also the reason why they should have such a difficult time in the past, and they happened to go to the west to practice for a period of time, so it can be regarded as the same origin of Buddhism and Taoism. Back then, Zhun Ti received a lecture under Hong Jun's seat.It can be regarded as a little affection, but this affection is just a general friendship.They also know these quasi-mentions.

How can the Twelve Golden Immortals return to the West so easily? They have tried their best to win them over these years, but the results are not great, so they are eager to develop to the East and take advantage of the opportunity to grow stronger. With the silver lining of hundreds of millions of years, and the plan to introduce Western religions to the East, the day of Buddhism's great prosperity will not be far away.

The so-called secrets left behind, the Western religion has existed since the prehistoric period, but there has been no opportunity for great prosperity. After hundreds of millions of years, the opportunity finally appeared. There are still two theories about the introduction of Buddhism to the East.

At this time, Yuanyuan in Yuxu Palace suddenly opened his eyes, with a faint smile on his mouth, he directly passed the message to the boy outside, saying: "Go and tell your senior brothers, just say that the robbery is full, the twelve gold coins Immortals return to their thrones. Ask them to bring those senior brothers back. This is a seal. Then go.” But what came out was four Taoist robes.Then there are a few magic weapons. "The boy didn't dare to be negligent, so he went directly to find the rest of the twelve golden immortals. The twelve golden immortals have been practicing in seclusion one by one since the Battle of Conferred Gods, so it is extremely easy to find them.

Not to mention Yuan Yuan, the Master Tongtian of Biyou Palace also had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and with a wave of his hand, a jade talisman turned into a white light and flew out.Think about how he cut off the disciples who were killed and injured in the Battle of the Conferred Gods.And there are only a few left, which can be described as extremely deserted.But now he has dared to take the big catastrophe, and the disciples also have time to escape.So there is a look of joy in my heart.

However, the fight between Tathagata and You Ming was also earth-shattering. The Ten Thousand Souls Halberd in You Ming's hand was extremely fierce, but Tathagata was not bad either.From time to time, streaks of golden light were released to block Nether's Ten Thousand Souls Halberd.Then the Tathagata kept chanting scriptures in his mouth, and a Sanskrit sound pierced the world.There is naturally a sense of peace inside.One by one Buddhist Wanzi appeared in the air.It kept flying, colliding with the Myriad Soul Halberd from time to time, sending out streaks of golden light.

At this time, they still haven't used any real skills, they are also afraid, what is this, this is the north's fear of Luzhou, and no one dares to really let go of their hands and feet.I can only stay in a stalemate without pain or itching.Although You Ming said it was fierce, but it was really just for a small fight, now is not the time for a big war, otherwise if they really let go, the Northern Fear of Luzhou is not enough for them to display.

Once the cast is performed, there is only one end for all the people below, and that is death. Their death is not a trivial matter. Ye Guxin is notoriously protective of his weaknesses. If he ruins his followers, then the grudge is not small.It will be difficult to be kind until then.They didn't know that Ye Guxin had been watching in the air for an indefinitely long time.

Ye Guxin couldn't help being a little funny seeing them so indifferent, but he didn't make a sound, because he already had a premonition that today's matter might not be so simple, and there are some interesting things to happen, but now the way of heaven Deceived, it has nothing to do with him, and he has no symptoms.It shouldn't be my business.

But at this time Die Fei flew over from a distance, shaking his fan, but the Peacock Daming King was gone.Tathagata and You Ming didn't really fight, so they looked distractedly, and found that the Peacock Daming Queen was missing, so they couldn't help but suddenly raised their hands and slapped them. A huge golden Buddha's palm directly separated the two of them.

You Ming smashed the bergamot with a halberd and took a step back. Tathagata looked at Die Fei and frowned and said, "Miss Die Fei, where is my Buddha mother, Peacock Daming King? Why didn't you come back together?" It's the Buddha's mother. If it is damaged here, the two sides of Lingshan will really be hard to get through.Besides, she is her nominal mother after all.

Die Feijiao smiled and said: "You old monk, that person didn't come back, so I killed him naturally. There are so many words there, she died, but her strength is not good. You are looking for it. It’s gone.” After saying that, he laughed a few times.His tone was full of disdain for Peacock Daming King.

Tathagata didn't quite believe it when he heard it. The Peacock Daming King has five-color divine light on his body, which can wipe out everything.All magic weapons are useless as long as they are not as good as Xiantian, and she will directly brush them in. Let alone Die Fei, even if you are facing the Peacock Daming King, you have to be careful, how could you be destroyed by Die Fei? .So he didn't believe it at all.

Without any warning, the restriction on the Peacock Daming King was suddenly pinched, but he found that the restriction did not get the same response as before, and he couldn't help frowning. Although he didn't believe that Die Fei could kill the Peacock Daming King, it is true that the restriction has no effect now. Really, this can't be fake at all, it can't help but be very strange.

He didn't know that the colorful wings in Diefei's hand were the chrysalis that fell off when the nine-winged butterfly turned into a cocoon. The chrysalis can isolate everything, and it is invulnerable to weapons, fire and water.There is another space inside, cutting off all the spiritual breath, so the Tathagata's restriction can't be felt at all, so how can it be activated.

Tathagata doesn't care if she really killed Peacock Daming King, but today, he will let Die Fei have an explanation anyway. After all, if the Buddha mother disappears and he returns to Lingshan like this, then this face is true. Throwing it to Ye Guxin's house is absolutely unacceptable.

Looking directly at Diefei, he said, "Miss Diefei, no matter whether you really ruined my Buddhist mother today or not, Peacock Daming King, you must do the next one and give justice." Die Fei's body was pressed down, and at this moment Die Fei only felt that the sky above his head seemed to be collapsing.He hurriedly used all his cultivation to resist.A trace of colorful light flashed from his body.

You Ming couldn't help snorting when he saw it, and suddenly exuded an aura that was not as good as coming, he protected Die Fei inside, and then said coldly: "Tathagata, you are a leader, go to bully a junior, do you still have the heart to be ashamed?" If you want to fight, I will fight with you, I want to see how good you are."

Tathagata is also angry now, and said: "You Ming, how can I bear it if you destroy my Buddha mother under your command. You must give me an explanation today, otherwise it will be a competition. I will not be afraid of you." Now He also became the Peacock Daming King and has been corrupted.But I don't know what's going on today, maybe it's not destined to be a day for fighting.

Ye Guxin suddenly didn't wrinkle, and said with a smile: "Interesting, it's really interesting. I'm afraid that Luzhou is really lively today, even the Twelve Golden Immortals appeared. It would be even more interesting if Zhunti appeared again As he spoke, he sat alone in the void, and a table appeared in front of him, on which was twice as much green tea.It was so relaxing.Don't watch this free show for nothing.How can it be wasted.

But suddenly a white light burst from the sky, a group of eight people, auspicious clouds under their feet, and three flowers above their heads.The eight immortals quickly came to the place where the two sides were fighting.But it was the remaining eight of the twelve golden immortals.They came this time to take back the other four great golden immortals.Return to the teacher's door.

The teacher has already said that after this conferment of the gods, there will be another great catastrophe, but I don't know what this catastrophe is, but he just said that the four golden immortals who went to the west will come back again.

And the few Bodhisattvas and Buddhas in the Western camp knew who it was at a glance, and there was excitement on their faces. After all, the 12 of them had never seen each other since they were conferred on the gods. Today they came together Come, I don't know what it is for.Back then, the teacher let them enter Western education. Over the years.It was just cultivation, but they didn't ask them to do anything, and they didn't know what the teacher's intention was.

The Twelve Golden Immortals traveled extremely fast, and they had already arrived at the front of Tathagata and You Ming in a short while.Among them, Guang Chengzi said with a bow: "The master of the nether world, the Tathagata Buddha, Guang Chengzi is polite." Then the other eight people also saluted together.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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