Chapter 292
In terms of Shinto, there is really no one in the world who can compare to Shangye Guxin. After all, his followers are countless, and his understanding of the power of faith is unprecedented.This North Fear of Luzhou can be said to be another world, a world completely dominated by Ye Guxin.

Although Zhunti has seen that Ye Guxin's methods are really clever, it doesn't mean that he is afraid of him, and it is definitely not the main body who came this time. The one in front of him is definitely a clone, no matter how strong the clone is, it is just a clone.He didn't believe that this avatar could be more powerful than himself, and he had only become a saint not long ago, so how could he compare to himself, a saint who had cultivated for countless years.

But even so, you can't lose face too much.The saint's time is long gone.There are always opportunities.Zhunti smiled and said: "Dihuang, it is my fault to enter the North Fear of Luzhou this time. I lost this time, and I will take them back to the west immediately. I hope Your Majesty will not stop them." The most important thing is to go back to the West, after all, now the Twelve Golden Immortals are going to take away the people who have survived before.If it is here, it is just adding random numbers.This is also a good way to avoid the Twelve Golden Immortals.

But Ye Guxin is so easy to fool.Sneered and said: "I, Ye Guxin, am not a stingy person, but I am not a magnanimous person either. Even if I am magnanimous, it depends on who I am. You must mention that I will never be magnanimous. Since you are here, Don't leave anything behind, just leave like this, then my North Fear Luzhou is not allowed to come and go, let people trample on it?" After finishing speaking, he let out a cold snort, and in an instant, with the help of the omnipresent power of faith in the world, an extremely strong The pressure was on everyone.

Except for the believers below, no one was spared. Not only the Nether leader, but even the Twelve Golden Immortals felt the heavy pressure on their bodies. Was used as a sham power.But what they don't know is that this is mainly aimed at Zhuang Ti.

Na Zhunti's body also trembled while he was not paying attention.But he was even more surprised in his heart. He never thought that just a clone could make him feel so pressured, no less than a saint.The relaxed look on his face disappeared immediately.He had a hunch that this time it might not be so easy to pass.He also knows Ye Guxin's character, and he originally planned to leave here when he was punished by God.Unexpectedly, the development of things was out of control.

Although he didn't think much about fighting Ye Guxin right now, but now Ye Guxin made it clear that he would not let him leave easily, the Qibao Miaoshu in his hand suddenly brushed in front of him, a colorful brilliance flashed, and the pressure around him disappeared instantly.This wonderful tree of seven treasures is indeed a good spiritual treasure, it has been following him to become holy, and it also has great power.

Zhunti raised his hand and said: "In that case, let's do it first." After saying that, Qibao Miaoshu brushed towards Ye Guxin.How could Ye Guxin be afraid of him, a black pen appeared in his hand, that was his pen of original sin, also known as the pen of judgment.This pen of judgment originally appeared at the same time as the divine way was condensed, and it represented the most primitive desire in the world.That judging pen grows by absorbing the desires of the world.

Think about the desires in the world that are inexhaustible and inexhaustible.Who dares to say that he has no desires. If he has an idea, he is a desire. If he has a dream, he is also a desire. Desire is the driving force for the development of this society. Only with desire can we develop. This is an ancient law.No one can change it.

Saints are also human, and they also have desires. Whoever says they can be too forgetful.It's just that their desires are less and weaker. This is also because there are too few things in this world worthy of their desires, such as powerful innate treasures, such as the inheritance of Taoism.Isn't the pen of judgment that absorbs the world's desires to grow is not powerful.

Moreover, as long as this pen of judgment is hit, it can also make people fall into desire unconsciously, but this was only used once in the Tianyuan Mountain Range before, and it was not used much after that.He just fought with skills, after all, the people who fought with him at that time were all people with similar cultivation levels, even if they were used, they would not have much effect.But now it is different, as long as one can reach the realm of becoming a god, even a saint can have a way to stop it.The body of original sin inside is even more powerful.It is also very strong now.One by one is not afraid of those ordinary attacks at all.

Ye Guxin waved the Judgment Brush in his hand, and a crack in space appeared in front of the colored light emitted by the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, swallowing up the colored light in an instant.And Ye Guxin's appearance is also very leisurely.He didn't care at all, he wasn't afraid of anyone in the Northern Fear of Luzhou.This is where it is most beneficial to him.

After taking over this one, Ye Guxin didn't make any more moves, but said: "Zhunti, it is absolutely necessary for us to fight. But before we fight, we have to settle other people's affairs and let others stand It's not a problem." He said with a faint smile.He was talking about the Twelve Golden Immortals.

As long as it can make Zhun Ti unhappy, he is willing to do it. Today I will help the Yuanyuan gang.But this love, Yuanyuan will return it to me sooner or later, Hungry Zhunti's complexion has changed, he was so eager to do it in order to expose that matter, unexpectedly, Ye Guxin is really difficult to deal with.

And Guang Chengzi and the others looked at each other, and respectfully said at the same time: "Your Majesty is the master." He knew in his heart that as long as Ye Guxin intervened, then this matter might be considered a success.However, Guanyin and the others who were originally in the western camp, after seeing Zhunti coming, thought that there was no hope of going back this time, but they didn't expect that Feng Shui would turn around.My luck is still good.

There was also a hint of joy on each face.The Taoist robes in front of Guang Chengzi and the others are sealed with the skills they left behind when they went to the West. As long as they put it on, they can naturally integrate their skills. Sanhua has lost her skills for almost 9000 years.You must know that the cohesion of each of the three flowers on the top is the fusion of 3000 years of skill.Three flowers are 9000 years.

Although this has hurt their vitality, but now they have practiced western kung fu in the West for so many years. homologous.They have practiced the same origin of heaven and dao, and as long as they regain their original Taoist cultivation base, they will immediately reach the holy level, equal to Guang Chengzi and the others.This is also the return of the twelve golden immortals.

Ye Guxin nodded and said: "If you call me today, then I can't ignore it, Guanyin, you were a Cihang Taoist before, and now you are Guanyin Bodhisattva. Now you return. I am in charge of everything." Arrogance appeared on him, he just wanted to make Zhun Ti unhappy today.Not happy.He is not happy, he is happy
Zhunti couldn't help but frowned and said, "Emperor Emperor, this seems to be a matter between me and Chanjiao, isn't it a bit unreasonable for you to get involved like this." That tone was already very dissatisfied.There was already a hint of anger on his face.But Ye Guxin didn't care about it.He didn't even look at him, just nodded to Guanyin.Said: "Guanyin, since you are a daughter now, then you are now a Taoist Guanyin. Go, I'm here, let's see who can stop me."

A strong sense of self-confidence in the words directly infected Guanyin. Guanyin and Ye Guxin are also old acquaintances. Now Guanyin has already changed her mentality over the years.There is nothing wrong with being a woman. Although there are memories from the past, for practitioners, reincarnation is just a very common thing.You may be a man in this life, but your next reincarnation may be a girl.No big deal either.Since then, the Taoist Ci Hang among the Twelve Golden Immortals has disappeared, and there are only Taoist Guanyin.

Guanyin smiled lightly.He just saluted Zhunti slightly.Then he walked unhurriedly towards his Taoist robe.And Zhunti also knew that it would be useless to stop him at this time, as long as he made a move, Ye Guxin would definitely make a move, and he didn't know what kind of monster Ye Guxin was, even a clone already had such strength.

After the Guanyin came to the front of the Taoist robe, he felt the vigorous power inside, and couldn't help smiling, and the Taoist robe suddenly turned into a stream of light and landed on her body.Suddenly, a strong aura emanated from her body.Then three flowers suddenly appeared on her head.The three flowers are not as white as Guang Chengzi's, but white with gold.This is the sign of both Buddhism and Taoism.

Now just look at Guanyin, who is dressed in a white Taoist robe.A head of smooth black hair fell down the back.He held a jade bottle in his hand, and a green willow branch was inserted in the bottle. That willow branch was not a mortal thing, it was the first willow tree when the world first opened.It has great power in it.This outfit has its own taste.Avalokitesvara looked at Guang Chengzi and the others and smiled, Jishou said: "Taoist Avalokitesvara has seen some brothers. I'm back." The sound of "I'm back" has an endless charm.Guang Chengzi and the others said at the same time: "Congratulations to Junior Sister (Sister) for coming back."

But Ye Guxin nodded slightly when he saw that there was another powerful person missing from the western religion, and said, "You guys also come back together." Speaking of time, Manjushri and the others also walked towards his Taoist robes at the same time.In an instant, they regained their skills at the same time, and each of them recovered in an instant.And it is much stronger than before.

Guang Chengzi and the others looked at each other and laughed at the same time, shouting congratulations, congratulations.The twelve golden immortals gathered together today.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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