Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 311 Chang'e Fairy

Chapter 311 Chang'e Fairy
However, after Tian Nan and the others explained the matter clearly to Zhinu, Zhinu also accepted Miejie Pill, and even agreed to go to North Fear Luzhou with them. After they packed up their things, they hurried to North Fear Luzhou. But Tian Nan and the others' faces were filled with joy, after all, the task had been completed now, how could they be unhappy.One by one, they returned home like an arrow.I wish I could be in front of Master soon.

At this time, Ye Guxin and Houtu were sitting on the cloud, playing the flute and listening to each other, with a respectful scene. Ye Guxin played the flute with the voice of his heart, including his whole life journey, which has not yet left in the realm of the emperor and heaven. After people heard it, they couldn't help being immersed in Ye Guxin's life history. What they didn't know was that during the process of listening, their realm was slowly improving inadvertently. Although the speed was slow, but But it can be felt.

It can be said that these people really got a big chance this time. When they wake up later, they are all things to laugh at. You must know that the cultivation base is easy to obtain, but the realm is difficult to rise. No matter how much it is, it will not be of much use, and maybe because of the lack of realm, if there is a madness, then it is really a hell.However, if this realm is to be improved, it can only be realized slowly. There is no shortcut to take. Unexpectedly, this time, I will get such a chance. , the realm can be raised.This kind of thing was something that I didn't even dare to think about before.

If those who left first knew, it would be strange if they didn't beat their chests and cry out in grief. After all, just because they left one step earlier, they lost such a big opportunity, and no one could stand it.Ye Guxin's flute sounds are turning and changing endlessly, his mood is inherently uncertain, and there is no fixed routine in music.Change whatever you want.Do whatever you want, this is what Ye Guxin has always advocated.You can do whatever you want.You can do whatever you want, there is no need to be too tired.Just do whatever you want.

Houtu's heart also keeps ups and downs with Ye Guxin's flute sound. The hearts of the two are getting closer and closer in the flute sound. Houtu will be sad and happy because of the sadness in the flute sound.Unknowingly, the sound of the flute has disappeared, leaving only Ye Guxin holding the flute in one hand and looking at the void.After this flute sound.Not only did the listeners benefit, Ye Guxin also felt that his heart became much clearer.Slightly sighed.He looked back at the back soil.Hou Tu held his hand tightly.In the eyes is the inextricable tenderness.

A smile slowly appeared on the corner of Ye Guxin's mouth, and he hugged Houtu into his arms and said, "I don't know if my skills have declined. I haven't played for so long, so it should be hard for me to hear." He was completely immersed in his feelings just now. Among them, I don't even know what I am playing, and it has reached the point where I forget everything.It is understandable not to know.

When Houtu heard this, he smiled and said, "Guxin, you are really hidden. You have such an amazing skill, but you have never revealed it. In my opinion, your flute sound has reached an unimaginable level. No I know who is better than you, the Qin Immortal of Heaven and Guxin." Although Houtu didn't know much about this music, he could still feel the good and bad.The fascinating emotions in the flute sound will not be fake, only the music with emotion is the music of the highest state.

Ye Guxin smiled lightly and said: "I don't have such an amazing lipogenesis, I just put my feelings into it, so that I can feel happy, and secondly, I can express the emotions in my heart. It's just for fun If you want to learn, I can teach you." If you want to talk about those music scores and the like, Ye Guxin is indeed inferior to anyone, and this is also true.And he didn't mean to compare himself with others, he was just bragging for himself.

At this time, the people below have already discovered that their realm has been greatly improved in the song of the emperor, and the realm that is usually difficult to improve no matter what, has been improved so much in this instant. Can you not be delighted, with a look of joy on his face.If this kind of thing happens two more times, then my realm will not be able to fly.But they also know that this is just a dream. It is a great fortune to have such a thing that can be met but not sought once.

After thinking about it and staying here for such a long time, it's time to go back, and all of them left this heavenly realm, after all, the benefits they got were enough for them to laugh secretly.It can be said that they all gained a lot.It was unimaginable before.It's time to be content.People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants.

As time goes by, there is still one person who has not left in the open space, and that is Fairy Chang'e.As long as Chang'e stands on the open space, it is enough to become a beautiful scenery.When she was in the human world, she was already recognized as the most beautiful woman in the world. Later, she became a fairy because of stealing the elixir. In fact, this was also a conspiracy of the heavens. Her descendants shot and killed nine golden crows, which offended many people.After Chang'e ascended, she lived alone in Guanghan Palace.And later, the descendants were also injured under other people's calculations, and even suppressed his soul on the sun star after death.

Burning the soul with the real fire of the sun every day is extremely miserable. It has been countless years so far. After Chang'e knew it, she wanted to rescue him all the time.But her ability is not to mention saving, and she can't get close even if she is connected.There has been no way.

In fact, the sun and the moon are also called the lunar star and the sun star. Because these two stars have sufficient yin and yang aura, they also grow two sacred trees.In response to the power of the yin, a sacred laurel tree grew on the star of the sun, and on the star of the sun was the sacred tree of the spinach tree. It is said that everything must be reversed, and on the sacred laurel tree of the most yin, there is a hot heart of Shaoyang, and There is also a heart of Shaoyin on the tree of the spinach tree.The yin and yang between the two are intertwined and endless.It contains incomparable power of life, endless rebirth, immortality, which can be described as miraculous.

This is also the reason why Wu Gang has been cutting down the sacred laurel tree all these years, but he has always been unable to do any harm to it.It is because of the regeneration ability of laurel.And the descendants are sealed under the sacred tree of the spinosa tree.Seeing that Chang'e hadn't left yet, Ye Guxin couldn't help but frowned. This Chang'e is indeed the most beautiful woman in the world, so her beauty is naturally needless to mention.It is indeed extremely beautiful, even if it is better than Houtu, but this appearance is no different in Ye Guxin's eyes, no matter how beautiful things are, they have no meaning to him.

Houtu also saw Chang'e below, and the Jade Rabbit in her arms could guess her identity, so he couldn't help but smiled and said, "Guxin, I don't know what Chang'e is staying here, why don't we go down and see?" Let's see." If there is nothing wrong, it is impossible for Chang'e to stay, and Ye Guxin also knows that although Ye Guxin is not afraid of any karma, she does not want anything to happen when they get married.If anything, it's beauty.

I didn't intend to talk to Chang'e at first, but now that Houtu has opened his mouth, he wants to go down and have a look.Then she nodded and said, "Okay, let's go down and have a look." After finishing speaking, they landed in front of Chang'e hand in hand.When Chang'e saw Ye Guxin and Houtu, she immediately bowed down and said: "Little fairy Chang'e has seen His Majesty the Emperor and Empress Houtu. Your Majesty's life is boundless, and she will live forever."

Although Chang'e's status is extremely high, she still has no airs in front of Ye Guxin and Houtu.This Chang'e Ye Guxin also nodded when she looked at it. It was already a rare beauty in the sky and on earth, coupled with the unique cool aura on her body, it was indeed extraordinary.The scent is unique.Nodding her head, she said in a deep voice, "Fairy Chang'e, you don't need to be too polite." After speaking, she lifted Chang'e up with an incomparable force, and after lifting her up, the force disappeared unknowingly.

I was extremely shocked by the Emperor's control over me, but then I thought about how he was already a saint, so there was nothing surprising about it.But he still said softly, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Ye Guxin looked at Chang'e, and said: "I don't know what is the purpose of Fairy Chang'e's stay this time. Did she fall in love with the scenery in my heavenly realm? If it is true, then it is fine for you to stay here. I can Set aside a piece of land for you to live in alone." Ye Guxin didn't want any accidents to happen at this time, besides, he is not long from the day of getting married, so let's talk about everything after getting married.So let's talk about him.Just to change the subject.

Although Chang'e is very fond of the scenery in the Heavenly Realm of the Earth Emperor, and wants to play it, but her descendants are trapped, how can she have a good mood to play, although she is a little aware of what Ye Guxin said, but also I just thought about it and didn't say much.He just shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, this time the little girl came here not to see the scenery, but to ask for something. I hope that Your Majesty can help the little girl once, and Chang'e will definitely repay Your Majesty as a slave."

Chang'e didn't think too much about it, so she directly stated her intentions and asked Ye Guxin.Ye Guxin couldn't help but sighed in his heart, but he didn't say anything. He also felt Chang'e's request in his heart, but what's the matter? Ye Guxin didn't want to leave here during his marriage. stay with her.I don't want to worry about anything at this time.Unexpectedly, Chang'e came to look for trouble again.Although I felt a little unhappy, I still said: "Just tell me what you have, but I may not guarantee to help. After all, there are all kinds of wonders in this world. Even a saint may not know everything. Tell me first."

Ye Guxin also has his words first, after all some things cannot be viewed with common sense, so he has to leave a way out anyway, besides, whether to help or not is his own business, it’s not that others beg him, he must help, that depends own preferences.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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