Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 320 The Auspicious Day Has Arrived

Chapter 320 The Auspicious Day Has Arrived
However, after Ye Guxin, Houtu and Bai Su tried on the wedding dresses, they played around together again, watching the scenery in the heavenly realm.It also makes time go by so fast.In the blink of an eye, it's time to get married.Ye Guxin and the others also returned to the underground palace.I saw Tian Nan and the others respectfully guarding the hall.After Ye Guxin and Houtu sat down, they looked around at Tian Nan and the others.Because of the arrival of Queen Mother Xi, there was another one beside Ye Guxin's seat.A seat that is exactly the same as Houtu, which means treating everyone equally.

Ye Guxin looked at Tian Nan and the others.Now all of Ye Guxin's apprentices were present, not only Tian Nan and the others, but even Ye Wushang who had been cast under him.There are also a few that have been compared in the land.Seeing that Ye Guxin and the two mistresses had arrived, Tian Nan's expression turned serious.He already knew about the Queen Mother of the West, but he wasn't too surprised, after all, he could know the details from Caiyun.

They wouldn't have any objection, anyway, the master has been alone all these years, and he's a bit lonely, so it's better to have two teachers' wives to take care of him.And the two mistresses also treated them very well.They have given them a lot of treasures, and now the teacher's wife is already a benefit in their hearts.Of course, this is also an exaggeration.But there are many good feelings.

Besides, Queen Mother Xi's kindness to Ye Guxin is also in their hearts, otherwise even if they don't say it, their master will not accept her.Tian Nan came together this time because the wedding day had come, and he wanted to see what Ye Guxin meant.He stood up and said, "Master, now your wedding day has arrived, and the disciples are all ready. I don't know if Master has any orders."

When Ye Guxin heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he nodded and said: "This time, you have worked hard because of Master's matter. I have no objection. The wedding will be held tomorrow. This is also the time stated on the invitation. If everything If it’s arranged, then go ahead with it.”

When Tian Nan heard this, she shook her head and said, "Master, if the disciples can do something for you, it can't be considered hard work. The disciples have always wanted to find opportunities to honor the master, but they have never had the opportunity. Not only do we not feel hard when we have a chance, but we are full of energy. Everything is ready. Just wait for the time to come."

When Ye Guxin heard it, he was also very moved. Although he was moved, his inner feelings did not show on his face.He nodded and said, "Since it's ready, let's hold it as scheduled. But tomorrow, everyone must maintain order and avoid any accidents. If there is any abnormality, it must be resolved immediately."

Tian Nan smiled and said: "I see, Master, everything is under our control. I'm saying that there are really not many people who dare to make trouble in Master's heaven." Hehe, if someone really made trouble, it would be Looking for death, thinking about Ye Guxin's style of doing things, if someone comes to offend at this time, then there is really no discussion.

Then Ye Guxin talked to Tian Nan and the others about some things, that is, things to pay attention to at the wedding tomorrow.Then everyone dispersed and went down to get ready.Think about how many people will come tomorrow.But no matter how many people come, they are not afraid. Is it possible that they will not be able to entertain them in this heavenly realm?

After Tian Nanyi and the other senior brothers came out, he said: "Junior brothers, tomorrow is a good day for Master. Thinking about Master's cultivation of us, it can be said to be a kindness and re-creation. We can have today's cultivation, all It is a gift from Master. Now on Master’s big day, we also want to give Master a big gift. Although Master did not ask for this, it is a small expression of our heart. When the time comes, everyone must Don't let anything happen?"

After Tian Nan and the others knew that Ye Guxin was going to get married, they were already thinking about what gift to give to Master. After preparing for so long, they should bring it out tomorrow.Although Ye Guxin may not be able to see it in his eyes, it can be regarded as their intention.Sun Wukong said with a smile: "Brother, just rest assured, you won't miss it." The others also smiled.

Not only them, but now people from all walks of life are moved because of Ye Guxin's marriage. Ye Guxin's marriage is not a trivial matter. If it is good, maybe he can take this opportunity to rely on a big tree.The benefits you get after that are no longer in the sea.All of them are very attentive.Each is preparing.I hope that Ye Guxin will see their gifts by then.Reach the sky in one fell swoop.These are just other people's dreams.

The so-called marriage of saints is the first time in the world. People who have already reached the realm of saints will never have such behaviors, and it is even more impossible to make marriages. This is also the reason why Ye Guxin does not avoid feelings.

But no matter what, for a saint to get married, the action is still too big, and it is rumored that there will be two brides in this wedding, which is even more unbelievable.Regardless of what others think, the day goes by in the blink of an eye.

Today's North Fear Luzhou and Dihuang Heaven Realm are very lively, countless people bring various gifts into it, under the North Fear Luzhou, countless people gather, it can be described as a grand scene.A huge door appeared in the void.Behind that door is Ye Guxin's heaven.But now no one is going up, just standing below.

Not long after, when the auspicious time came, a white figure suddenly appeared in the Temple of the Earth Emperor, which was Ye Guxin's real body of the Earth Emperor.As soon as Ye Guxin appeared, he waved his hand, and the power of faith in the North Fear Luzhou instantly gathered, and after a while, a white avenue to reach the sky appeared in front of everyone.The power of faith emanating from that avenue is enough to shock anyone.

Afterwards, some of the people below finally came to their senses, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "The road of reincarnation is actually the road of reincarnation." The people around couldn't help being surprised and unimaginable when they heard it.This road of reincarnation also began with legends.There is no cause and effect after reincarnation.As long as you walk through this cycle, most of your own karma will dissipate.The benefits that can be obtained are simply unimaginable.But this road of reincarnation uses the power of faith, and Ye Guxin is the only one who can not take the power of faith seriously in this world.

The power of faith already has the effect of eliminating karma.Now it is even more so to become a road.This time Ye Guxin can also be said to be generous, and this is also to show his strength to others.Anyway, his practice of Shinto is no longer a secret.Just a little reveal.

Although everyone was surprised, they looked at the road of reincarnation in a completely different way. They are not saints, and they have a lot of karma.If one can make one step on the road of reincarnation, most of one's own karma will be eliminated.This can be said to be a rare good thing in the world.Others couldn't ask for it, and everyone couldn't help but rejoice that they were able to come today.Not much to say, under the guidance of a special person, they entered the heavenly realm from the road of reincarnation one by one, and the heavenly realm was very lively for a while, and everyone's face was filled with joy.A festive atmosphere spread around.

Suddenly, there was a sound of dragon chant from the sky.Nine black dragons pulled a dragon and phoenix chariot from the sky towards the main hall.In a moment, we have arrived at the main hall.Then Ye Guxin, who was dressed in black, got out of the car with Hou Tu and Bai Su on the left and right.And enter the hall together.

Ye Guxin is sitting at the main seat, Houtu is on the left, and Bai Su is on the right.Both of them were wearing white wedding dresses, and the white wedding dresses on them could be said to have attracted everyone's attention.Even if Chang'e is in front of that perfect figure, it will be three points pale.Everyone couldn't help admiring Ye Guxin's beauty.

At this time, everyone also entered the hall.The heavenly court is dominated by Taiplatinum.Holding a jade box in his hand.Although he didn't know what was in that box, Ye Guxin's heart moved, as if it was about him.But did not delve into it.And all the saints also sent their own disciples to come.Like the Twelve Golden Immortals, the Great Master Xuandu, and the three sisters Xiaoqiong.They all came with presents in their hands.It can be said that as long as they are able to get on the stage, they will also send gifts one by one.

After Ye Guxin sat down with Houtu and Bai Su, all the people in the hall congratulated Ye Guxin and the three of them: "Congratulations to Your Majesty for marrying Empress Houtu and Empress Bai." Ye Guxin, Houtu, Bai Su He also smiled and nodded to them.At this time, there was a burst of immortal sound outside.An ethereal voice came in and said: "Little fairy Chang'e sings and dances to wish Your Majesty a happy wedding." After speaking, a peerless face came in from outside the hall.There are many fairies following behind.Those fairies held various musical instruments in their hands.

Seeing Chang'e coming, everyone also vacated a space.As soon as Chang'e came in, she knelt down to Ye Guxin and Houtu Baisu and said, "Chang'e congratulates Your Majesty on her wedding, and presents a song and dance. I hope Your Majesty will appreciate it." Ye Guxin nodded and said, "Yes." Chang'e saluted again.Then retreated into the middle of the hall mixed with all kinds of amorous feelings.Her own appearance is one of the few in the world.Now in white.The cool aura that naturally exudes from her body is even more beautiful.

After retreating into the main hall, the fairies she brought also played the instruments in their hands.For a time, all kinds of fairy sounds converged into a perfect movement.When the music plays, Chang'e's figure also dances with the rhythm of the music.The willow waist is lightly swayed, but it evokes all kinds of amorous feelings.Smile to the sky.But it is boundless charm.This dance is like a butterfly wearing flowers, and its graceful and moving dance is enough to change the color of the world.At some point, countless butterflies appeared around Chang'e.Those butterflies danced with Chang'e's dancing.The beauty of the dancing has already made everyone in the hall immersed in it and couldn't help themselves.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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