Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 322 Alsophila spinulosa Houyi

Chapter 322 Alsophila spinulosa Houyi
But Ye Guxin stayed with Houtu and Bai Su for three full days, and after that, he finally walked out of the hall.Then Hou Tu and Bai Su leaned tightly by his side, one on the left and the other on the right.In the eyes is the inextricable tenderness, Hou Tu and Bai Su were developed by Ye Guxin, and the temperament on their body slowly began to transform into a mature woman, nourished by Guxin's rain and dew, and the beauty of their body has increased unknowingly.Now even if they stand in one place casually, they will definitely not be worse than that Chang'e, and even better.

They came out this time because of Ye Guxin's promise to Chang'e back then. Although it was impossible for Hou Yi to get rid of the spinosa tree, and his soul was about to dissipate, he still allowed Chang'e and Hou Yi to meet again.A lonely heart is the most important promise.Now that you have promised, you will never regret it.It's the same this time.But when you go to the sun star, it's not bad to go to Guanghan Palace for a walk.You must know that there is also a sacred tree, the sacred tree of laurel, on the lunar star.

Although Ye Guxin, the laurel god tree, has heard of it, he has never seen it. This time, he just took Hou Tu and Bai Su out for a walk. You must know that the dusk of the gods is coming soon. By then, he will not have so much time. I've been with the two of them now, so of course I have more time to walk around now.

Knowing that Ye Guxin was going to the Lunar Star, Houtu thought of the laurel tree and said, "There is a sacred tree laurel on the Lunar Star. I don't know if the laurel is in bloom now." After speaking, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Ye Guxin smiled and said: "Okay, we should go too, if we want to see the laurel flowers, then we have to go to the lunar star." After speaking, a colorful cloud appeared at the feet of the three of them.It is neither fast nor slow to go to the lunar star.Although the speed doesn't seem fast, when others see it, they disappear in the blink of an eye.

It didn't take long for Ye Guxin and the others to reach the Lunar Star, but they didn't alarm Chang'e here.Instead, wander under the laurel trees.When Ye Guxin saw the laurel tree, she couldn't help but nodded. It was indeed a sacred tree bred by the power of the sun, the only one in the world.The power of the sun has become so strong that it is unimaginable.Don't say anything else, just say that the laurel flowers on it also have a strong power of the sun.If you use bay osmanthus to do something, it is definitely no less than some fairy fruit.

But the laurel flowers are also special, because they fall down all the time, but at the same time as they fall, a laurel flower will reappear on it, which can be described as life and death.And the fallen laurel can only be harvested when it falls in the air, otherwise, it will disappear as soon as it falls to the ground.It is also a kind of strangeness.Ye Guxin and Houtu Baisu stood under the tree, talking and laughing nonstop.Pointing.

Suddenly a big man came from behind, that big man also had a handsome face, with an ax gleaming coldly on his shoulder.This person is Wu Gang.Wu Gang cut down trees for thousands of years.There is indeed an unimaginable perseverance.In fact, there are very few people who can beat Wu Gang in the heavenly court.His knowledge of axes has reached an unimaginable level.Each ax has been practiced in the early logging of pure fire.Every ax contains the truth of heaven and earth.

Seeing Ye Guxin, Wu Gang and the others couldn't help but frowned and said, "Who are you to trespass into Guanghan Palace?" Even though he said that, he was full of vigilance, because he couldn't feel the cultivation of the three people in front of him at all.As if there is nothingness, this feeling can only be felt by people who are far stronger than themselves.

Ye Guxin, Houtu and the others turned around, and when they heard Wu Gang's question, they couldn't help but snort coldly: "Huh..." After this sound, Wu Gang felt as if an unparalleled force appeared between heaven and earth, hitting him in the chest instantly. superior.The body could no longer stand, and retreated several tens of feet in a row, and two deep long grooves were drawn directly under the feet.After the power dissipated, Wu Gang's face was already full of shock.He didn't expect the person in front of him to be so powerful.

Although he didn't want to fight Ye Guxin, but there was nothing he could do now. When the ax in his hand slashed, it seemed that the world would be split by the ax at that moment.It contains infinite truths and boundless mysteries.It makes people seem to have no courage to resist.Unfortunately, what he met today was Ye Guxin.With a slight lift of the Guxin jade bamboo flute in his hand, Ye Guxin didn't see how the black flute appeared on Wu Gang's axe.

With a sound of "ding", Wu Gang seemed to have been struck by lightning, and his body flew out suddenly, the ax in his hand drooped unconsciously.His face was full of horror.At this time, a soul-stirring voice stopped Wu Gang's figure who was about to continue. "Brother Wu, stop. Your Majesty the Emperor is not something you can match." He stopped Wu Gang and pointed out Ye Guxin's identity.This person is Chang'e.

As soon as Wu Gang heard that the person in front of him was actually the emperor, the shock on his face gradually disappeared. After all, it was not a shame to be defeated by Ye Guxin.It is an honor to be able to fight against Ye Guxin.Wu Gang quickly respectfully said to Chang'e behind him, "Miss, why did you come out?"

Chang'e nodded, but bowed to Ye Guxin and said: "Chang'e has seen Your Majesty's wife. Brother Wu just insulted His Majesty rudely, and I hope you can forgive him. Chang'e is very grateful."

In fact, Ye Guxin didn't care about Wu Gang at all, and it was just a casual test just now. If Ye Guxin was really angry, then Wu Gang would not be standing here intact.He nodded and said: "Get up, this time I came here to promise you the promise before, since I have already promised, I will naturally do it, you are going to Sun Star. But I still want to tell you in the end, Hou Yi No one can save him now, his soul is already about to dissipate, and he can't last long. I'll let you meet this time, and then his soul will dissipate. You should think about it clearly."

When Chang'e heard this, her complexion changed, and a trace of paleness appeared on her face. Although she also knew that this might be the last time she saw Hou Yi, she couldn't care less about it. Countless years of waiting, even if it was the last time, then Also enough.She nodded and said, "Chang'e has thought it through, but I still want to see Hou Yi. Even if it's the last time."

Ye Guxin looked at the sky and said: "Okay, it's getting late, we should go to see Hou Yi, let's go." After speaking, he waved his hand, and a colorful cloud appeared under his feet.And Chang'e also appeared next to Houtu and the others.Chang'e glanced at Wu Gang below and said, "Brother Wu, Chang'e will take a step first. I will leave the Guanghan Palace to Brother Wu."

When Wu Gang heard this, he also nodded silently.But there was a trace of bitterness in the corner of his mouth.You have to know why he has been here for countless years, not Chang'e. He has been in love with her bitterly for tens of thousands of years, but Chang'e just regards him as her elder brother. This is also a kind of sadness.Ye Guxin glanced at Wu Gang and said, "You are fine, fine."

Then they took Houtu and the others to leave Lunar Star. This time, the destination is Sun Star. There are so many legends on Sun Star, many of which are unimaginable, and each of them is so earth-shattering. Each one is so extraordinary.But now there is a tyrannical soul locked on the sun star, which may be Hou Yi.

The surface of the sun star exudes endless heat, which is enough to make it difficult for immortals to survive here. This is the trace of the sun's real fire leaking out.And it's only a small part.And on the sun star, a fiery red tree appeared in front of Ye Guxin and the others.It exudes a hot breath.

Ye Guxin pointed to the tree and said, "Chang'e, that is the Shenmu of Cymbidium spinosa, and Houyi is in it. If you make up your mind, then I will separate him from it, so that after he sees you once, he will lose his soul." Well, it’s up to you to decide what to do.”

Chang'e was already staring blankly at the sacred tree, because she had already sensed Hou Yi's aura from the sacred tree.Sure enough, he was inside.She nodded slightly and said, "Your Majesty, you can do it. Living like this is better than dying." Hou Yi is a hero, the hero in her heart. Even if a hero dies, he cannot be imprisoned here and suffer thousands of tortures.

Ye Guxin nodded, and didn't say anything. He came here just for a promise, and he grasped the sacred tree of Cymbidium spinosa with his left hand. In an instant, the real fire of the sun burning continuously on the sacred tree seemed to be separated by something, and slowly Scattered to the two sides, but a vague figure appeared from the tree of the spinach tree.After the soul appeared, a tyrannical aura came directly from the face.Although the aura was strong, it had no effect on Ye Guxin at all, so he snorted coldly.With a wave of his left hand, the phantom flew out.

After the phantom came out, the spinosa tree also returned to its original state, but Chang'e suddenly rushed towards the phantom, shouting, "Hou Yi, Hou Yi, is that you? Hou Yi." After Yi's soul came out, it slowly condensed its original appearance, and Hou Yi's face was as if cut by a knife.Although he is not very handsome, he has a certain momentum inside.It is indeed Hou Yi who dared to shoot the sun.

As soon as the descendants saw Chang'e, they quickly retreated, raised one hand, and said, "Chang'e, don't come here." When Chang'e heard this, her face changed, her body stopped, and two lines of tears flowed down.Can't help but sadly said: "Houyi, don't you still refuse to forgive me? I know I shouldn't have stolen the elixir before. Back then I didn't expect to have today's result. Chang'e already knew I was wrong."

Hou Yi shook his head and said, "Chang'e, I, Hou Yi, have never blamed you, it's all God's will, I don't let you come here, it's not that I don't forgive you, but you can't touch my current body at all. "

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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