Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 325 Western Pattern

Chapter 325 Western Pattern
On the other side of the barrier between heaven and earth, that is, the west, the power between them is not as simple as that in the east.The God Realm is much larger than the East.It can be said to be more than double that of the East.Among them, the Western European Protoss.underworld.Each one is powerful.Over the years, the purpose of not showing mountains and waters is to make a fortune in the twilight of the gods. You must know that the east has outstanding people, and some precious materials are not available in the west.

However, the strength of the East is indeed extremely powerful. In the previous wars, they did not gain any benefits. Instead, they were attacked by the East and suffered heavy losses. However, they also learned a lesson. Instead of fighting, they are secretly accumulating strength, waiting for this Ragnarok to wash away the shame of the last time.For a while, their strength developed rapidly.All walks of life have reached their peak state.

It can be said that it is waiting for the arrival of Ragnarok.It is about to enter the East.At this time, God in heaven, a gorgeous costume.There was a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth, and the one under him was his angel.There is still a hierarchy of angels in heaven.From low to high, they are: angels, archangels, power angels, power angels, power angels, master angels, throne angels, cherubs, and seraphs.Angels are strictly hierarchical.It is also distinguished by the wings behind it. One wing, that is, a pair of wings, is called an angel, and every time you go up a level, the wings behind you will add a pair, until the last blazing angel, what appears is the nine wings.At that time, their strength had reached an unimaginable level.

Originally, the strongest among the angels was the former Angel of Morning Light, Lu Faxi.His class has reached the top level of angels, Seraphim, but in the end he did not know why he had a conflict with God, and finally fell into the demon world, which made the legend of the fallen angel.And now the strongest angel under God is Seraphim Michael. Although the wings behind him have reached the nine wings, they are not as good as Rufaxi.

Then there are angels: Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Sariel, Lemuel, and Raziel at the level of cherubs.They are called the seven archangels.It can be said to be high in weight.

God looked at them below, and knew that their strength had reached a limit. He smiled and said, "Michael, I don't know if our angel army is ready. We must not fail this time, we must wash our hands The humiliation I suffered before, and the Lord God has already said, this time the Lord God will also take action, and the day of our victory is not far away." Said the tone of reverence for the Lord God.It's just that he doesn't know who the main god he is talking about is.

When Michael and the others heard it, their faces were full of joy, as if they would surely win with the Lord God.Michael knelt down and said: "Michael has gathered 3000 billion [-] million powerful angels in heaven. They are ready to dedicate themselves to God at any time, and everything is ready, just waiting for the Lord's order. Mi Caleb should lead the angels to the east." He said with pride on his face, knowing that there are more than one billion angels than before, and each of them is extremely powerful.It can be said to be the most powerful time in heaven.

Michael has longed for the East for a long time. Back then, just getting a fruit whose name he didn't know had already greatly increased his strength.Even has its own strength today.There are outstanding people in the East, and there are countless precious materials, for which, he has been waiting for a long time.And this time the main god will also make a move, so how could he lose with such strength.Thinking of it, his confidence has been greatly increased.

When God heard it, he also smiled calmly.There are more than one billion angels, so it should be the east that is in the dusk of Ragnarok this time.The Twilight of the Gods is called the Twilight, which refers to the defeated side.The loser is naturally the so-called dusk.In the twilight no god can survive.

Thinking about Ragnarok, of course, I only dispatched [-] million angels here, but I also know that the number of people in the East is definitely not as large as my own. If it weren't for their wonderful skills, I would have won the victory. Unfortunately, I don't know. Is it because of the system, even if I get their cultivation method in the West, I still can't practice it.This is also a pity.In addition, the power in the source of God bestowed by the Lord God has been used to promote so many angels, and most of them have been consumed. If they want to recover, they don't know when it will take.

In fact, the source of God is the source of belief in Ye Guxin's mouth.Unexpectedly, God is really willing to use them all to make angels. If Ye Guxin knew, it would kill him. You must know that the origin of faith is something even he needs, and God used it to make those garbage birds.

"Okay, Michael, you did a good job this time. If you can invade the East this time, you can choose what is inside. I will make the East 1 years unable to recover. For those who they call saints You don’t have to worry about the existence of God. Naturally, the main gods will deal with it. This time, we in the West are doing our best, and we are continuing to use our strength. I believe that other gods are also prepared, and their respective strengths will not It’s worse than ours. If we can’t win Dongfang this time, then we don’t need to go there in the future.” God knows that although his strength here has greatly increased, he thinks that they are not easy to mess with in the Demon Realm.Everyone has strength no less than their own.

This time everyone joins forces to attack the East. If this fails, then they will stop thinking about the East.This is already the strongest lineup.It can be described as unprecedentedly powerful.Thinking about the billions of people entering the East, they don't believe that the Easterners can really turn the world upside down.No matter how miraculous their cultivation methods are, they can kill you even if they are piled up with people.

When Michael heard God's promise, he was overjoyed, knowing that what he was thinking about were the elixir from the east.Treasures of heaven and earth.This time I got God's promise, how could I not be happy in my heart, and said quickly: "Thank you, Your Highness, Michael must attack with all his heart, and dare not neglect." God is the Lord or His Highness in their names.Because God is the Son of God.It is also reasonable to call it that way.

God nodded and said: "Okay, Michael, go and ask someone to call the Lord, I have something to say to him. You go down first, manage your own subordinates well, remember not to talk to other people at this time." There is friction in the God Realm, and our current goal is the east." Michael and the others heard this, nodded, and retreated one by one.

After God saw them go out, although he felt proud, he was also a little troubled. You must know that what he cultivated was the divine way bestowed by the Lord God.But I don't know why, my cultivation of the divine way is very slow, and now I have only reached the realm of immortality, not the realm of the main god.But this also made him feel the endless power in his body.But the last time he contacted the Lord God, he even said that there was a person who practiced Shinto like himself in the east, and the cultivation of Shinto was three points stronger than himself, so he must be careful.This also surprised him.

However, this also aroused the desire in my heart. You must know that among those who practice the divine way, they can absorb each other. As long as you can absorb that person, it is not a dream to go to the realm of God.This is also the reason why he is determined to win the East.The god was playing Ye Guxin's idea here, but he didn't know that he was already a dead person in Ye Guxin's eyes.This is also when you count people, and people count you.Reincarnation.

Ye Guxin returned to the Heavenly Realm this time and after telling Tian Nan and the others to practice quickly, he also began to study the Divine Comedy of Lonely that he had obtained.The power of the Lonely Divine Comedy is indeed too great.Enough to bring the world back to chaos.This is not his full power.When Ye Guxin saw it back then, he only glanced at it roughly, and didn't have any practice of his own.After all, he was with Houtu at that time.Naturally, you can't do those spoiling things.

But it's different now, the twilight of the gods is coming soon, and Ye Guxin also faintly feels that something is wrong, there may be some changes in the big battle.My foundation in the Dihuang religion is indeed a bit weak, and I still can't be more serious with others.The only one who can resist now is himself.Only when one's own strength increases can one sustain to the end.In any case, strength must come first.Relying on the sky and the earth is never better than relying on yourself.Only your own is the most real.

Ye Guxin never thought about relying on anyone.Not knowing how powerful the West is, thinking about it, Ye Guxin also decided to retreat for a while.At least practice the Divine Comedy of Solitude.And Tianshen Jue should not be practiced now. If the Shen Jue is realized that day, it will be hundreds of thousands of years, and he will not know that Ragnarok is coming.You must know that cultivators have no time to cultivate.So this Heavenly God Art is left for later.

It's not that Ye Guxin didn't pay much attention to the Heavenly God Art, but if he did, how could Ye Guxin, who practiced the Earth Emperor Art with the same name as it, not understand.That is definitely a wonderful book no less than the Earth Emperor's Art.It's a pity that time doesn't allow him to do this. If he has time and is hungry, he must practice Tianshen Jue. Unfortunately, the barrier of heaven and earth will definitely disappear within a hundred years.If you want to practice, you can only finish this game.

What's more, if you practice the Divine Comedy of Lonely well, it will be a Divine Comedy that is not inferior to the Divine Art.Enough to deal with the coming of Ragnarok.This Ragnarok is absolutely not to be missed, not to mention that the West may still have the origin of faith, which is the real good thing.If he got it, it would definitely be the power to make his divine way great.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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