Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 33 The Beginning of Killing

Chapter 33 The Beginning of Killing

In his heart, Ye Guxin and his belief in the Emperor's Sect became more firm.I am full of fantasies about the somewhat illusory Earth Emperor's Realm in the sky, full of beautiful imaginations about the Earth Emperor's Realm.

"Earth Emperor's Realm has nine heavens, each of which is infinite. Shouhua, Kun and the four of you first cultivated in the first heaven in the ordinary heaven, and then led believers in. The rest of the heavens are not accessible to you yet."

"Yes, God"

"Let's enter the ordinary heaven realm first." Before they could answer, they were brought into the Emperor Realm by the guiding light.After they entered, the guiding light was instantly withdrawn to the Earth Emperor's Realm.

The believers now have an unprecedented level of belief in the Dihuang religion. They have a common holy place in their hearts and a spiritual sustenance.That is the Earth Emperor Sect, the Earth Emperor God Realm.

The strong power of faith exuded by the believers was continuously absorbed by the real body of the emperor, and in a short period of time, the real body of the emperor had a sign of breaking through.

Just when Ye Guxin was about to say a few words to strengthen their belief, he found several huge monsters rushing towards them quickly.He couldn't help but stop, wanting to see which monster it was.

Not long after, I saw five groups of monsters standing in front of Ye Guxin with black clouds under their feet. Ye Guxin found that the cultivation bases of these groups of monsters were not very high, and the highest level was the realm of earth monsters.And his real body of the Earth Emperor now also has the cultivation base of an immortal.It's just that there are so many monsters here.It's not easy to deal with if you come to make trouble.Although he didn't fight back, if he really came to trouble him, he wouldn't back down.Because he is the Emperor of the Earth—Ye Guxin.

These little demons could not wait for Ye Guxin to speak, so they arrogantly said to Ye Guxin: "Your surname Ye, you god, we came here for the Emperor's Art in your hand, and if you are sensible, hand it over obediently."

Although the words of these little monsters made Ye Guxin very disgusted, he didn't want to fight with them for no reason, so he held back his breath and asked, "Earth Emperor's Secret? Who doesn’t know the cultivation method of the Dihuang Jue? Isn’t it a joke that you come to me for the Di Huang Jue now?”

"Ye Guxin, don't pretend to be foolish here. Who in the world doesn't know that you, Ye Guxin, have mastered the Earth Emperor Jue. What we want is not the exercises, but the cultivation method of the Earth Emperor Jue."

Ye Guxin frowned when he heard this, and thought to himself who told the truth about his practice of the Earth Emperor's Art, if he heard what they said, now the whole world knows that he has practiced the Earth Emperor's Art, wouldn't it?

Ye Guxin didn't dare to think about it anymore, because it was too scary, he also knew the temptation of the Emperor's Art, not anyone can resist, now it's just these little monsters, what about the back?
He originally thought that his enemy was only Heavenly Court, but he didn't expect that now he was making an enemy of the whole world.Then one can imagine the situation in the future.

Seeing the arrogant appearance of these little monsters, Ye Guxin couldn't bear it anymore because he heard this secret that was not a secret among the worlds.

"Hmph, the Earth Emperor's Art doesn't have any tricks to use. I don't even know how I broke through. How can I tell you?" Ye Guxin said angrily.

"Hey, you don't have to fool us. Who will believe you when you say this? You'd better tell us the method of cultivation, so hello to me and everyone." How could the group of monsters believe Ye Guxin's words? .It is impossible for them to come here all the way, and go back when they get this sentence.

"Hmph, whether you believe it or not, I, Ye Guxin, have never been afraid of you. You don't want to toast or eat fine wine." Ye Guxin saw that they didn't believe his words at all, and he didn't explain much, although he It's nothing on the surface, but the arrogance in his bones has never disappeared, and as his cultivation base gets higher and higher, he appears more aloof, but he usually hides it deeply.

At this moment, the arrogance of the demons aroused the arrogance in Ye Guxin's bones. Against the background of this arrogance, he showed an aura of arrogance between heaven and earth.

At this time, another voice added fuel to the fire: "Today you have to give even if you give, and you have to give if you don't give, or... hum."

He didn't go on, but his last two grunts told everyone what he meant.Ye Guxin didn't know the truth.But he kept asking.

"How about otherwise?"

"Then, today is your death day." After finishing speaking, the group of monsters rushed towards Ye Guxin together.Ye Guxin knew that the cultivation base of these monsters was not high, but the ants killed the elephants a lot.

But Ye Guxin is not afraid of them.

The countless believers who were on the ground only saw a few huge black clouds covering the sky, and only saw Ye Guxin talking with something inside the black clouds, but they really didn't want to talk to each other.

Seeing the group of monsters rushing towards him together, Ye Guxin smiled without fear, and raised the pen of original sin in his hand.This pen of original sin, which was born along with the real body of the emperor, is not just for display, it can also—can—kill—kill.

"Today, I will let you all know the anger of the emperor." Ye Guxin said word by word while raising the pen of original sin. These words slowly spread throughout the space, from His anger could be clearly felt in his words.

This sentence was heard not only by the group of demons, but also by the believers on the ground.They could also clearly feel the anger of the god they believed in, and they couldn't help screaming crazily on the ground.

The countless aspirations of the believers of "Emperor, Emperor, Emperor" have become this sentence.The inner voice of the believers pierced the distance of space and resounded throughout the world.A wave of faith came from his body and flew towards Ye Guxin.

At this time, Ye Guxin lifted up the pen of original sin, and the seven deadly sins in the world - gluttony, greed, laziness, lust, arrogance, jealousy and rage all gathered on this pen of original sin because of desire.

The seven deadly sins contain the most primitive desires of time.The most primitive sin, the end result of desire is killing—killing.He has always opposed killing, that would be the passing of a sin, and that would be the beginning of a new life.

"Let me wash away your sins. Judgment—sin" Following Ye Guxin's words, seven black rays of light shot out from the pen of original sin, covering the group of monsters who were about to rush in front of him, and when they found out what they wanted to stop At that time, I found that I couldn't change the fact that the black light and the body couldn't be changed.

The seven black lights shot out from the original sin are nothing but the most primitive desire in the world - the seven deadly sins. How can desire be blocked by ordinary objects?

(The last chapter is also up today. In fact, I don’t want much, but you don’t have tickets. There is always time to post a book review or two.)
(End of this chapter)

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