Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 334 Unique Way

Chapter 334 Unique Way
The billions of auction items had been auctioned for half a month before they were almost sold out, and everyone below had bright faces, and they must have gotten what they wanted.But they didn't leave one by one, because there was still the most important thing that hadn't been auctioned, and that was the Xiantian Lingbao, which was also the highlight of this auction.

Of course, this is also the last moment. Tiansheng personally held a crystal plate in his hand, looked at the following and said: "The auction is here, and it has reached the last moment. Of course, the highlight is also here. I think everyone here, the last The most important thing is to witness the appearance of Xiantian Lingbao with your own eyes. Not only can you feast your eyes this time, but as long as you have the strength, then these Lingbao will be yours."

"Everyone knows that there are very few congenital treasures in this world. My emperor has only collected a little over the years. Now that he is an old man, he wants to do something for everyone, so he puts it up for auction, but There are only three pieces, although these three spirit treasures may not all be infinitely powerful, but everyone should know the preciousness of the Xiantian Lingbao, so Tiansheng will not talk too much here, please take a look now."

The object in the speaker's hand has also appeared, and all of a sudden, there are rays of light shining everywhere, full of auspiciousness.The unique aura of the spirit treasure made the people below see at a glance that it was an innate spirit treasure.After a while, when everyone saw the appearance of the Lingbao clearly, they couldn't help but be amazed.

It turned out to be an item that looked like a handkerchief.That handkerchief is also called Qianyun Jinxiu.When Tiansheng got the Xiantian Lingbao, he was also told the usefulness of each, so he didn't even know its function when the time came.On the Qianyun Jinxiu, clouds of various colors are constantly changing.It is so rare and rare that it is difficult to express it in words.

The people below were dumbfounded when they saw it, but this Qianyun Jinxiu looks like a handkerchief, obviously for women, of course it is not impossible for men to use it, but it will be a bit nondescript, but it won't Lowers its value a bit.

"This spiritual treasure is called Qianyun Jinxiu. Its own power is extraordinary. It can manipulate clouds and has its own magical effects. It can also attract the thunder of the Nine Heavens. It is definitely a good spiritual treasure for self-defense. Besides, everyone also I know, this is an innate spirit treasure, which is used to enshrine obsessions and kill the three corpses. It can be said to be perfect. In fact, in terms of auctions, its value is already hard to estimate, and it can be said to be priceless. I don’t know what everyone thinks What?" Tiansheng said, looking down.Smile without saying a word.

And the people below also thought carefully after hearing it, and knew that if they were to buy it, they might not be able to afford the price.The Jade Emperor also nodded slightly in the room.Xiantian Lingbao is indeed something that can be encountered but not sought after. It may not be so easy to set a price for them.

Not only the Jade Emperor was thinking, but the people below were also thinking.Suddenly the auction house turned into a vegetable market. When Tian Sheng saw it, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, and quickly said: "Everyone, be quiet, be quiet." Tian Sheng's powerful voice instantly suppressed the voices in the venue.

But it also made everyone's attention begin to focus on him.Tiansheng smiled and said: "Since Lingbao is priceless, it means there is no reserve price, and I can't auction it off. But if I don't auction it, it's not impossible. Otherwise, we won't put it up for auction. My emperor takes the Lingbao Bao came out to let everyone fight the enemy bravely in the twilight of the gods and improve everyone's strength. We also came up with a method based on this."

"These three spirit treasures will be selected by the top three who have killed the most enemies. They will be the heroes of Ragnarok. I don't know if you have any other ideas." As soon as Tian Sheng finished speaking, the venue immediately exploded. In the end, the people below had no chance of obtaining the Lingbao, because their strength was much less than those in the VIP room.None of them had much hope.

I came here just to see the Lingbao. I didn't expect such a turn of events. It can be said that it is a godsend opportunity for them to have the opportunity to participate. Although this opportunity is very slim, there is a chance and no The contrast between opportunities is that everyone knows the difference.

"No, why do we have any objections. His Majesty the Emperor is thoughtful. In this way, everyone can work hard to kill the enemy." How could the people below have any objections, and they all said one after another.

Suddenly a different voice came out from below, saying: "This is good, but there is one thing, how can we let you know the number of enemies we have killed? If you can't tell the difference then, it's not clear. "

When the people below heard it, they thought about it, and they were right. They all nodded, saying that it was indeed difficult to distinguish, but there was no surprise on Tian Sheng's face, and he smiled: "Don't worry, everyone. Since we mentioned the game, we will naturally No one is unprepared. Anyone who signs up can get a bloodthirsty card here. As long as you kill the enemy and smear his blood on it, it can prove the number of enemies you killed. Of course, If this blood is from the West, if it is from the East, not only will it not be effective, but it will lower your score. Every time you kill a person, there will be a record on the bloodthirsty card. After Ragnarok, we will collect the bloodthirsty card You will naturally know who the person who kills the most enemies is.”

"As long as it is the three who have killed the most enemies, our auction house will let them choose one of the three spirit treasures. The first one will be the first to choose. I believe that I still have the reputation of the auction. I don't know if everyone has it now. Do you have any comments?" When Tiansheng said about credibility, his face was also full of pride.

"Okay, this is indeed a good way. I dare not say it to others. As far as His Majesty is, I have nothing to say. Okay, I will sign up now. Think about it. I didn't participate in the previous Ragnarok. This time must not be missed. And there is such a chance to get the spirit treasure, what can't be done." A person from the demon world stood up and said excitedly.

Seeing this, Tiansheng slightly raised his hand and said: "Okay, since you believe it, if you want to participate, then come here to get a bloodthirsty card. Put a drop of your own blood on it, and this card will become a bloodthirsty card." It can represent your identity." After speaking, he pointed to the door, and at some point there appeared a counter with a bunch of small signs on it.

Tiansheng smiled again and said, "It's time for these auctions to end, everyone can go to the sign." After speaking, he asked them to guide them to get the sign.Tianyang didn't know when he came to his side, and there was still a trace of doubt between his brows, because he was still wondering about the things he was born with before.

Seeing that the auction is over now, I naturally wanted to ask Tiansheng for clarification. He pulled Tiansheng and asked, "Brother, I remember that when you just came in, you seemed to be in a panic, and at that time you said , I almost lost my life, I don’t know what happened at that time. Can you tell my little brother?”

Hearing Tianyang's question, Tiansheng was in a happy mood just now, but he couldn't help but fell silent, looked around, and sighed slightly.He also spoke out. "...That's how things are. If His Majesty didn't appear suddenly, you wouldn't be able to see me, and you don't know what's going on with His Majesty and that Demon Venerable now?"

After finishing speaking, he still looked like he had something to worry about.When Tianyang heard that it was a Demon Lord, his face was full of surprises, but thinking about his cultivation level as an emperor, he had few opponents, so there shouldn't be any problems, so he comforted him: "This big brother is the one who will fight against you." Please rest assured, you think, what kind of cultivation is your majesty? He is also the body of a saint. How could he be worse than that Demon Venerable? There should be nothing wrong. Besides, even if we are worried, it is useless. Our cultivation base If you intervene in the fight between them, it will only be meat buns beating dogs, and there will be no return. It will not help at all."

Tiansheng also took a deep breath, and said: "Okay, let's not think about these things anymore. I believe that His Majesty will be able to win the battle with the Demon Lord. Let's do things too." He also put this matter aside. in the back of the head.Stop thinking about it.

At this time, Ye Guxin's body, which was practicing Shinto, was also constantly competing with the Demon Lord.But the main body didn't appear no matter what, because he was walking with Houtu and the others at this time, suddenly Ye Guxin's face turned ugly, and this time he was immediately discovered by the second daughter next to him, and he couldn't help asking: "Gu Xin, what's wrong with you, is something wrong?"

Ye Guxin shook his head, looked at the void lightly, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just that my divine body is fighting with others. This Demon Lord really deserves to be holy for many years, and he is so powerful. Admiration, admiration." Ye Guxin He and the Emperor's real body are one, and the things between the two are clear and there is no difference.

When Houtu heard it, he couldn't help but wondered: "Guxin, what's going on, I remember that there are only two demon venerables in the demon world, one is Chi You, and the other is the mysterious Zijing demon venerable. I won't leave the Demon Realm at will, why did I find you all of a sudden. It won't be anything."

Ye Guxin patted Houtu's jade shoulders, smiled and said: "It's nothing, I think that Demon Venerable just wanted to meet me, if it wasn't for her changeable temperament, if she wanted to kill people here, maybe we would still It can be a good friend, but even if you want to be friends now, you have to do it once. It's not a big deal."

When Bai Su heard it, she also nodded and said: "Would you like to go and see Guxin too. There is also a caretaker there."

"It doesn't matter, I and the body of Shinto are one. If I want to go to him, I can go there at any time, and it is in the space of belief. No matter what, there will be nothing. Okay, Let's continue to look at the scenery."

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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