Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 336 Preparations before the war

Chapter 336 Preparations before the war
Is there really only those superficial forces in Heaven?Of course not, the Jade Emperor was a talented emperor before, as the Lord of the Heavenly Court, how could he be a mediocre one.After the previous Ragnarok twilight ended, he began to accumulate his own strength silently, and the strength that came out of the superficial visit was not even one ten-thousandth of his own.

Of course, even when Sun Wukong and the others forced him to lose face, he still did not use those powers. Otherwise, no matter how powerful Monkey King was, no matter how strong Ye Guxin was, under the reckless attack of the Jade Emperor, there would never be today.Fortunately, he was still sensible at the time, these strengths were originally prepared for Ragnarok.

Now that the twilight of the gods has come, there is no need to hide it. Only a few high-level people know about these things. When King Tota Li heard that the Jade Emperor was going to take out those hidden troops, he didn't have any opinions. He just knew One of the people, he was also responsible for the training of the army in the past.He nodded and said: "Your Majesty, it is really time to show that strength this time. Over the years, my reputation has been damaged in the Heavenly Court. This time is when we regain our prestige. Let the world see the strength of my Supreme Being in the Three Realms of the Heavenly Court." As he said that, his face was also full of spirits.

You must know that during this period of time, their Heavenly Court has been seen as useless by others, and a bird's breath is suffocated in their chests, and they can't get out. It's out.From now on, not only will the majesty of the Heavenly Court be re-established, but it will also be able to spread its majesty to the world.

Hearing this, the Jade Emperor nodded secretly. These are also what he expected. He has endured until today. One is because of Ragnarok, but because of his previous injuries. Now that the injuries are healed, it is time to establish dignity. Think about it , said: "Okay, Li Tianwang, tell me now, what is the strength of our Heavenly Court?"

Li Tianwang's eyes flashed brightly, and he said loudly: "Yes, Your Majesty, my heavenly court has accumulated over the years. In addition to all the millions of heavenly soldiers and generals we have now, we have hidden a full 3000 million heavenly soldiers and generals." Hidden at the end of the world. Trained secretly by the generals. Now it is a soldier of hundreds of battles. It is enough to withstand thousands of troops. Among them, the sailors were trained by Marshal Tianpeng, 7000 million. The rest were trained by me and the rest of the generals, a total of [-] Wan. Its own strength is not weak either. Together with the various troops and horses, the strength of our Heavenly Court can also be regarded as unprecedentedly strong."

The people below heard Li Tianwang say that the Heavenly Court hides so many soldiers and horses. Think about how long it will take to accumulate [-] million soldiers and horses. Think about it. The Jade Emperor gradually lost his virtue, but he didn't take any action. He thought that the Jade Emperor had no ability, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed secretly. Enough to deal with anything, but the Jade Emperor can have such a boldness, which has not been revealed until now.Can't help but secretly admire.

When the Jade Emperor heard it, he was also Longyan Dayue, nodded and said: "Li Tianwang listens." Li Tianwang quickly knelt down and said, "I am here." Now you are named Marshal Zhengxi. The reward will be counted after your triumphant return."

Li Tianwang's face was full of solemnity. You must know that this time is not necessarily an honor, but more of a responsibility. He nodded and said: "I will definitely live up to your majesty's trust and return in triumph." After speaking, he stood aside.

The Jade Emperor nodded and said: "Tianpeng listens." Tianpeng also stood up solemnly and said: "Tianpeng is here."

"This time, you will completely lead all the naval forces in the Heavenly Court, and you will be appointed as the Grand Marshal of Conquering the Sea, and beat the western naval forces hard. The rewards will not be counted until after the victory." The Jade Emperor looked at Tianpeng below and said.

Tianpeng nodded and said: "Tianpeng will definitely live up to His Majesty's great trust. He will return triumphantly." He also stood aside, and then the Jade Emperor rewarded some people, and these were also the leading generals.This time, the Jade Emperor can be regarded as pouring everything in the Heavenly Court, and vowed to show the prestige of the Heavenly Court this time.The majesty of heaven.

Not to mention anything else, when Tianting felt that the barrier between heaven and earth was about to disappear, other walks of life also started to move, first of all, the Demon Realm. Although there are no unified figures in the Demon Realm, at this time, they are letting go of their grievances one by one. Start to reconcile your own strength, and each one is ready to fight a big battle when the barrier between heaven and earth begins.But it also gathered more than 1 million elite soldiers from the devil world.

All the devil kings are also ready to go, just waiting for the time to come.Naturally pop out.The rest of the circles are similar. The demon world also gathers no less people than the other worlds, and the most numerous is the ghost world. There are many ghosts in the ghost world. After training, the ghosts are no worse than others. Besides, in this world, there are few things, but there are many ghosts. This time, the ghost emperor has gathered a full amount. The [-] million ghost soldiers can be said to be very powerful. When they gather together, they are full of ghosts.It was freezing cold.

The only thing that hasn’t moved is the Western religion, that is, Buddhism. Now they have not only kept quiet, but they have sealed off the entire Pure Land Lingshan, and no one is allowed to enter or leave. What is the attitude of Western religions? Of course, there are also reasons for the Tathagata's sanctification.

At this time, although people from all walks of life were dissatisfied, they did nothing. You must know that there were two saints in Lingshan. They are not counted, so although they are dissatisfied, no one has acted excessively. Of course, there are still many people who slander such things in private.It can be said that the reputation of the Buddhist world is already rotten this time, maybe after the dusk of the gods, it is possible to attack them in groups.

At this time, the lineage of the emperor of the earth is also changing very much, and countless lands of mountain gods have also begun to gather, with a total of more than 1 million. In addition, the Dragon King of Zhongnanhai, who has taken refuge under Ye Guxin, has just come out of retreat. After the incident, he also gathered all his strength, and there were also 1000 million sea people.

Ao Shun is now surrounded by a wave of dragon power. Since he practiced the Nine Transformations of the Dragon left by Ye Guxin, his own strength has not only re-cultivated the original cultivation base, but also improved a lot, and he really felt the power of the dragon. Under Long Shigu's deliberate perfection, his cultivation has reached the realm of five claws. This time, the five claws are not the fake five claws before, but the real dragon realm.

The power contained in the five-clawed golden dragon is more than four or five times that of before. Ao Shun is sitting on the throne of the Dragon Palace, and below are the important ministers of the Dragon Palace. Ao Shun looked at it and said: : "This time when I leave the customs, I already feel that a big war is about to start, and our Dragon Palace naturally can't stay out of it. Besides, His Majesty has a great favor for our Dragon Clan. He not only bestows us with such a sea area as Zhongnanhai, but also bestows a treasure hall, the Nine Transformations of the Dragon, It can be said that our Dragon Palace will never be clear, everything we have is given by His Majesty."

"I heard that there is a sea god in the west. Although our Dragon Palace is not powerful now, we still want to take down this sea god for His Majesty as a gift from our Dragon Palace. I don't know if you have any opinions." Ye Gu wanted to do something, but he never had a chance. How could he not seize this opportunity now? Besides, he wanted to find someone to test his own strength.Take a look at how your own cultivation is.

Ao Lie was also very excited when he heard that he was going to fight, and quickly stood up and said: "Father, my child has long wanted to do something for His Majesty, this time I have this opportunity, how can I miss it, we will definitely use our lives to serve His Majesty the Emperor!" Take the Western Sea." Of course, Ao Lie was also gifted by Ye Guxin, how could he forget it.

Prime Minister Turtle next to him also nodded and said: "His Royal Highness, this battle can be big or small, but no matter what, our Dragon Palace must not back down. Although the old minister is a tortoise, we will definitely not do that this time." But some things still need to be discussed in the long term, for example, we'd better contact the dragon clans in other seas and discuss to send troops together, so the effect may be better. I don't know what the Dragon King thinks?"

When Ao Shun heard this, he nodded and said, "That's what I thought too. Back then, we also gave the Shenlong Jue left by our ancestors to the rest of the brothers. I believe their cultivation base should be very big now. The progress is right, wait a moment, I will go to the East China Sea, let the big brother ring the golden bell, gather the dragon clan. Let's see what they mean."

What Ao Shun and the others are practicing is the Nine Transformations of the Dragon left by Ye Guxin. Although the Nine Transformations of the Dragon left by Long Shigu is not as good as the Nine Transformations of the Dragon, it is still a rare practice formula. The Nine Transformations of the Dragon is left by His Majesty, so there is no rumor about it , stayed in the Dragon Palace as the treasure of the clan, and the Shenlong Jue was given to the other brothers.

Prime Minister Gui also had no opinion on Ao Shun's statement, nodded and said: "Well, the old minister thinks it is feasible. Your Majesty can go to meet the other Dragon Kings. The old ministers should gather their soldiers from the Dragon Palace. We can wait until the actual situation arrives." Raise all the best soldiers and go to the west." As he spoke, his face was full of fascination.

Ao Shun also nodded slightly and said: "Okay, prime minister, wait a moment, and tell Your Majesty the determination of my Dragon Palace first. I don't want to be late, and I will go to a few elder brothers to discuss this matter now. Okay, let's go to work now." "As he spoke, he suddenly turned into a five-clawed golden dragon and flew out of the hall. The dragon's power on his body was crushed in an instant. The claws are several times stronger, this is the real dragon, the eastern dragon clan, the dragon clan is not far away.The Eastern Shenlong, the dragon soars to the nine heavens.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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