Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 339 Battle Battle Battle Battle

Chapter 339 Battle Battle Battle Battle
Some things should happen sooner or later. The barrier between heaven and earth finally turned into a transparent color in the third year of their respective preparations, and it was about to disappear between heaven and earth. It would take at least ten years for it to reappear. It can be said that the Twilight of the Gods is within these ten years. This decade can be said to be short or long, depending on how one understands it.

At this time, on both sides of the barrier between heaven and earth, countless people and horses stood around. After the barrier between heaven and earth disappeared, the east and west finally saw their own people and horses.But if you look around, you can tell that the number of people in the west is much more than that in the east. The number of people in each of their camps can be several times that of this place.Tian Nan was also one of them, and couldn't help being surprised: "Junior Brothers, maybe we are really in danger this time, the people in the West are dozens of times more than us, and those bird people alone can't see it at a glance. Marginal. I don’t know how the West developed.”

A boundless fighting spirit suddenly emerged from Sun Wukong's body, and he held the golden cudgel firmly in his hand.Said: "Brother, why worry, although it seems that they are much more numerous than us, but their strength is not very strong. Our personal strength is enough to surpass them by a hundred times. The West is just some uncivilized barbarians."

Tian Nan nodded, and his body suddenly floated up. There are quite a lot of people here, from all walks of life. The rest of the people saw Tian Nan suddenly lifted into the sky, and they all looked at him.In fact, Tian Nan and the others have always been a focus, how could they not pay attention to the Emperor's participation in the war.

Tian Nan looked at the birds on the opposite side and said: "Everyone, I think everyone has seen that the number of the West is several times that of ours, but their power is not so strong. When my master came, they were already It explains that the target of our Emperor's lineage is the birdmen on the opposite side, and I hope everyone can give those birdmen to us. Naturally, we will not let a birdman leave alive. What do you think?"

Heavenly King Tota Li in the Heavenly Court heard Tian Nan's words, and then looked at the birdmen on the opposite side. There were more than a billion birdmen. Not to mention anything else, the number was terrifying.Now seeing that Tian Nan wants to follow the bird man, naturally he will not have any objection, nodded and said: "Since it is His Majesty's intention, we will naturally not obstruct it, but there are quite a lot of bird men on the opposite side. Be careful, I heard that their holy power is also very good."

Tian Nan nodded slightly and didn't say anything, while Li Tianwang looked across and said directly: "I heard that Olympus in the west is good, and today my goal in heaven is the Olympian God Realm. I hope you don't fight over it." The power of the Olin God Realm is no worse than that of the heavens. Countless giants hold huge khaki maces in their hands, exuding boundless fighting spirit from their bodies. It can be seen that they are not easy to deal with.

"My ghost world deals with the underworld." "My demon world deals with the western demons." "My demon world is in the middle to deal with it." In a short while, all walks of life in the east have discussed everything, and each of them has set goals, and they are only waiting for the end. When the time comes, kill them. Although there are many more people on the opposite side than on your side, no one in Dongfang has a heart of fear. There are no cowards in Dongfang.

Just when the East was setting goals, so was the West. When the West saw that there were only so few people in the East, they couldn't help but feel relieved. Any force on their side could be several times stronger than them. But they didn't have the slightest carelessness in their hearts, because no matter which war it was, the number of people in the West was the majority, but in the end, it was always the West that lost.This also made them very helpless.

Michael looked at the opposite side carefully, the nine pairs of wings behind him trembled slightly, a majestic sacred aura emanated from him, holding a huge long sword full of holy power in his hand, and then said: "Gabai Lie, after the start of the great war, use large-scale divine words on the east. I want them to lose part of it when they make contact for the first time."

Gabriel nodded and said, "Yes, I'm going to prepare now. I want to see how the East can resist my more than one billion angels using divine words at the same time." Shaking his head, he said, "Gabriel, be careful yourself, Dongfang is not that simple, their power cannot be resisted by us alone, by the way, we must be especially careful of their formation, if you fall into the formation, I'm afraid it's more bad luck than good luck."

For the formation of the East, Michael has some lingering filters. If he hadn't been so fast back then, there might be no such person as Michael in this world.So the impact is also very profound.Gabriel nodded, did not speak, and quickly went to the back to prepare the magic word.

And the Demon Realm is more beautiful. There are countless various monsters in front of it, among which there are not a few top-level monsters and dragons.The fire bulls are the most numerous below, and the fire bulls are covered with black magic flames, and they are huge in size. If they hit it, they will be extremely terrifying.They are also the vanguard, first to attack, and then to fight against the East.Kill him partly.

All kinds of preparations were going on, at this time four powerful auras suddenly emerged from the west, and everyone who was pressed by the auras did not dare to breathe, it could be described as terrifying.These are the four god-like figures in the West.They are the original creators of heaven - the founding gods.The creator of the Western Demon World - the God of Darkness.The supreme god of Olympus - the void god.There is also the representative of destruction-the god of destruction.The four of them have never appeared at all for countless years.

But their strength is not inferior to that of a saint, maybe even better than that.The reason why they didn't participate in the past few times was because they didn't want to get too stiff with the East, but this time it didn't work. They already felt that there are more and more saints in the East. If this continues, the West may not have any chance to stand out.This time, they wanted to seriously hurt Dongfang's vitality.Strength can never be regained.Judging from the number of people below, this time, the West still has an advantage.

What they have to do now is to block the saints in the east. As long as they block those saints, the next thing is up to them.Besides, for thousands of years, they also want to see what power the Eastern Saint has.Therefore, the current situation has arisen, and this is a signal to meet the Eastern Saint.

The barrier between heaven and earth is opened. Relatively speaking, there will be a place called the battlefield of gods and demons in this world, where the saints fight, otherwise no other place can withstand the power of the saints.A little bit of residual power that erupts casually is enough to make the following a disaster.This is what no one wants to see.

At this time, Ye Guxin, who was waiting for the last moment with Houtu and the others, also felt it, and couldn't help but smiled coldly, and said: "Okay, Houtu, Bai Su, you wait for me here, this water mirror will let you You know where I am. The battle of saints, there is the truth of heaven and earth, if you watch it carefully, it will be useful in the future. It will also be of great help to your own realm, and you can watch battles at this level with your cultivation."

After speaking, he has left the heavenly realm.Afterwards, the real body of the Earth Emperor in the temple also left.The birdmen in heaven, the power of faith in their wings, as long as their wings are cut off, the power of faith can be absorbed by Ye Guxin. Because of this, Ye Guxin wants to solve all the birdmen. After the war is over, one's divine way will also reach the final step, becoming a god, what a sight it will be.

When Ye Guxin was leaving, three more saints were dispatched, namely the Tongtian Saint in the Sanqing.The ghost emperor of the ghost world.The last one is Chi You from the Devil Realm.There are four saints from the west, so the east will naturally not bully the few with more.What's more, when have I ever been afraid of them in the East?

When Tong Tian was walking, he said to Jin Guangxian and the others beside him: "You four take the formation diagram I refined, take the fake Zhuxian four swords, and set up the Zhuxian formation. I want Xixi to die in the Zhuxian formation." Tongtian has no mercy towards the West now.Kill as many as you can, and let the four of them set up the killing formation among the killing formations in the world, the killing formation among the killing formations-the Zhuxian Great Formation.Although the current Jade Immortal Formation is not the original version, it is also refined by Tongtian.How can it be idle.This time Tongtian is going to kill.Recast the prestige of Jiejiao.

The speed of Ye Guxin and the other three people is not slow, they have already reached the top of the heaven and earth barrier in an instant, and now there is an island that only saints can see, it should not be called a battlefield, a battlefield of gods and demons.When Ye Guxin arrived, Tongtian, Chi You, and the mysterious Ghost Emperor also arrived almost at the same time.

Seeing Ye Guxin who came one step earlier, Tongtian couldn't help but smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Guxin, you are here too. Tongtian is very polite." There was a smile on his face as he spoke.But Ye Guxin could feel a strong killing intent from Tong Tian's body, the killing intent was not from Tong Tian, ​​but from a certain artifact on his body, otherwise it wouldn't have the killing intent.Ye Guxin had a second thought in his mind and knew exactly what the utensils he was carrying were, other than the murderous Zhu Xian Four Swords.

Ye Guxin also nodded slightly and said: "Fellow Tongtian Daoist. It seems that you are going to put on the Zhuxian formation again this time." The tone of his words was full of affirmation.If it wasn't for the Zhuxian formation, why would he carry the four swords of Zhuxian on his body.

Tong Tian didn't deny it, just nodded slightly, but didn't say anything more, but closed his eyes slightly and remained silent.As if waiting for something.Chi You's body is extremely burly, and the incomparable strength contained in him can be seen from his appearance.There is even a trace of air against the sky on his body.The fighting spirit is enough to change the color of the world.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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