Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 4 Sword Fighting 4 Demons

Chapter 4
Ye Guxin was very happy to see the tiger and the four monsters gathering together for a drink.With a thought in his heart, he said in the ear of the four demons through his divine thoughts: "You four are too mean, don't call me if you drink, see if I come here today to clean up you, if you don't hit you, your nose is clear and your face is swollen. Let it go, hey!"

As soon as the tiger heard Ye Guxin's voice, his hands trembled and he almost broke the wine glass in his hand. He hurriedly said to the three monsters: "Quick, hide the wine quickly. Don't let this damned Ye Guxin know, or we If you don’t want to drink again, hurry up.”

While talking, they hid the wine they just got from the town today, and the other three monsters hurried over to help, and they complained while moving: "Why did I forget that there is a robber's land here, if I knew it, I wouldn't be like this Drinking heavily."

The old wolf also shouted from the side: "Brother, think of a way, the last time he found out that I haven't had a drink for a whole year, this time I can't be snatched away by him."

The old elephant hooked a jar of wine with his long nose and echoed: "Yes, we fought him this time. For my good wine, the old elephant will go all out today, and I will fight him if I fight for my life." Block back."

"That's right, brother, we'll fight him this time," Eagle said to Tiger, also holding a jug of wine.

"Okay, this time our four brothers fought with this damn robber, for our fine wine." Tiger heard the thoughts of the three brothers, and felt that hiding was not an option. The entire Tianyuan Mountain Range was his territory, and he could hide where to go

"For the sake of the wine, I have to fight," the other three monsters also shouted.

It turned out that after Ye Guxin came to this world, because of his cultivation, he didn't need to eat any food, so he could enjoy wine. Shangbaitan had good wine, and he took the wine back home without saying a word. After the tiger knew about it, he brought the three brothers over to discuss it, and even fought a few times. The tiger and the others went to Suixinju to discuss it. Can't come out, finally scolded anxiously, went out and beat a few times, no one can help anyone?Finally let it go.

For this reason, Tiger and the others didn't drink alcohol for a whole year, because they had already moved all the alcohol in Tianyuan Town, and they had to wait until next year if they wanted to drink alcohol. It was discovered by Ye Guxin.For the sake of good wine in the future, they will go all out, and they will fight Ye Guxin.

Ye Guxin withdrew his spiritual thoughts, smiled slightly, and said to himself: "The wine at home is almost done, and it's time to get some from the tiger. I don't know how much I can get?"

As he said that, he walked out of the residence of his heart, and used a drop of a thousand miles to come to the Crouching Tiger Cave where the tigers lived.The four monsters outside the cave also set up their battles and took out their own weapons. The tiger was holding a nine-tooth chain knife, which was made from the nine teeth that fell off when he became a monster, and it was extremely sharp.The other three demons also took out their weapons. The old wolf used a seven-jointed whip, the old elephant used a pair of fist gloves, and the eagle used a pair of sharp claws.

Ye Guxin looked at them fully armed, and said with a smile: "I just took a few jars of wine from you, and why are you working so hard?"

"You thousand-killed dead land, you stole all our wine last time, so that we haven't had a drink for a year, and now you still want wine, grandma, do you want wine today, damn it, hehe!" Tiger Speaking of which, after winking at the old wolf and the others, he laughed a few times and said, "That's not for me, brothers, just kill for the sake of wine."

For a moment, the light of the sword and the shadow of the fist flashed in front of Ye Guxin's eyes. After the sound of "sword pulling", a cloud of light and shadow burst out around Ye Guxin. When the four demons were about to hit him, Zhantian blocked the tiger in an instant The attacks of the four people, Ye Guxin blocked the four attacks, his body couldn't help trembling, he thought: What a powerful attack.

"Hey, Ye Guxin, today I will show you my newly practiced Beastmaster Hundred Strikes." After the tiger finished speaking, the chain knife in his hand turned into a light and shadow and slashed at Ye Guxin.The old wolf and the others each used their own tricks.

Under the light of the sword, Ye Guxin couldn't dodge it, so he could only accept this move. The Heaven Zhanjian came out from behind him, put his hand on the hilt, and slowly pulled it out. Every time the sword was pulled out, Ye Guxin's The aura increased by one point, and finally when their attacks were about to hit him, Ye Guxin's aura also reached its peak, and at this moment he gave a loud shout


After saying this word, the Zhantian Sword behind it cut down with a strange trajectory. Where the sword passed, the space seemed to be completely broken. The sword cut on the weapons of the four monsters at the same time. All shattered in an instant.The four also flew in different directions.

Only the loud sound of their bodies touching the ground was heard.

(End of this chapter)

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