Chapter 47
"The five elements are restrained, why didn't I think of it, maybe this method can work." Leopard's head suddenly realized when he heard the five elements restrained.

At this time, Knowles and the others, also reminded by the white-haired witch, felt that fire attack might be the only way to kill the tree man.At this time, the formation map smiled and said: "Since everyone agrees to use fire to attack, I also happen to know an ancient fire formation, which is very powerful. I will set up the formation here first, and you block the tree man. Wait for me to set up the formation." After the formation, you introduce it into the formation, and I will activate the formation, and I want to see what kind of iron wall this treant is."

After speaking, he quickly took out the fairy stones for the formation from his storage space. This time, all the fairy stones he got were top-grade fairy stones, which shows how determined he is to destroy the treants.Although his formation speed is very fast, what he wants to deploy now is not an ordinary small formation. You must know that what he is deploying now is the Lieyan Burning Heaven Formation in ancient times. This formation is the first since he obtained it. times used.

Because this formation requires a lot of fairy stones, and all of them need middle-grade or higher fairy stones to exert the power of the fierce flame burning sky formation.

In the past, he was afraid of wasting immortal stones, but he needed more than 5000 immortal stones to set up this formation.A top-grade fairy stone and a top-grade fire-attribute fairy artifact are also needed as the formation eye to activate it.

The second is because there was nothing that allowed him to use this formation before. He thought that he would never use this formation in his life, but he did not expect to use it at this time.

Array is also very excited now.This ancient strange formation is about to reappear in his own hands, how could he not be excited.

Batian here has also been replaced by the leopard head, and under the attack of the fallen leaves of the treants, the skill of the leopard head has also declined sharply.It is also a matter of time before the fall.

After a while, the leopard's head was defeated in disgrace.Seeing the leopard's head, Gui Jianchou couldn't bear it and wanted to take over from him to entangle the terrifying treant.But at this moment, a burst of cold air passed by him, heading towards the tree man. At this moment, the ghost knew who had just passed by without looking.

Seeing Leopard Head's defeat, Ice Fairy felt a little unconvinced, and a small treant caused Leopard Head and the others to suffer repeated setbacks.She didn't believe that this tree man had such power.So she rushed over when Gui Jianchou wanted to go up.

Standing in front of the tree man, she felt, felt the monstrous flames inside the tree man.That is a power that can destroy the world.Now she was not curious about Leopard Head and the others' failures.

But she—didn't flinch.Because she is also a master, an emperor-level master who is no worse than Leopard Head and the others, they can persist, why can't she?

In an instant, a white sword appeared in her white and smooth hand.

After seeing the sword in Fairy Ice's hand, Baishitong sighed in admiration: "The ancient sword——Frozen Seal is really in Fairy Ice's hand. I can see this sword, and I can't shake it this time." .

He said that a book appeared in his hand, it was Xuan Binglu, he found the name of the Frozen Sword, and there was a text below the Frozen Sword: The Frozen Sword is an ancient divine sword, the holder of this sword can practice ice Water-attribute exercises have a miraculous effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.This sword has the effect of increasing radiation skills.The exact amount of radiation increase is unknown.Legend has it that when the power of this sword reaches its full potential, it can freeze the entire world.Unrivaled power.Owner: Ice Fairy.

The tree man didn't care what kind of sword it was, and threw his fist at her. At this time, the sword in Ice Fairy's hand also hit the tree man's fist with a wonderful trajectory.

"Ding" when the fist and sword intersected, there was a clear sound of gold and iron. The moment Han Bing blocked the tree man's fist with the sword in his hand, he felt a huge force from the sword. This strange force made her feel like a sword. The feeling of wanting to let go.

The treant here is also having a hard time, its arm that is in contact with the sword has been completely frozen.A thick layer of ice dust formed on the arm.Can't move at all.

Sensing the condition of his arm, the tree man couldn't help roaring angrily. His frozen hand exploded in an instant, splitting into countless fallen leaves. After flying around him a few times, the fallen leaves combined with it in an instant. Returned to the original arm.The tree man tried to swing a few times, but it was still as flexible and powerful as before.Can't help roaring excitedly.

But Pepsi and the others were ashen-faced. They had seen that the ice sword in Ice Fairy's hand could freeze him, and thought there was a turning point, but they didn't expect it to have any effect.

Just when the Ice Fairy was about to fight it, the formation map suddenly said to them: "My formation is already set up, the only thing missing is a high-grade fire-attribute fairy weapon, which one of you has it?"

Hearing this sentence, Li Guang subconsciously touched his storage space, but put it down in an instant.This action of his did not hide from the eyes of the know-it-all.

Seeing his appearance, Baishitong also sighed. Even immortals with many magic weapons would not have a few top-grade immortal artifacts, and some of them are not treasured as their lives.

Judging from Li Guang's appearance just now, it is obvious that he has a high-grade fire-attribute fairy weapon on him, and it must be a treasure that he has treasured for a long time.If he wants to take it out like this as a formation eye, he must not be happy in his heart.Besides, I don't know if I can come back completely if I do this or that.

What if the meat bun beats the dog and never returns.You must know that he has only had such a high-grade fairy weapon for many years.If there is any injury, he will not feel sorry for it.

But there is nothing to do now, and he said to Li Guang and the others: "Now everyone, don't hide and drag, this is related to everyone's life. I suggest that if some of us take out a high-grade fire-attribute fairy weapon as a formation eye If there is any damage during the time, how about we must find a high-grade fairy artifact for him as compensation after we go out?"

"No problem, if there is really any damage, I will do my best to find him a high-grade fairy artifact that is not inferior to it and return it to him." Hearing what Pepsi said, Ba Tian immediately agreed, after all, a high-grade fairy Devices are not that easy to get.It is even more difficult to take it out as a formation eye.Immediately agreed without further ado.

The rest of the people also expressed their stance, saying that if there is any accident, they will try their best to find an immortal artifact of the same value to compensate him.

At this time, Li Guang saw everyone's sincerity, and now the formation just needed a high-grade fairy weapon, so it was not easy to hide it.He took out an oil lamp from the storage space and said, "I happen to have a high-grade fairy artifact here, so let's use this as a formation eye."

(Sigh, I don’t know what’s going on. I’ve applied for Sanjiang several times in a row, but I haven’t passed it. I really don’t know why? I’m so sad now, please support me with votes)
(End of this chapter)

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