Chapter 50
Baishitong looked at the lonely figure and asked, "Ye Guxin?"

Hearing what he said, the man in black slowly lowered his head that had been raised all the time.The wine jar in his hand was raised violently, and he poured a few mouthfuls into his mouth.Then he stood up and turned around slowly.

Only then did they see the whole picture of the man in black.His facial features are so perfectly matched together.A pair of black eyes seemed to see through everything in the world.From the vicissitudes revealed from time to time, we can know how much suffering he has experienced.

"I am Ye Guxin. I don't know what you need to know when you come here. As long as I know, I will know everything. This is my previous promise." Ye Guxin looked at the ten people in front of him.There are quite a few people who have reached the emperor level.

But there was nothing strange about him either.In fact, he knows everything in the forest. You must know that he uses the same soul as his own soul to set up the formation.

Originally, even if Pepsi and the others could come here, there would not be many of them.It's just that he sees that they don't seem to be specifically to trouble him.Not someone like Xiangfengmo.That's why the subsequent formations didn't activate, which allowed them to come here safely.

Ye Guxin was shrouded in his unique arrogance.Against the backdrop of this aura, he looked so aloof and out of the ordinary.

When the white-haired witch and the ice fairy saw Ye Guxin, their heartbeats felt aggravated.It's something they've never felt before.Looking at Ye Guxin's eyes that have experienced vicissitudes, they actually wanted to be intoxicated in it forever.Looking at the vicissitudes of life in their eyes, they actually wanted to appease his thoughts.

Ye Guxin also had a look of surprise in his eyes when he saw the white-haired witch and the ice fairy.After all, there are not many women like the Ice Fairy and the others in the Hundred Flowers Record.But the surprise in his eyes didn't stay for long.He immediately looked away from them.

It's not that Ye Guxin doesn't want to look at them more.The beautiful things in Ye Guxin's heart never really stayed for him, and he was bullied when he was a child.Zhang Dahou was looked down upon by others.Here again, he was hunted down endlessly.

In his opinion, God has never cared for him, leaving only the endless vicissitudes and exhaustion in his eyes.In his heart, he has long since lost the slightest respect for God.

At this time, Beston suddenly took out the Piaomiaolu, and said to Ye Guxin: "Ye Guxin, I am Beston, and everyone who knows me calls me Bailao. Now I want to make a biography for you. Can you talk about your experience and How do you feel?"

"Biography? Hahaha..." Ye Guxin couldn't help laughing when he heard that Pepsitone was going to give him a biography. "I have nothing to write. Hehe, I'm just an abandoned person."

As he spoke, he took a big gulp of wine, pointed to the sky with his left hand and said, "I asked the sky how cruel it is. Why did I lose my parents and become an orphan when I was born? Every time I see other children snuggling up to their parents , I can only envy silently. Every time I am bullied, I can only endure silently. Why every time I am injured, I can only silently lick my wound like a wounded lone wolf in an empty corner. When I grow up, I will be blinded all the time. The pain in my heart, the pain in my heart, does God know?"

Ye Guxin took another sip of wine and said, "I'm asking why the sky is so unfair. Why should our land be at the mercy of others? Doesn't our land of mountain gods have dignity? Is our dignity born to be trampled by you? We were born to be trampled on by you." Are you a cow? Have you ever thought about our feelings, have you thought about whether we are willing or not. Ah..., we just want an equal living space, is this wrong?"

"I asked God three times why he is so inhumane. I, Ye Guxin, just because I practiced the Emperor's Jue, everyone in the whole world kept chasing and killing me because of the Emperor's Jue in my hand. But the Dihuang Jue has long been known by everyone in the world. If you want to practice the law, you don’t know how to practice it yourself, so why do you chase after me. I told you how I practiced myself, but none of you believed me. How can you blame me for this.”

Seeing Ye Guxin questioning Tian three times, Baishitong and the others remained silent.Everyone fell into deep thought, yes, is Ye Guxin wrong?Is it wrong for him to seek an equal living space for the land of mountain gods in the world?No.Was it wrong for him to practice the Earth Emperor Art?nor.The only thing wrong is that God is playing tricks on people.

After Ye Guxin asked Tian San, the resentment in his heart eased a little, he turned around, faced the countless colorful clouds in front of him and said: "I don't care what you are here for, I still have to abide by the oath I made before I will tell you clearly how I practiced the Earth Emperor Jue. After that, whether you fight or leave, I will accompany you to the end. Maybe I will die by your hands, but I will die by your hands and by others There's no big difference."

"At this time, Ye Guxin fell into recollection and said: "At that time, the cultivation method of our land was designated by the Jade Emperor as the Earth Emperor's method.No matter who is the Emperor of the Earth, he can only practice the first level, and if he continues to practice, he will only end up in a state of madness. Because of this, our land has become the reason why the mana is so low today. "

"On that day, because I didn't want to be discriminated against and enslaved forever, I took the risk to hit the second floor. But I still didn't escape the fate of being insane"

Hearing this, the white-haired witch and the ice fairy couldn't help but let out a scream.You must know that these two stunning beauties are usually people who are not moved by anything, but today they were surprised by Ye Guxin's madness.

Baishitong and the others looked at the two of them suspiciously, thinking that the two of them fell in love with Ye Guxin, but it was too fast, but if not, why did they lose their composure?

Ye Guxin was also a little surprised when he heard their exclamation, but he didn't think about anything else at all.I don't even think about emotions at all.

And he would never believe that anyone would like him.He never expected that anyone would be willing to spend his life with him, maybe there would be in his dream.

"After going mad at that time, I only felt that my head was covered and I lost consciousness. When I woke up later, I found that I had practiced the Emperor's Art."

Ye Guxin took a sip of wine and said: "To be specific, I know so much. I don't care if you want to believe it or not, I'm already telling the truth. And I've kept my promise now, whether to fight or not go as you please"

(End of this chapter)

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