Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 52 Shadow Killer

Chapter 52 Shadow Killer

(I have caught a cold for the past two days. My nose keeps running, which is very uncomfortable. It affects the update speed. Please bear with me)
Although the people in black are airtight, Ye Guxin is not discouraged. The most important thing for a good hunter is to have good patience.Just because he has no flaws now, doesn't mean he won't have any flaws in the future.Just because he can defend now does not mean he will be able to defend in the future.

Ye Guxin is a good hunter, he did not flinch from the iron bucket-like defense of the man in black.Because he knows that his retreat represents the attack of others.

Ye Guxin never thought that his defense could be watertight for a long time.So even if he died, he would die on the road of attack.

Therefore, his sword did not stop, but it was like a galaxy pouring down, surging, continuous, and out of control.Moreover, Ye Guxin's sword moves wave after wave, and each wave is stronger than the last.Finally, under the force of Ye Guxin's sword, the rocks around him began to burst one after another, and then turned into powder, blowing with the wind.

Ye Guxin felt a sense of relief in his whole body.At this moment, my spirit began to sublimate and spread continuously.

You must know that this is the first time he has used all he has learned with all his heart.There is no way to express the smoothness in my heart.In the end, all the words turned into a shout full of excitement: "Ah..."

At some point, the endless sword force suddenly stopped.Ye Guxin is now suspended in the air, motionless, pointing at the ground obliquely with Zhan Tian in his hand.With his eyes closed, Ye Guxin is now completely silent in this wonderful feeling of his own spiritual sublimation.There was an aura of detachment exuding from the whole body.

At this time, the man in black found that Ye Guxin's sword power suddenly stopped for some reason, and his whole body seemed defenseless.

Hei Yi thought in his heart that he must have some kind of conspiracy.But now I can't control that much.His hoarse voice came again: "Shadow World"

Judging from his appearance, it is obvious that he has used some skills, but no matter how he looks at it, he can't see any difference from just now.Maybe the difference is that there were two people just now, but now there are three people.Why are there at least three people?Because there is an extra figure on the ground.A person exactly like Ye Guxin, strangely, there is no shadow of this person, and after this person appeared, Ye Guxin's shadow also disappeared.

"Up" After the hoarse voice finished, the person who looked exactly like Ye Guxin used a stabbing sword move to stab Ye Guxin who was still floating in the air without any worries.This thorn didn't leave Ye Guxin even a trace of retreat.In an instant, the retreat around Ye Guxin was completely blocked.

At this time, Ye Guxin, who was suspended in the air by the seagull, was drawn by the murderous aura, and the Zhantian in his hand appeared in front of the sword of the shadow killer in an instant.Within seconds, he appeared on the opponent's sword tip.He calmly disintegrated his offensive.

In fact, his actions now are basically Ye Guxin's unconscious reaction.But it was precisely in this state that he reached—arrived—.

He has reached the state of being completely natural.In this realm, any tricks in the world can be used at will.The moves are irregular, but wonderful to the peak.Every trick reads like a stroke of magic.Afterwards there seemed to be a mirage, nowhere to be found.It is impossible for ordinary people to enter this realm even in a lifetime.

No matter how the man in black and the shadow killer attacked, Ye Guxin's sword would always appear in front of them when they were about to hurt Ye Guxin.Then they disintegrated their offensive in an instant.

Hei Yi was in bad luck today. In normal times, Ye Guxin would have been defeated by such an attack, but unfortunately, Ye Guxin suddenly entered a mysterious state.

But now the man in black also understands that he doesn't want to hurt him today.But it is also very unwilling to ask him to retreat like this.So he decided that if he still couldn't hurt him in the last try, then there was nothing he could do.

The "Blood Sea Demon Dragon" instantly changed the man in black.His body turned into a blood-colored dragon with a length of [-] meters.The dagger in his hand became the two giant claws of the dragon.

With a roar, the bloody dragon slapped Ye Guxin in the air with its tail.A blood-red dragon's tail pressed towards Ye Guxin instantly with enormous power.If he was hit by such a fan, he would at least suffer some injuries.But his idea still has not been realized.The dragon tail had already stopped on top of Ye Guxin's head.

Because there was one thing among them, and that was—Zhan Tian.The Zhantian in Ye Guxin's hand is like a pillar supporting the sky, firmly restricting the dragon's tail to the top of his head.

The Scarlet Demon Dragon was very dissatisfied with Zhan Tian for stopping his actions.In an instant, a huge angry dragon roar sounded from the sky and the earth.Afterwards, the whole body of the Scarlet Demon Dragon began to move.

Bite with teeth, claw with claws, roll with dragon body, etc., all of which were exhausted, but none of his actions were successful under Ye Guxin's Zhan Tian Xia. Great damage from the ground.

In the end, I don't know how long it took, he seemed to know that if he went on like this, he wouldn't be able to hurt him.You're just wasting your energy.It doesn't make any sense at all.Some are just the potholes around it, which shows how fierce and vast the battle just now was.

The blood-colored dragon looked at Ye Guxin who was still floating in the air, let out a dragon roar unwillingly, and flew away slowly.And the shadow killer became a shadow again after he flew away and returned to Ye Guxin's feet.

But now Ye Guxinhui didn't know what happened just now, his mind was already flying with the spirit that kept sublimating.He has been completely quiet in the spiritual world.

And with the sublimation of his spirit, his skill is also growing rapidly, and slowly his skill starts from the middle stage of Lie Yanxin and rapidly transitions to the later stage.And with his current growth rate, it won't take much time to complete this process.The vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth quickly entered his body, rapidly increasing his skill and transforming his body.

After an unknown period of time, his power finally reached the peak of the fifth layer of Flaming Heart and then stopped increasing.You must know that the control of the realm by the Dihuang Jue is very strict. If you don't understand that realm, as long as your skill reaches the peak, it is impossible to increase.

Therefore, the Emperor's Art is a law that determines the level of cultivation. As long as you can understand the level, there is no danger of going crazy.Your skill will increase steadily until you realize the next level.

(End of this chapter)

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