Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 54 Otherworldly

Chapter 54 Otherworldly
Ye Guxin did not use the real body of the Earth Emperor to go out to meet Tian Nan and the others, and now it is indeed time for them to be able to take charge of their own affairs.As far as the local Pope is concerned, even if he is still alive, he may not necessarily be able to do better than them.

But Ye Guxin didn't expect that it was his indulgence now, in a place where he didn't have a serious understanding of his apprentices.It was only later that something happened that almost caused their master and apprentice to break up.It was also a major turning point in his life.Now I won’t explain them one by one here.

Ye Guxin just used his divine power (let's call the power of cultivating the divine way divine power for the time being, and I will give it to you in the future if you think of a good name. If you have any good names, please tell me in the book review area, thank you!) appeared in the sky above the Dihuang Temple. The memory of Ye Guxin.Show that you have been here.Let them not worry.

So he used it with one mind, realizing the realm while practicing the divine way in the temple.To practice Shinto depends on the power of faith of the believers.If you practice the divine way and absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth, your spiritual energy will not improve at all. The spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth can at most restore your skills to the practitioners of the divine way.It will not have the slightest effect on improving the cultivation base.

Because the body practicing Shinto is completely formed by the power of faith provided by the believers, it simply cannot tolerate the entry of other spiritual energy.The power of faith is one of the most ethereal, magical, and strange forces in this world.But cultivating the divine way requires this kind of power.

Because this is the purest energy produced by the best wishes and the most persistent beliefs in the human heart.As long as this kind of power is absorbed by others, it will be of great benefit.Let alone wanting Ye Guxin to use the power of faith to cultivate the divine way.

As long as the divine way is cultivated, his own supernatural powers will reach an incredible level. As long as Ye Guxin can cultivate the divine way, he will re-integrate with the main body.No one can know what kind of state that supernatural power will reach.At that time, Ye Guxin's own power was combined with the power of the Emperor's golden body, and there would be only a handful of people in the world who could control him.At that time, he would be free from the control of fate, and let the birds fly and the seas swim freely.

As for cultivating the divine way, apart from the most important power of faith, he no longer needs to worry about it. The second thing is that cultivating the divine way can cultivate two weapons at the same time as the divine way.Once selected, it cannot be changed.Moreover, these two weapons were born at the same time as the body, so the room for improvement will be unlimited.

And the rest are not important things at all, except that special methods are needed when the body is first condensed, and it is only necessary to constantly refine and absorb the power of faith.

There are only two words behind, that is absorb, condense, absorb, condense, absorb, condense.Ye Guxin is doing something right now.Because the power of faith around is too strong, and the power of faith is still increasing.He doesn't have to worry about things that don't have the power of faith.Shinto is divided into: concentrating the mind, refining the body, immortality, and becoming a god.four processes.As long as you reach the realm of immortality, you can be reborn continuously in any place that believes in him.Of course, this is under the premise that someone believes in him.

And after reaching the realm of becoming a god, you can completely leave the scope of cultivation that requires the power of faith.At that time, it is of course better to have the power of faith, even if you don't have it, it doesn't matter much.

And now he has reached the initial stage of body training, all he has to do at this time is to absorb the power of faith non-stop.The waterway is formed naturally, as long as the time comes, it will be able to break through smoothly.

With one mind and two tasks, he is tempering his forest body here, and there is no idle time on the other side, he is still comprehending in the heart of the realm.And people outside the forest are still entering the forest non-stop.It's because everyone has a fluke mentality, always thinking why he can't be the luckiest one?Maybe he rushed over by himself?
But this kind of people have never come out after going in.However, some knowledgeable people know that this formation is not so simple. The formation is made of those trees, some of which are made of fairy stones, and some materials are used in situ, such as a few mountain peaks, and then they use these A few peaks come and go.

But using the entire forest to set up a formation, and don't know what kind of formation is deployed at all, maybe it's not a formation at all.Maybe there are arrays within arrays.There is a trap in the evil, because I don't know Ye Guxin at all, so no one can recognize this formation.

A person outside suddenly patted himself on the head and said: "Why am I so stupid, don't I have the circular mirror technique? Can't I directly see the situation inside? Damn it, I used to think that I'm a talent, now I know I'm a fucking genius. Haha"

"Hmph, genius, I think he is a born idiot. Do you think Ye Guxin is as stupid as you? If you can use the circle mirror technique to check the situation inside, would you wait until now to think about it? What is there? What is the fog in it? You thought it was a simple thing to write, but it is a place where you can’t even pass your spiritual consciousness. You just want to go in with a round mirror technique. What a fool.” A person next to him saw how proud he was. , smiled coldly.

Yes, now everyone knows that Ye Guxin's formation is famously powerful. If you go in like this without any preparation, you can only end up dying. You must know that you are looking for Ye Guxin's bad luck. Can he still eat and drink? To entertain them, don't even think about this kind of thing.

The only way is to gather a horse with advanced cultivation to go in together, so that even if there is any emergency, it is easy to deal with it, so that one's life is more guaranteed, isn't it?And now the only thing to do is - wait.

And this is Ye Guxin's critical moment.He wandered in the world of fire, slowly realizing it.

Fire, fire is what.Since the first time people knew about fire, the development of human beings has been ushered in.Fire is the most important tool for people to survive.Fire is the most important companion of human beings.

Or the inheritance of life.The spark of life.Fire has the strongest attack power, it is lively and violent.It is angry.it is happy.Everything about him is expressed in the most direct way.



Following his comprehension, the fiery red nebula in the Emperor's Heart began to move violently, constantly changing its shape.It's either running fast, or it's suddenly disabled.

And the situation outside him was even more spectacular.Countless flames suddenly appeared from the void and entered Ye Guxin's body.

(End of this chapter)

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