Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 6 The Famous Emperor

Chapter 6 The Famous Emperor
Ye Guxin and the others drank two or three pools of wine, and they all became a little tipsy.The tiger stood up unsteadily, and said to Ye Guxin: "Brother Ye, since you have mastered it, the Emperor's Art, which has never been practiced by anyone in the past and present, should also be given a famous nickname, so that it can also be popular. Name, increase your reputation. How about it?"

Although Ye Guxin doesn't really want to be famous, there is a saying that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Normally, he would never agree, but now he has drunk a lot of wine, and secondly, he also wants to be famous. To choose a name, representing his new life in this world.

"Okay, then I'll take one, let me think about it." Ye Guxin swayed his legs that were a little out of control due to drunkenness.Walked back and forth.

"I am practicing the Earth Emperor Art, so I will be called the Earth Emperor, and let the name of the Earth Emperor accompany me through this life." Ye Guxin thought for a long time and said.

"Okay, good name, Emperor Ye Guxin, good name." The tiger called slowly, "Come on, let's toast to this name that will be famous in the world in the future, come on."

"Okay, let's drink"

When he woke up the next day, he found himself lying on the cave wall, shaking his dizzy head from the hangover. In fact, as long as he worked hard, he could dissolve the alcohol, but that would be the same as not drinking. There is no need to drink alcohol. Drinking is a feeling and a taste. Otherwise, why not drink water?
Ye Guxin removed the tiger's arm from his leg.He stood up, walked outside the cave, facing the slowly rising sun, opened his arms, and shouted: "From today on, I am the Emperor Ye Guxin, I am the Emperor of the Earth. I want people to know that I have never Man can despise land. Land can be stronger than man."

After calling, he walked into the cave for the first time and put 150 pools of wine into his mustard space. (As long as you have cultivated the soul, you can cultivate your own mustard space. The size of the space is determined by your personal cultivation. And those who have not cultivated the soul can also use a storage tool, such as , storage rings, bracelets, Qiankun bags, etc.)
Use a drop of a thousand miles to return to XIXINJU.Taking the wine out of the mustard space, the left hand flashed, and Fengshen appeared in his hand. Ye Guxin pointed the cover at the wine on the ground, and the word "Fengshen" on the book shone a golden light covering the wine pool. After the golden light flashed, All the wine on the ground disappeared, and there was an extra page in Fengshen.

Ye Guxin opened it, and there was a picture of a wine jar on the page, and under the picture was his name, Tianyuan Wine.The amount of wine is also shown on it.

Tianyuan wine was originally ordinary wine, without a trace of aura, Ye Guxin put him in Fengshen, to use the aura of Fengshen to slowly transform it, making its taste more intense and purer.

(The items placed in Fengshen will be slowly filtered out by the aura in Fengshen to filter out the impurities in the items, so that the quality of the items will gradually improve)

After finishing these, Ye Guxin started to practice every day again, chopping and chopping non-stop.Because in this era where the strong are respected, only strength is the most important.

Ye Guxin planned to go out and practice after breaking through to the third floor of the Dihuang Jue.No matter what, only fighting is the most effective way to increase strength.Only by fighting can we better realize our potential.

After finishing the daily work, Ye Guxin sat down, he wanted to think about the way to go in the future, it was only a few hundred years after the Conferred Gods, but it was Tang Dynasty.When Ye Guxin knew about it, he kept thinking that the times had changed too fast, why did he come to the Tang Dynasty all of a sudden.

But this is not something he can change.Anyway, time has no meaning for practitioners like them.Maybe one day it will be hundreds or thousands of years once you enter the samadhi.

"Forget it, I still don't want to. After breaking through to the third floor, go out and see the outside world. Taste the world here. I want to drink all the world's fine wines and taste all the world's delicacies. I want to travel to every corner of the four continents as I like." the land. Find the rarest treasures of the world."

"I want the sky to be able to cover my eyes, and the mountains and the earth to stop my footsteps. Let the sky fall apart, and I will be at ease."

"I, the Emperor Ye Guxin, will not be bound by any fairy, demon, ghost, or demon from now on. I am me, and no one can control me anymore, because I am the Emperor"

Ye Guxin opened his arms and shouted.

As soon as his words fell, there was a loud noise between heaven and earth.There was a burst of lightning and thunder without a trace of embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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