Chapter 68
Ye Guxin looked at the purple heart grass in Fengshen and smiled. The purple heart grass in front of him alone is already a huge harvest. If he can get the heart of ten thousand years of cold iron in Zhongnanhai, then this trip to the north fears Luzhou Even if it is perfect.

Ye Guxin did not forget the purpose of coming here this time.After leaving here, he quickly moved towards the sea. Although he encountered a few small dangers on the way, he still arrived at the beach of Zhongnanhai safely.

Ye Guxin looked at the endless sea in front of him, and frowned. The sea in front of him was definitely much bigger than the rest of the world, but the whole sea unexpectedly gave off a trace of death.Not a breath of life.

From this, we can know that the poisonous mist has completely dyed this place into a dead area.Even if there is life, it is some poisonous insects and beasts.Moreover, Gu Yegu knew that there was a drowning river under Zhongnanhai, which was said to be impossible for geese to fly and fish to swim.There is simply no object floating on top of drowning.

The poisonous gas inside is more than a hundred times more powerful than the poisonous fog in the North Fear of Luzhou.Don't say it's life in it, even if it's a feather, don't try to float.Not to mention being able to cross people.

But the Heart of Cold Iron is under the drowning, which is one of the reasons why no one has ever obtained the Heart of Cold Iron for tens of thousands of years.Among the worlds, it seems that only the Canopy Marshal Zhu Fengchun, who is in charge of the [-] Tianhe sailors in the heaven, can enter the drowning without incident. His ability to become the Canopy Marshal is also inseparable from his ability.

But being afraid by others doesn't mean that Ye Guxin has nothing to do. With his strong body, he can't go anywhere in the world.He said that he still has the Dihuang Water Flag, which is the source of water, so how could he be afraid of this little drowning.Wait a while and let the water flag absorb a little drowning when you reach the drowning place, making its attack more powerful.

Ye Guxin didn't stop, looking at Zhongnanhai which was constantly emitting poisonous gas, he jumped into the sea.But it didn't stir up a wave.There was only a small circle of ripples, but they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

It was as if Ye Guxin had never appeared here before.North Fear Luzhou or North Fear Luzhou. 329367579 Zhongnanhai is still the original Zhongnanhai.

When Ye Guxin jumped into Zhongnanhai, a small flag had already appeared beside him.The surface of the small flag shows a vast ocean.

With the protection of the water flag, even the Dead Sea can't do anything to him. Wherever the water flag goes, the sea water quickly separates, forming a vacuum around Ye Guxin, but there is no feeling of stuffiness inside.

Ye Guxin parted from the current and quickly dived to the bottom.But the pressure is getting bigger and bigger as you go down, but this little pressure is nothing to Ye Guxin's strong body.It didn't hinder him in the slightest.

With Ye Guxin's understanding of the origin of water, he instantly determined the location of the drowning, and after confirming it, Ye Guxin quickly headed towards the direction of the drowning, but he hadn't seen a trace of life in such a long time since he reached the bottom of the sea.There is just endless silence.

But Ye Guxin didn't care about these things at all. He already knew that this might be the case here, so he didn't think there was anything to be surprised about. If this place was full of vitality, then he would be surprised.

Not long after, Ye Guxin came to an underground river on the seabed.I saw bubbles of various colors constantly appearing on the surface of the river.The bubbles disappeared as soon as they came out of the water.

Ye Guxin looked at the river in front of him, knowing that what was in this river was the legendary drowning, he bent down and picked up a stone and threw it into the river in front of him.As soon as the stone came into contact with the black water, it disappeared without even a blister.

Ye Guxin frowned and looked at the drowning in front of him, thinking: "Drowning is indeed drowning, but drowning doesn't do any harm to a person who understands the origin of water.

The water flag in his hand is displayed.A strange attraction came from the water flag.Facing the drowning, the drowning seemed to be attracted by something, and flew into the water flag in the air. After a while, there were almost as many drownings entering it as a river, but the drowning on the surface seemed to be the same at all. Same, still so many.Really don't know where the drowning came from.Ye Guxin doesn't want to absorb all the drowning water, just a little bit is enough, as long as there is a sample of the water flag, the drowning can be completely transformed.

Ye Guxin looked at the starving and drowning in front of him and knew that he must go down by himself now.When the water flag was unfurled, the drowning in front of him split a path in an instant.Leaping into the inside, the drowning merged together for an instant after Ye Guxin entered, as if the gap just now had never appeared at all.

After Ye Guxin fell into the drowning, he only felt that his eyes were pitch black, and he couldn't see anything at all, so he could only release his consciousness.But even in this drowning, the consciousness can only notice the surrounding three meters.

Ye Guxin also knew that this drowning was very weird, but he didn't expect that it could even block the consciousness to such an extent.But Xin Hao is that there are no creatures that can survive in the drowning, and the creatures that can survive the drowning must be extremely powerful.But he had never heard of someone who could survive drowning.

After Ye Guxin came to the bottom of the river by feeling all the way, bursts of strange cold air began to emerge from the water. You must know that Beiwei Luzhou has been in a place of ice for thousands of years, and Zhongnanhai is even more extremely cold.That's why there is a heart of ten thousand years of cold iron condensed.If it weren't for this kind of icy place, how could it be possible to have a heart of cold iron.

And the bottom of the drowning is the place where the coldest air is strongest.If you want to find a heart of cold iron, you must go here.Because you can't see the surrounding scene at all here, you can only use your spiritual consciousness to pay attention to the surrounding situation.But the range of consciousness here is only three meters.I don't know how long it will take to search like this.

But now there is no way here, to find the heart of cold iron, you can only find it step by step slowly, maybe you are lucky and you will meet it in the next second, maybe you are not lucky, you can search the whole river and you will not be able to find it Find.Now everything starts to depend on luck.

Ye Guxin believes that no matter what, he can still find that piece of cold iron heart.No matter when he wants to find it, he must get it. Only by getting it can he refine the evil god banner and give the Earth Emperor Sect and its believers a stable environment to survive.

So for the sake of the Earth Emperor Sect and for the people who believe in him, he must give them a bright future.Otherwise, he cannot be their emperor, nor worthy of their belief.

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(End of this chapter)

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