Chapter 89
When Ye Guxin reappeared, he found that he was in an unfamiliar forest. After checking his soul, he found that it was indeed sealed. The seal completely sealed off the connection between the Emperor's Heart and Ye Guxin.There is no longer a trace of power that can flow out of the Emperor's Heart.There is no way to use the power of the primordial spirit at all.But Ye Guxin didn't panic, because he still has one power that has not been sealed, and that is his strong body.

The physical body is an innate power, and the seal of chaos didn't count it in it at all, so it was not sealed. Now Ye Guxin also feels lucky, the physical body has two xiu souls, and the physical body has long been tempered As powerful as Yuanshen.That strong body will become Ye Guxin's greatest strength on this day's cliff.

With his strong body, even if he is sealed with the primordial spirit, he is still a strong man.Even in this strange world, he is destined not to be such an unknown person.

Ye Guxin took a look at the surrounding scene, and found that the forest he was in was actually not very big, and he could walk out of this forest by walking a few steps outside.Ye Guxin walked outside without the slightest hesitation.He can't stay in this forest forever.Always have to go out.Why not go out sooner.

Ye Guxin was wearing a black tights and a black cloak.This is already his whole body's possessions, and there is nothing else left.All his things are in Fengshen, what is there on his body.The Emperor's Heart is sealed, and the contents of the Conferred God cannot be taken out at all.

The rest of Ye Guxin had nothing to regret, but the wine in it made Ye Guxin feel very sorry.From now until you go out, don't want to drink the wine there.Ye Gu shook his head in thought, and stopped thinking about those things. The most important thing right now is to find someone, and only by finding someone can he know what's going on here.Only then can I find a way to get out of here.He didn't want to stay on this cliff of heaven for the rest of his life.There are countless mountain god lands and believers waiting for him outside.

I don't know where this place is. Ye Guxin has been walking for three days and three nights, but he hasn't seen a single person. Moreover, Ye Guxin actually felt hungry after arriving in this world. This was something he had never experienced before in the fairy world I feel that at that time, it was because of the relationship between gong power.Already avoided the valley.Otherworldly.But at that time, Ye Guxin would eat something when he was free.

After all, eating is one of the great joys of life, but this is the first time I really feel hungry.Feel yourself wanting to eat.It was also in Tianya World that Ye Guxin felt for the first time that he was still a human being, not those gods who do not eat the fireworks of the world.

I'm not worried about eating Ye Guxin, because there are some animals that I have seen and haven't seen everywhere, and hunting with his strong body is not overkill.

Surrounding Ye Guxin is a large grassland, which seems to have no end at all, as far as the eye can see.But Ye Guxin was not alarmed. In his heart, no matter how big the grassland was, it would eventually have an end.As long as he keeps walking, ten days, twenty days, one hundred days, sooner or later he will see something other than weeding.

Ye Guxin didn't know how long he had walked on the grassland, and he didn't know how big the grassland was, because his eyes were still green.Suddenly, several black dots appeared in front of them and kept moving.

Ye Guxin was overjoyed, knowing that it might be the person living here, he quickened his pace a little.As they kept approaching, Ye Guxin also discovered that the target of those black dots was himself.Although it is still unclear whether it is a person or something else, but he, Ye Guxin, will not be afraid of anyone, nor dodge, and directly speed up to rush over.

Finally, Ye Guxin saw their appearance.They were all human beings, three robust young men.And looking at their footsteps, it was obvious that Ye Guxin was their goal.After Ye Guxin saw that they were human, she didn't move any more, she just stood there and waited for them.

The three of them also saw Ye Guxin, and their steps became more rapid. After a while, they came to Ye Guxin. The three of them hugged Ye Guxin a lot, and said in their hearts: "Although he doesn't look very handsome, there is something in his expression. He has a strange charm. His eyes are very calm, which shows that he is in a good mood, and there is an aura of loneliness on his body, which shows that his character must be very lonely...."

And when the three of them were massaging themselves, Ye Guxin was also looking at them.One of these three people has a baby face, and there is still a trace of anger on their faces, obviously they have not experienced any big storms.Or a flower in a greenhouse.Can't stand the storm.The middle one is handsome.There is a touch of kingly demeanor on his body.The atmosphere is beginning to appear.Is a leader type figure.There was another who kept playing with a knife in his hand.There was an air of sadness on his body.And there was a dangerous aura coming from him.Ye Guxin smiled inwardly, he is a good opponent.

Although he finished them in large numbers, Ye Guxin didn't speak, but looked at them quietly.They were obviously coming for themselves.

Seeing that Ye Guxin didn't intend to speak first, the one in the middle smiled slightly and cupped his fists at Ye Guxin and said, "My name is Tianhai, this is Hyla, and this is Young Master. The three of us came here specially to welcome you to Tianya City today. "

Ye Guxin frowned and said strangely: "How did you know I'm coming?"

Tianhai smiled and said: "Every alien who comes to the cliff of the sky will have a display on the Tianya Stone in Tianya City. You are the first alien who has come here in 3000 years."

When Ye Guxin heard his answer like this, he didn't ask what is Tianya Stone.Because he would know what they should let him know.What Ye Guxin asked was: "I don't know how many visitors from Heaven's Cliff and I are there?"

Tianhai smiled elegantly and said: "Including seniors, there are fourteen in total. They are still living in Tianya City." Ye Guxin didn't know why they called him seniors, but he didn't ask. .Judging from the figure of the tree frog, they must be very young, and they have lived for thousands of years, so they can still be called seniors.

"Where is Tianya City?" Ye Guxin didn't say much to them, although he also knew that building a good relationship with them would be beneficial in the future, but his character was like this, no one could force him to.

Tianya didn't care about Ye Guxin's tone, but immediately led the way, and said as he walked: "Our Tianya City has existed here for countless years, and it is said that it has existed since the birth of this world. But there are not too many people in Tianya City. Many people live there, only about 1 people. And you extraterrestrial visitors, Tianya City has a special place for you to live in. To show your dignity."

Ye Guxin frowned and asked, "Why did you separate us? Are you imprisoning us in a disguised form?" As he spoke, a strong and dangerous aura emerged from his body.Feeling the aura of Ye Guxin, the young master who had been holding a knife stood in front of Ye Tianhai in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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