Legend of the Earth Emperor

Chapter 93 Inside the End of the World

Chapter 93 Inside the End of the World
Sword God smiled and said: "What's interesting is that Tianya City is not decided by one person, it is actually controlled by four families. Every 50 years, the city owner is selected from among the four families. "

Ye Guxin moved, and asked: "Four Great Families" Sword God saw that Ye Guxin also cared about this, so he went on to say: "Actually, as long as you stay here for a while, you will understand. This is fundamentally true." It's no secret? The four major families are the Tian family that is in power now, and the city lord is Tian Ren, one Qin family, one Lin family, and one Han family. The four families are divided into three places in the southeast, northwest, and four places."

After Ye Guxin heard it, she just let out an "oh" to express her understanding.Then he didn't speak, and the sword god stopped after saying this.I don't even know what I'm thinking about?Suddenly Ye Guxin's colorless voice came over. "Tianya City, I will definitely go back out, and I will go out to the whole Tianya world." Looking at Ye Guxin's determined expression, Sword God and the others knew that it was useless to say anything, as long as a person made up his mind, there was nothing he could do. It can be changed, Ye Guxin is obviously this kind of person.And Sword God and the others saw it at first glance.So I didn't say anything.Say goodbye to Ye Guxin directly.Go back to the house that belongs to you.

The rest of the people also left Ye Guxin's house one after another, and they came here just to see Ye Guxin.It's not that they haven't thought about escaping from Tianya City, and it's not that they haven't done it, but they have failed countless times.The final result can only stay here.

In the end, only Empress Houtu and the two maidservants remained here.Ye Guxin looked at Houtu, his heart was a little confused, because he didn't know what kind of feelings he had for Houtu now.I don't know if this is love or not.I don't know if Houtu also has feelings for him?
Seeing that Ye Guxin didn't seem to speak first, Houtu finally opened his mouth and said, "Guxin, do you have to give it a try? Do you really want to go out so much?"

In the end, Ye Guxin relied on his strong willpower to come back to his senses, because he is Ye Guxin, even if Ye Guxin likes someone, he will not lose his true heart.If lost, then Ye Guxin is not Ye Guxin.It's not the emperor who is full of arrogance.

"Yes, if you don't go out from Tianya City, you won't be able to find a way to return to our world. There are still countless lands of mountain gods waiting for me. I can't just stay here for the rest of my life." Ye Guxin said to Houtu His tone of voice softened a bit.

"But Tianya City's soul-shaking bell is too powerful, and our primordial magic weapon has also been sealed. There is no way to resist its ringing." Houtu said to Ye Guxin unhurriedly, not knowing why , when she heard that Ye Guxin was going to break out of Tianya City, her originally calm heart couldn't help but jump, although she also knew that the decisions made by people like Ye Guxin generally would not change.But she didn't know why she stayed, hoping to persuade him to come back.

But what she expected, Ye Guxin's words also showed that he must go out, and no one can stop this matter.Houtu didn't say anything more.Because she knows that no matter how much she says, nothing will change?
At this time, Ye Guxin looked at her with a look that he had never shown before and said, "Houtu, can you walk with me?" Houtu looked at Ye Guxin's Xiyi eyes, and Houtu couldn't think of refusing.Involuntarily nodded.At this time, Xiao Zi and the two found out that Empress Houtu agreed to Ye Guxin, and they couldn't help calling out: "Mother..." The voice was full of inconceivable tone.

Others don't know, Xiao Zi and the other two maidservants who have been following Empress Houtu don't know about Empress?The empress has never promised any man to be alone.Unexpectedly, today she would agree for Ye Guxin.So it's understandable that Xiao Zi and the others feel unbelievable.

Hearing Xiao Zi and the others' exclamation, how could Houtu not understand what they meant, a blush flashed on Houtu's perfect face.Shouted to Xiao Zi and the others coquettishly: "Xiao Zi..."

Ye Guxin glanced at them, walked outside, leaving only one sentence inside: "Houtu, I'll wait for you outside." Xiao Zi quickly asked Houtu after seeing Ye Guxin go out: "Mother, why did you agree? His request, you should know that you have never answered this kind of request before? Xiaoyun, do you think so?" Xiaoyun, another maid next to Xiaozi, also responded.Hou Tu looked at them. In fact, the three of them were named master and servant, but they were better than sisters.There was also a little confusion in the eyes and said: "Actually, I don't know why. I just can't bear to reject him. And I saw that he had an urge to understand him. This is a feeling I have never had before."

Xiaozi was startled when she heard this, and said: "Madam, you are not in love with Ye Guxin, are you?" Houtu was stunned for a moment and said, "I don't know, and how could I fall in love with one only to see?" What about the ones who are more than one side?" Although Hou Tu said so, her heart was already in a mess.

And Ye Guxin outside was also very confused, he didn't know why he said that sentence just now, and Houtu unexpectedly agreed to him.At the moment she agreed, Ye Guxin's heart was constantly rolling like the tide of the sea.That's why he asked to come out and be quiet for a while, because he was afraid that Houtu would just say something wrong in a moment, and it would also give her a chance to regret it.

After a while, Houtu finally came out from the inside, and the two maidservants were not following behind her, Ye Guxin waited there quietly, thinking that she came to tell him that it was just a slip of the tongue and that he couldn't accompany him.

Ye Guxin watched Houtu walk in front of her, quietly waiting for her to speak, and then Houtu looked at Ye Guxin and found that he seemed to be waiting for something.He couldn't help asking: "Gu Xin, didn't you say you were going for a walk, why didn't you lead the way?"

Ye Guxin was stunned suddenly, she didn't come to him for something else, she really planned to walk alone with him.Although it was a surprise, Ye Guxin reacted immediately.With a lead, he said: "Please" and lead the way in front after finishing speaking.The two walked side by side.No one even spoke first.

Just quietly, slowly.Walk the path in the garden.Only the crisp footsteps of the two remained in the air.Ye Guxin didn't know what to say to her.And the soil is the same.They never had this experience.I don't know what is the best thing to say now.

Although Ye Guxin didn't speak, he felt that his heart was unusually calm.There was something about this atmosphere that made him feel like he had found a home.This feeling was only felt when he was very young when his parents were there, and now after such a long time, he almost forgot what this feeling was.I didn't expect to have the opportunity to experience it again today.

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(End of this chapter)

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