Chapter 99

Let's not talk about the Dragon King of the Four Seas and Yama of the Ten Palaces going to heaven to tell Sun Wukong, after Sun Wukong finished his life and death book, he went to play around, looking for mountains and visiting friends, very happy, and met a few brothers.Nai Niu Demon King, Jiao Demon King, Peng Demon King, Lion Camel King, Macaque King, Yanyu Marmoset King, and even his own monkey king seven.

One day, the seven brothers came to Huaguo Mountain together. Sun Wukong ordered the children to serve them with good wine and good meat. They happily chatted about some interesting things. Life and death are thin, and the brothers also cheered.

At this time, the Bull Demon King said: "Speaking of heroes, talking about heroes, the seven of us can only be ranked behind, and there is only one person in the world who can make my old cow admire. I originally planned to go to him, but it's a pity. The Jade Emperor and the Tathagata bald donkey were forced into the cliff of the sky, and they have not yet come out."

"Old Niu, who is the person you admire so much? Why don't we know." Peng Demon King heard that Bull Demon King admired a person so much.I am also very curious in my heart, you must know that the current Bull Demon King is also a well-known figure in the demon world, and now Monkey King and the others are all curious.

The Bull Demon King saw that all the brothers' attention was on him, so he was embarrassed to say nothing, put down his wine glass and said, "Brothers, you know the commotion that happened in the world thousands of years ago."

"Riot? Could it be him?" Peng Mowang thought about it, and a person suddenly appeared in his mind and asked quickly.The Bull Demon King knew at a glance that the Peng Demon King had also remembered.Can't help nodding.The Peng Demon King saw that the Bull Demon King confirmed his conjecture and sighed: "It turned out to be him, so there is nothing surprising about it. Thinking about the deeds he did back then, even his enemies have nothing to say. I have to admire it too. When I wanted to find him back then, he was already gone. Sigh.”

Immediately the rest of the people also thought of who that person was, only Sun Wukong didn't know about it, Sun Wukong saw that they all understood, but he didn't know at all, so he asked quickly: "Brothers, who is worthy of you?" You are so respected, when will you introduce me?"

The Bull Demon King said: "It's not surprising that you haven't heard of it. Few people mentioned that matter back then. I don't know if you have noticed. Have all the original land and mountain gods in the major states disappeared?"

Sun Wukong thought: Yes, it seems that since I got supernatural powers, I have never seen any land of mountain gods, so I thought they were not here?Surprised in his heart, he said, "Yes, is there any inside story here?"

"Hehe" the Bull Demon King smiled and said, "Brother, you don't know, that's very normal." He drank a bowl of wine and said, "The status of the mountain god's land back then was simply not valued by anyone. It was powerless to be enslaved. Resisted, but there was also an accident. You must know that the land of the mountain gods practiced the magic formula specially given to them by the Heavenly Court—the Earth Emperor's formula."

"This Earth Emperor Jue is one of the two God Jue that was born in heaven and earth, and the other one is called Tian Shen Jue. However, no one can practice successfully in these two Jue, only the first level, but No matter what, it is impossible to break through its bottleneck. The end of a forced breakthrough is madness. That's why the Jade Emperor will teach the mountain god the land in the end."

"But there are no absolutes. A genius among geniuses also appeared in the land of the mountain gods, and he actually practiced the Earth Emperor's Art that no one has ever practiced successfully. The power of the Earth Emperor's Art is indeed shocking, and weeping ghosts and gods. After his breakthrough, the speed of his cultivation has increased by leaps and bounds, and in just a few thousand years, he has transformed a land into a person with great supernatural powers.

"And then under the conspiracy of the Jade Emperor..." The Bull Demon King said this for a day and a night, but no one felt impatient.All of them quietly listened to what the Bull Demon King said.The Bull Demon King finally said: "And he was forced to make a promise to enter the cliff of the sky for the land of the mountain gods under him and the lives of the believers. There is no news about him yet.

Upon hearing this, Monkey King quickly asked: "Brother, what is the name of that land that you haven't mentioned yet?" The Bull Demon King laughed and said, "That land is the Emperor of Earth——Ye Guxin."

Upon hearing this, Monkey King jumped off the stone chair and overturned the stone table.Kneeling outside, hissing angrily.The rest of the people looked at it and quickly asked: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Sun Wukong raised his head when he heard this, looked at the six brothers in front of him, and said: "Emperor Ye Guxin is my master." Bull Demon King and the others couldn't help being shocked when they heard this, and said, "I said, brothers, why is it so short? It is no wonder that he has reached such a state, so he is the apprentice of the Emperor of the Earth."

Sun Wukong shouted to Tiankuang: "Master, I will definitely save you from that world, old Jade Emperor, I am incompatible with you."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and said to the brothers in front of him: "Little brother, I decided to go to the Heavenly Palace to seek justice for my master. I don't know if the brothers are willing to help me."

Hearing this, the Bull Demon King threw the wine glass in his hand and said, "Since you are the descendant of the Emperor of the Earth, brother, anti-Tiangong is such an interesting thing, I will join in the excitement. I will not go back and forth in this world , Brothers, don’t you think so?”

The rest of the demon kings also said one after another: "Yes, that's right, we couldn't interfere with the Emperor's affairs back then, but now we have to fight with the Heavenly Court no matter what."

When Sun Wukong heard this, his eyes couldn't help getting a little wet, and he quickly said: "Thank you brothers for your help. If there is anything in the future, brothers, I will definitely help you. And if I can find a way to bring my master back this time, the court will What are you afraid of?"

The Bull Demon King stopped him and said: "Brother, I don't know if you know the way to enter that North Fear Luzhou. If we can enter there, then our strength must be greatly increased. Your master also accepted three apprentices back then. That is yours. Three senior brothers. Moreover, there are countless lands of mountain gods in the North Fear of Luzhou. They have practiced for so many years, and their skills must be extraordinary. As long as they help, great things can be accomplished."

Sun Wukong thought for a while and said: "Master only taught me the method of cultivation back then, he never told me the method of entering the North Fear Luzhou." The Bull Demon King had no choice.

Suddenly there was a flash of light in the Water Curtain Cave, and a macaque appeared. The demon kings looked at it and said quickly: "Why are you a monster, you dare to come here to eavesdrop on us."

When the macaque heard this, he hurriedly said: "Brothers, don't panic. I am the fifth disciple of the Emperor of the Earth—the six-eared macaque is also." Akashi monkeys can communicate with changes, know the weather, know the location, and move stars to change battles.The second is the red-legged horse monkey, who understands yin and yang, understands human affairs, is good at going in and out, avoids death and prolongs life.The third is the arm-armed ape, holding the sun and the moon, shrinking thousands of mountains, distinguishing between faults and faults, and messing with heaven and earth.The fourth is the six-eared macaque, which is good at listening to sounds, can perceive, knows before and after, and understands everything.These four monkeys do not belong to the ten species, nor do they qualify as the two classes.If the six-eared macaque stands in one place, it can know things thousands of miles away. Ordinary people can also know things when they speak. Therefore, they are good at listening, can understand, know before and after, and everything is clear.

Upon hearing this, Sun Wukong immediately asked: "When did my master accept you? Why didn't I know?" Bull Demon King also said: "Yes, I only heard that the Emperor of the Earth once accepted three apprentices, Tian Nan, Zhang Cong, Zui Daoist. In addition, Sun Wukong only has four apprentices. How could a six-eared macaque appear suddenly?"

(End of this chapter)

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