son-in-law of blood

Chapter 11 Destroying the Wolf

Chapter 11 Destroying the Wolf
"Eh? Where are you going with this appearance?" Hepburn asked curiously looking at Hellen who was disguised as an old man.

Helen pinched his throat and said in a muffled voice, "How is it? Is it true that no one will recognize me now?"

Hepburn couldn't help smiling when she saw Hellen's ridiculous appearance, which made Hellen stunned for a moment.

Hepburn saw Hellen looking like a pig, gave him a hard look, and scolded, "Humph! I still think that's the case on the outside, but these eyes are still so dishonest, I really want to dig them out come out!"

Hellen blinked quickly, and then stopped teasing Hepburn, and resumed his original voice: "You stay here honestly, that Boyle is a man who will take revenge, and will definitely continue to search for us in secret, I will go out first Find my allies."

Hepburn snorted slightly and said, "Ally? Aren't you just a gangster in Beato City? Where did you find an ally?"

Helen smiled lightly, touched the beard stuck on his face, and said: "Of course it is your old enemy, Lord Jerome, a loyal believer of the [Goddess of Dawn] who brings the warmth and brilliance of the dawn to the world!"


"Okay, I have understood, my lord, please rest assured, since this is the Lord's will, I, Jerome, will help you snatch the dragon egg even if I risk my life!"

Jerome patted his chest in a vow, looking as if he would go through fire and water, and he would do whatever he wanted.

Helen smiled and nodded, "Yes, you are very good, our Dawn Church lacks a loyal warrior like you, don't worry, as long as this matter is done well, the position of an archbishop will definitely be indispensable. !"

Jerome trembled all over when he heard the words, and his face blushed abnormally, and he said excitedly: "Thank you so much, sir, I...I..."

Helen patted Jerome on the shoulder: "Okay, I know what you want to say, don't thank me, all this is the will of the goddess, not much to say, I have to go back and prepare, remember to follow the plan act!"

Jerome even claimed that, at this moment, he looked at Helen with a hint of madness.

Dressed up as an old man again, Helen left the branch hall of Dawn Church and went back to join Hepburn.

"How strong are you now?" Helen asked aloud when they returned to their temporary accommodation.

"About the lower rank of Baiyin, about the same as that priest named Jerome." Hepburn was slightly relieved to see Hellen came back safe and sound.

"Fourth order..." Hellen muttered in a low voice.

"What's the matter? Are you not sure? Is that 'Scar Wolf' very strong?" Hepburn asked.

Helen shook his head: "No, he should only be a little stronger than you, and with the addition of Jerome from the Dawn Church branch, two fourth-level strengths should be enough, um, that's it, how to do it tomorrow? Follow my orders, and you must not act without authorization."

Hepburn nodded angrily: "Okay, got it, long-winded..."


In the early morning of the next day, Boyle looked at his subordinates who were ready to go, and said loudly:

"Brothers, thank you, the great [God of Thieves and Robbers] Neeson, for giving us such great fortune! Our goal today is to capture a complete silver dragon egg! Tell me, What should you do!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Okay, the Lord will protect us, let's go!"

After everyone's morale rose, Boyle turned to Rupert and said, "Where's the military adviser? Didn't he arrive in Bito City yesterday?"

Rupert replied: "Yes, but I left overnight again last night, I don't know what happened..."

There was a trace of doubt in Boyle's eyes, and he shook his head after a while, "Forget it, don't wait for him, let's go first!"


The Bier Mountain Range is the largest mountain range on the Continent of the Gods. It crosses the territories of the two empires of Stewie and Nosnan. Bito City is a small town located under a branch of the Bier Mountain Range. At this time , On the originally quiet and deserted forest path, several carriages loaded with goods came slowly from a distance, heading towards Bito City.

Among them was a young man in Chinese clothes sitting in a slightly luxurious carriage. The man had a soft face, holding a small square box in his arms, and was gently stroking the uneven pattern on the box.

"Bruce, where are you now?" The man lifted the curtain and asked the servant sitting in front of the car and driving.

"Return to Your Highness, Bito City is ahead, and it is still on the border of our Steway Empire." The servant driving the carriage replied in a low voice.

"How far is it to Wuquik?" The third prince of the Steway Empire, Rickton, asked a little impatiently.

"Go back to Your Highness, pass through Bito City, and walk for about three days to reach the border of the Nosnan Empire." The servant replied.

"Okay, I see..."

After a while, the servant asked tentatively: "Your Highness, everyone has been on the road for several days, and the dry food and items we carry are almost consumed. Shall we take a rest in the small town ahead?"

Likton hesitated for a while when he heard the words, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's better to be careful in everything, tell the brothers to let them persevere, it will be almost there!"

The servant nodded and stepped back.


"Brother, that should be the third prince's escort caravan! The military advisor's news is indeed accurate, and it really arrived today!" In the dense jungle on both sides of the path, Boyle's men were ambushed.At this time, hearing the faint sound of horseshoes in the distance, Rupert turned back slightly excitedly and said.

Boyle clenched his slightly trembling fists, and said in a low voice: "Tell the brothers not to act without authorization, and listen to my orders after the people in the convoy have completely entered our ambush circle!"

Rupert agreed emphatically, and after giving his instructions, Boyle squinted his eyes at the dust raised by the distant convoy, and said in his heart:

"I don't care who you are, the third prince or the fourth prince, no one is allowed to snatch this heavenly wealth from me!"


"Your Highness, there seems to be something wrong nearby, we must be in trouble..."

Bruce, the servant driving the carriage, stopped the carriage, signaled the convoy behind him to also stop, and turned his head to Lexton in the carriage.

Likton's heart sank when he heard this, he put the box in the carriage and walked out.

"What's the matter Bruce, is something wrong?" Rekton asked in a deep voice.

"It seems to be..." Before Bruce finished his sentence, a large group of men in black with sharp knives poured out from around, staring at the surrounded Lechton convoy.

When Bruce saw this, his heart trembled, and he turned to Lechton and said, "Your Highness, go ahead and take a good look at the dragon eggs. We seem to have encountered bandits cutting trails, but don't worry, Your Highness, these bandits just want some gold. Silver money, the old servant will deal with it!"

Liekton nodded with a gloomy expression, and got into the carriage after glancing at the leader, Boyle.

The old servant Bruce saw Boyle's subordinates gradually approaching him, got out of the carriage quickly, jogged to the leader Boyle, took out a few bags of coins from his pocket, and said with a smile on his old face:
"I'm offended, I'm offended, it's the first time my young master has come out to help his family with business, and he doesn't know the rules. This is some drinking money to honor the bosses. I hope that the bosses can hold your hands high. We are all ordinary businessmen, and we make money with kindness." ,peace brings money!"

Boyle smiled slightly, his tawny eyes flashed fiercely, and while Bruce was speaking, he stabbed Bruce in the chest!

(End of this chapter)

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