son-in-law of blood

Chapter 161 Proud Stewie!

Chapter 161 Proud Stewie!

Earl Varian stood at the gate of the Governor's Mansion to welcome everyone, and on the left stood a servant with a kind face.It was the butler Woolf who had been by Varian's side all the time.

Hellen held Hepburn's hand, and the two got out of the carriage and walked towards the gate of the Governor's Mansion.

The gentleman is chic and elegant, with a dark evening dress draped over his body, evil and handsome, with a personable demeanor.

The wife is gentle and elegant, with a graceful demeanor, and her pale golden dress reflects her slim and graceful figure.

The two men, who are talented and beautiful, made many people's eyes shine, especially Hepburn's cool and noble temperament, which attracted many noble children present to be eager to move.

It's a pity that a rough man as tall as an iron tower guarding behind the two dissuaded many people from wanting to strike up a conversation.

Hearing the sudden noise nearby, Varian followed the sound, and after seeing the person clearly, a trace of unconcealable surprise flashed in his eyes.

too young!

Although Varian had obtained detailed information about Helen in the past in order to silence him, this was the first time he had seen a real person.

The first impression Hellen gave Varian was of youth.

Seeing this, Varian couldn't help feeling resentment towards Baron Brian.

A baron who had been a lord for 30 to [-] years was actually plotted to death by such a young man. He lost his territory and the magic stone mine, and forced himself to be extremely difficult in front of Gremory VI.

Earl Varian let out a long sigh of relief, and all the aggrieved and helpless feelings in his stomach turned into a monstrous hatred for Hellen!
With a cold snort, Varian put on a spring-like smile on his face, put on a tone of surprise, and walked quickly towards Hellen in front of everyone inside and outside the house.

At the same time, he said kindly and loudly:
"Sure enough, a boy born from a hero must be the hero of the empire, Baron Helen Mebius!"

The warm, gentle voice made Hieren slightly raise his head, and looked at Varian who was walking towards the two of them.

He was dressed in neat and luxurious aristocratic attire, his half-white hair was neatly combed in threes and sevens, the corners of his mouth were smiling slightly, his eyes were brilliant, and he was not angry.

"Hellen Mebius, the lord of Tiris, and his wife Hepburn have met the governor!"

Helen walked forward with equal enthusiasm.

"Haha, Ling and his wife are really talented and beautiful, they are radiant!"

Varian said politely.

Hellen waved his hands and said modestly:
"Your Excellency Governor is overrated."

The people outside the mansion heard Varian's address to Hearen at this time, and they all stopped and watched, all their scrutiny eyes were on Hearen.

"Here, is that lucky Xieren, I heard that because he exterminated a lich, he was directly made a field baron from a commoner?"

"Lucky boy!"

"It's this kid who made us come all the way to celebrate him? What a big show!"

Similar thoughts arose in many people's minds.

Jealousy, doubt, resentment, peace.

All kinds of emotions are constantly brewing in everyone's hearts, like a powder barrel, it just needs a primer, and it will explode at any time.

"My lord, don't let everyone stand outside and wait. Now that Mr. Hearon has arrived, let's start right away?"

The old housekeeper Woolf reminded with a smile.

Hearing this voice, Hellen felt inexplicably tense, and cast suspicious eyes on Woolf.

Noticing Hearen's gaze, Woolf smiled at him respectfully, and Hellen returned the salute.

At this time, Varian, who heard his old housekeeper's suggestion, also nodded, and said loudly to everyone:

"Okay, everyone, come in with me, we are going to start the welcome banquet tonight!"

As soon as Varian said this, everyone temporarily put away all kinds of thoughts, and followed Varian into the Governor's Mansion.

Xillen enthusiastically greeted the strangers around, big and small, but his eyes followed the old figure indistinctly from beginning to end.


Helen murmured the name softly in her heart.

For unknown reasons, Xillen felt very bad about this person, with some faint disgust.

Suppressing the strange emotion in his heart, Helen followed Varian and the others, and quickly walked into today's banquet hall.

Hellen took Hepburn's arm and stepped into the bright banquet hall.

After stepping into the meeting hall, Hirondun felt his eyes brighten. The luxurious layout in front of him was even worse than the lord's mansion he carefully arranged.

A huge crystal lamp ball was hung in the spacious and luxurious banquet hall, and Xillen could clearly feel the magic power spreading from the crystal lamp.

Magic crystal!

What a great handwriting!
The resplendent magic crystal emits dazzling light, illuminating the entire banquet hall as if it were daytime.

In accordance with the luxurious and noble customs of the nobles of the Steway Empire, bright roses are placed all around.

Then look down, leaning against the wall facing the door, there is a row of long tables trimmed with gold.

A snow-white linen tablecloth was spread on the long table, and above the tablecloth were filled with exquisite food and drinks for the guests who came and went to enjoy.

In the center of the hall, there is also a huge dance floor.

There are countless soft sofas around the dance floor for people to rest.

When Hellen and the others entered, many people had already arrived at the banquet hall first.

Elegant and beautiful music is playing melodiously, and dozens of well-dressed men and women are already dancing on the dance floor.

There are also many people sitting around chatting.

At this moment, when the people in the living room saw Varian coming in, they knew that the lord had arrived, and they stood up to say hello, and the melodious music gradually stopped.

Unsurprisingly, the outstanding-looking Xillen couple attracted the attention of many people as soon as they entered the banquet hall.

The unfamiliar face also made everyone guess that this person might be the new baronial lord who was able to let the governor hold a welcome banquet in person, Baron Hellen Mebius.

Seeing that everyone's attention had focused on Helen, Varian cleared his throat, and a loud voice sounded:

"Everyone, before the banquet begins, please let me introduce a young talent to you!"

"This handsome and elegant man is the future star of the empire, a human fighter who fought heroically against the Lich, His Excellency Baron Helen Mebius!"

After the sound landed, thunderous applause and successive praises filled the entire banquet hall in an instant.

Everyone had warm and excited smiles on their faces, as if the person in front of them was their relative, proud and proud.

Helen had an elegant yet graceful smile on her face:
"Your Excellency is overrated. It is the unshirkable responsibility of every Stewie to dedicate himself to the empire and fight against the Lich!"

Then his face became solemn, he stomped on the ground, clenched his left hand into a fist, and shouted in a deep voice:
"Long live the Steway Empire!"

The rest of the people also looked dignified when they saw this, and the atmosphere in the banquet hall was suddenly solemn, and they replied:
"Long live the Steway Empire!"

The deafening sound shook the wine glasses in the banquet hall, and everyone looked fanatical and proud.

Proud of them being a Stewie (Stewe Empire slang for Stewee)!
Yes, no matter how dirty these people are behind the scenes, how many outrageous things they have done, and how many civilians they have harmed.

But for them, for these nobles who claim to be superior to others, the inherent sense of honor in their bones is more important than anything else!
They are valiant Stwell!They are Stewell who once defeated the Lich King, and they are Stewell who stands on top of mankind!
They are loyal to the Steway Empire from the bottom of their hearts!

No one should trample on this pride and honor of being the head of the three great human empires!
That's why, when the news of Baron Brian's collusion with the Lich spread, no one said a word to Baron Brian!

Because of betraying Stewie and the human race, the crime is unforgivable!
(End of this chapter)

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