son-in-law of blood

Chapter 175 Mission

Chapter 175 Mission
Time was slowly passing by, and Nehemiah's face did not show any anxious expression at all.

Picking up the teacup on the table, which was overflowing with fragrant black tea, he took a sip, calmly waiting for Helen's decision.

Xillen stared at the middle-aged man with a kind face in front of him, suddenly changed the topic, and asked a seemingly unrelated topic:

"What are you going to do, Governor Varian?"

Nehemiah frowned slightly, as if he didn't realize that Hellen would ask such a question.

After pondering for a moment, Nehemiah replied unhurriedly:

"Watch it change!"

There was a flash of clarity in Hellen's eyes, it seemed that Gremory VI also wanted to catch the mastermind behind the scenes!

At this moment, Helen also stood up, pacing back and forth in the room.

After thinking about it again and again, Hellen nodded slowly, and agreed in a deep voice:
"I agree to join your organization!"

Anyway, the identity I can rely on most now is the field baron of the Steway Empire, and being able to get along with the close ministers of the Emperor of the Steve Empire will have a great impact on Hellen's future personal development and the development of the entire territory. It has no small effect.

Furthermore, they all have a common enemy!
Hieren still clearly remembered that what the Baron Bryan confided before his death was the mission of killing himself to silence him.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend, and Helen chose to join in!
Nehemiah stood up, with a few traces of joy on his face.

"Your Excellency Hillen, welcome to join the Raven! From today onwards, you are the sharpest dagger in His Majesty's hands. You will write the future pride of the Steway Empire, and you will maintain the dignity of the Gremory family. You It will be remembered by the people of the entire empire, and the glory of the gods will not be grudged..."

Although Nehemiah's extremely provocative words sounded very exciting, but Hellen, who was used to similar slogans in his previous life, did not have much reaction to this.

After all, he is a pragmatic person.

When Nehemiah's long speech finally came to an end, Hellen immediately asked a very crucial question:

"Ahem, Your Excellency Viscount, we are now our own people. I wonder if Your Excellency can reveal in advance what special treatment I can enjoy after I join our [Dark Crow] organization! After all, we can be called Your Majesty’s people, it’s not like there’s nothing special about them!”

Viscount Nehemiah stared at Helen, who was calculating and calculating like a businessman, his face froze, thinking that what he said just now was completely telling the truth.

Although I already knew about Xillen's character from the mouth of His Highness, but after getting in touch with him personally today, I really realized that this kid is really a master who doesn't want to suffer a little bit.

The corner of his mouth twitched a few times, and Nehemiah said in a bad mood:

"There must be remuneration. At the very least, isn't your majesty the baronial position given to you?"

Helen grinned: "Hey, hey, this baron's seat was earned by ourselves by fighting with the lich! What's more, when I was the baron of Tirisland, what is the raven? You don’t know anything! How can you count what I’ve already got as a reward for me?”

Nehemiah smiled strangely, and said in an inexplicable tone:
"Your Excellency the Baron, if you don't agree to join Raven today, will you still be able to keep your title of Baron?"

Then he chuckled and said:
"Okay, we are not an organization that doesn't care about human feelings. You join us, of course there are some benefits. At least we can help you solve the threat from Varian. You don't want your immediate boss to keep staring at you. Take care of yourself!"

Hearing this, Xillen's face became slightly better:
"That... that magic stone mine..."

Nehemiah laughed and said, "This magic stone mine is the property of the empire. You have been mining it for so long. It is good enough that His Majesty will not hold you accountable. What else do you want to do?"

Xi Lun said indignantly: "Hey, anyway, I mined it with the third prince, so it's not considered private!"

Nehemiah looked at Helen, who was a businessman, and shook his head:
"Forget it, Your Majesty, for the sake of your previous help to His Highness, I will leave this magic stone mine to you first, but in a few days, you must pretend to agree to hand over half of the mining rights to me. After all, I have Promised Varian to negotiate this business with you."

Hellen nodded and asked curiously, "How did that Varian find you?"

Nehemiah also had a strange expression at this time, he stared at Helen and said:

"I'm going to ask you this. Do you have any handle on Varian? Why didn't he dare to reveal that you occupied the magic stone mine alone, but instead took over his possession with great fanfare? After the magic stone mine, you choose to swallow your anger?"

Helen was also a little puzzled: "I'm also puzzled by this matter. Maybe Varian is worried that his previous deeds will also be found out? Didn't he tell you the reason when he asked you to discuss this matter? ?"

Nehemiah's tone was a little startled: "This place is where things are weird. When Varian told me about this for the first time, he didn't seem to pay much attention to the profits of the magic stone mine. He There was only one request for me."

Hearon: "What request?"

Nehemiah: "He just asked me to help him send a few people to the place where your magic stone mine is, in the dark forest."

After pursing his lips and thinking for a while, Nehemiah asked casually:
"Are there other things besides the magic stone mine under the dark forest?"

Hearing the words, a few hints of understanding flashed in Xi Lun's heart, and he said perfunctorily:

"There is nothing else, only a magic stone mine!"

He did not reveal the existence of the tauren tribe, and the obviously unusual tauren priest.

Nehemiah's words made Hieren more convinced that there must be something extraordinary buried under the dark forest.

Seeing that Nehemiah was still thinking about this matter, Helen changed the subject without a trace:

"Oh, by the way, how did you reply to him?"

Nehemiah replied:

"At that time, I had received a secret order from His Majesty to secretly investigate Varian and try to contact you. I had been thinking hard about how to get in touch with you without Varian's suspicion. I didn't expect Varian But he took the initiative to give me this opportunity.”

"I also took advantage of the situation and agreed. I promised him that as long as the negotiation with you is completed, I will send his people to the dark forest pretending to be miners."

Hellen nodded slightly: "Remember to hand over the list to me when the time comes, I want to take a good look at what this kid wants to do in the Dark Forest!"

Nehemiah: "Of course, well, is there anything else you want to ask, Your Excellency the Baron? Just in time tonight, let's ask them all together!"

Helen rested her chin in one hand and pondered for a while, then shook her head:
"I don't have anything else to do, you guys... well, do we have anything else to tell me about our organization?"

Nehemiah was very satisfied with Hellen's answer, chuckled lightly and said:

"Of course, there is a very important task for you in the organization right now!"

"What mission?"

Nehemiah smiled strangely, and uttered a sentence that made Hieren dumbfounded:
"The task go to the blood clan this time, and you must take down the eldest princess of the blood clan no matter what!"

(End of this chapter)

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