son-in-law of blood

Chapter 206 Demigod, fall!

Chapter 206 Demigod, fall! (Please subscribe!!!)
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"Is there anything special about your blood clan? Why must I go in?"

Back in Hepburn's bedroom, Hellen asked with some doubts.

Hepburn pressed her jade-like fingers to her chin for a while and was about to say something when she was interrupted by an excited voice:
"Hey, brother-in-law, I know, I know!"

Hera kept waving her little hands, but stood at the door with an unnatural expression, most of her body was covered by the door frame, as if she would run away immediately if something went wrong.

"Hera, come in and talk, what are you doing outside?" Helen looked at Hera who refused to come in a little strangely.

Hera said timidly: "You have to pull my sister so that she doesn't let her hit me!" Hera replied quickly.

Helen looked back at Hepburn, he was naturally unaware of what happened this morning.

"Come in! I'll let you off this time!" Hepburn gave her sister a bad look.

Hera was overjoyed when she heard the words, and walked in bouncingly.

"The family land is actually nothing, except for the coffin boards of our ancestors... er, the cemetery of our ancestors, there is nothing else... Sis, you say you will beat me!" Hera pitifully Xixi rubbed the shoulder that Hepburn slapped.

"Show respect to the elders of the blood clan!" Hepburn gave Hera a hard look.

Hera resentfully said:

"Is there any special place there?" Helen watched the interaction between the two sisters with interest, but did not forget the business.

Hera replied: "It's true. There is still a restricted area in the clan land. No one can enter except my father and the three elders."

"Is it a restricted area? What's in it?" Helen asked with interest.

Hera's face was full of gossip:

"I really know this. It is said that this restricted area originally did not belong to our blood clan. It was placed in our blood clan by entrustment..."

Hera smiled, and recalled the sad dog-licking life of the fourth primogenitor of the blood race to Shillenkop.


In the magnificent palace, the third prince, Lekton, was absent-mindedly deliberating on the official documents presented by the governors of various provinces on the table.

As the sole heir to the Steway Empire, Gremory VI began to cultivate Rekton's ability to handle government affairs early on.

The lips kept moving, and Lekton could vaguely hear repeating a name.

"Bastard Helen, not to mention Neil who snatched me away, but also going to the blood clan to snatch the princess from another family, what a scumbag!"

The tip of the pen was hard and accidentally punctured the official letter he was reviewing.

With a muffled snort, Lekton simply pushed the document to the desk, stretched his body, and prepared to call it a day.

"Your Highness, His Majesty is in the study to find you urgently!"

A maid hurried over.

Seeing the anxious look on the maid's face, Rikton didn't dare to neglect at all. After tidying up briefly, he followed the maid and walked towards Gremory VI's study.

As soon as he stepped into the study, Lekton already noticed something unusual.

In the study, apart from his father, King Gremory VI, several of his confidant ministers are also listed - the head of the cabinet, Prime Minister Crofts Morey, the Minister of Military Affairs General Meredith Dunn, the court The head of the mage group, the sanctuary mage Merlin Chris, and the personal guard of Gremory VI, a real and powerful warrior from the valley of the quiet dragon, the legendary dragon-riding warrior Majerry Evelyn!
Undoubtedly, the most honorable people in the entire Steway Empire are gathered in this small study.

Except for Crofts who looked puzzled, the rest of them stood there with solemn faces, and the atmosphere was strange and dignified.

Rekton slowed down, stepped into the study quietly, and stood with his head bowed on the right hand side of Gremory VI.

"His Royal Highness is here too, we can talk about things!"

Gremory VI's deep voice sounded, and at the same time, a burst of clanging and staggered armor sounds came and went outside the door.

Royal Guards!
The sound gradually faded away, and Lekton knew that this study room had become the most secure place in the entire Steway Empire at this time, not even a fly could fly in!

Gremory VI glanced slightly at the sanctuary mage, who nodded in understanding, and with a wave of his hand, a dark red barrier instantly enveloped the entire study.

Lykton's heart became heavier. This action showed that the matter discussed today must be very important, and it can even be said to be related to the life and death of the entire Steway Empire!
"All sit down!"

Gremory VI waved his hand.

"Your Majesty, what happened? Could it be that the Mankova Empire has started mobilizing troops again?" Prime Minister Crofts asked aloud.

In such a tense atmosphere, he couldn't help thinking wildly.

Gremory VI looked around at his confidant ministers, except for Crofts who was helpless, the expressions of the rest were a little heavy.

With a long sigh, Gremory VI said:

"It won't be long before the news will spread throughout the continent. You and the prince have not yet reached that level of cultivation, so you can't see some signs in this world very clearly."

After a pause, Gremory VI continued:

"Just two hours ago, almost all professionals above the legendary level in the Continent of the Gods could feel one thing. On the Continent, a... demigod fell!"

Gremory VI speaks amazingly!
Rickton was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

Demi god!

As a cultivator, he clearly knew how powerful a professional at this level was. It was really hard for him to imagine how a demigod would suddenly fall without warning.

"who is it!"

Crofts was always so calm, and he didn't have time to show the slightest mood swings about the demigod's fall. He directly asked the crux of the problem!
Which demigod has fallen?

He vaguely knew that there were several ancestors in the palace, and it could also be said that it was the existence of these ancestors that ensured the status of the head of the three major empires of the Stewi Empire.

What he wants to know most now is whether the people who fell were from their Steway Empire.

Gremory VI glanced at Crofts with admiration. Although this man had no cultivation, for an emperor, having such a subordinate who was always calm and calm was better than ten or hundreds of high-level professionals. Much more useful.

"The prince should learn more from the prime minister in the future, and be calm when encountering major events!" Gremory VI glanced at Rexton, who was still full of shock.

Lykton's heart trembled, his face regained his calm, and he said sincerely:

"Understood, father!"

Gremory VI nodded and said to Crofts:
"Don't worry, it's not ours."

Crofts breathed a sigh of relief, but what Gremory VI said next made his heart sink again.

"Although he is not one of us, but... the person who fell this time has a lot to do with us, Stewie!" Gremory VI expressed a lot of regret in his tone, looking at Lechton's There was a hint of apology in his eyes.

"Leader, tell me! As a spellcaster, you should feel the deepest about his fall!" As if he didn't want to say the name himself, Gremory looked at the head of the court mages, Merlin Ke Rees, indicating that he will announce it.

Master Merlin nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice to Crofts and Rickton:
"The one who fell was Peter Benedict VI, the contemporary Pope of the Church of Dawn, who had a very good relationship with our Steway Empire!"

Hearing the familiar name, Lekton stood up abruptly, feeling blank in his mind and staggering, his eyes filled with tears in an instant.

"Grandpa Peter..." Lekton didn't hide his original voice this time, and the crisp voice was so ear-piercing in the study.

But the rest of the people are not surprised either.

"Ahem!" Gremory VI coughed severely twice.

Rekton resisted the severe pain in his heart, wiped away his tears, and sat down again, but his trembling hands were enough to show how much grief he felt at this moment.

Crofts pursed his lips deeply:

"His Majesty the Pope has fallen? But the old minister remembers that on His Highness's birthday last year, His Majesty the Pope personally came to send congratulatory gifts. At that time, he did not look like he was about to fall! I am not a cultivator. I don’t know much about it, but I think, at the level of His Majesty the Pope, even if he is about to fall, there should be signs in advance!”

Gremory VI shook his head with a gloomy face:

"That's the crux of the matter!"

Margery Evelyn, Gremory VI's personal bodyguard, nodded at Crofts and said:
"The Prime Minister is right. At the level of His Majesty the Pope, even if he is going to fall, there will be a sign at least ten years in advance. There is only one possibility for such a sudden fall!"

"Being plotted against!"

The Minister of Military Affairs, a professional at the pinnacle of the Legendary Rank, Rhettus Dunn said in a stern tone.

Liekton suddenly raised his head, his eyes were full of disbelief:
"How is this possible? Grandpa Peter has already... His Majesty the Pope is already at the peak of a demigod. He can be said to be the closest to a god on the entire continent. Who else can plot against him?"

After understanding what happened, Crofts took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and slowly uttered two words that he didn't want to say:



"No, something happened!"

Conrali, who closed his eyes and meditated in the dormitory, opened his eyes suddenly, and a few traces of strong killing intent flashed across his eyes.

"Order, the entire city of Twilight is under martial law, and no one below the elders is allowed to enter or leave freely!"

After Conlaly gave an order, he quickly walked towards the underground secret room.

The three Supreme Elders who had been meditating seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago, and the three of them were already waiting when Conrali came.

"This bastard! He...he dared to kill the Pope!" Conrali couldn't help but cursed when they met.

Hawthorne said with a gloomy face:

"It seems that we still underestimated that guy's strength. Being sealed in the sea area thousands of miles away, he can still use means to easily obliterate a demigod who is about to become a god. He really deserves to be that man's apprentice. !"

"Your Majesty, I remember that His Majesty the Fourth True Ancestor made great efforts when he sealed that bastard back then. If this lunatic really attacks you..."

Mod'an snorted coldly:
"Don't worry, he was able to take action against the Pope of the Holy See of Dawn this time. He must have consumed more than half of his energy accumulated over the years, and he will never have the energy to attack us. Besides, this is Twilight City. Even if he has the guts, he dare not come!"

Conraly shook his head:
"Don't worry about me. The crux of the problem now is, why did this lunatic suddenly think of attacking Peter? Was he not afraid to annoy the Goddess of Dawn and directly attack him? What's behind this matter is what we saw What does the bloody future have to do with it!"

Hawthorne let out a long sigh:

"It's hard to say, when did this lunatic follow the rules? Speaking of the goddess of dawn, it seems that her real body has not descended on the continent of the gods for a long time! I hope those who are wandering around in the star field don't know where to go." It’s better to rely on ourselves than to go to the carefree gods to help us!”

Conraly rested his chin on one hand and pondered for a while, then suddenly asked a seemingly irrelevant question:
"Your Majesty the Fourth True Ancestor, you still have an impression of the place entrusted by the Goddess of Magic for us to guard for generations!"

"Which place is His Majesty talking about?"

"It's not so much a place, but a thing. At that time, His Majesty the Fourth True Ancestor purposely called it a region in order to deceive people. In fact, it is a thing that we really need to protect!"

"Yes, I have the impression that the Fourth True Ancestor did mention that thing at that time!" Several elders nodded after recalling for a while.

"You said, is there more than one thing that the goddess of magic entrusted our blood race to keep?"

The three Supreme Elders looked at each other, their faces slightly moved:

"Your Majesty means..."

Conraly half-closed his eyes:

"Do you still remember what the Goddess of Magic entrusted His Majesty the Fourth True Ancestor to store in our blood clan?"

"Your Majesty is talking about that door!"

Conraly nodded:

"The function of a door is to lead to a place, but there are often more than one door that can go to a place."

"Your Majesty, do you mean that the Pope of the Dawn Church also has such a door?" Hawthorne asked thoughtfully.

Conraly nodded slowly:
"Do you still remember what happened to the door a few days ago?"

"Didn't Your Majesty say to ignore them at the time? Wait until we can contact the Fourth True Ancestor?"

Conraly chuckled a few times:
"That's to fool the group of elders. The ancestors have disappeared for thousands of years, so it's so easy to find them. Just in case, I took the time to go in a few days ago to take a look."

"What did His Majesty discover?"

"The reason for the change is because a few mice got inside!"

"A traitor?" Hawthorne's tone was full of murderous intent.

A few inexplicable expressions flashed across Conraly's face:

"Several senior elders are here. According to them, they want to go in and see what's in that mysterious place, just out of curiosity."

Hawthorne sneered:
"Could it be that the word "curiosity" can explain the ancestral motto of the blood race?"

Conraly nodded slightly:
"After I threw them into the blood prison, I originally planned to wait for Hepburn to complete the National People's Congress and settle down before solving their affairs. Now it seems that it should have reached the point where I have to solve it!"

Hawthorn said in a deep voice:

"If your Majesty's guess is correct, then these people should be the spies that person sent to our blood clan!"

A few hints of ruthlessness flashed across Conraly's face:
"Dare to add sand to our blood race, I want to see, where does a prisoner trapped in the sea of ​​thousands of miles come from such great skills!"

(End of this chapter)

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