son-in-law of blood

Chapter 23 Hepburn's obsession

Chapter 23 Hepburn's obsession

Hepburn glanced at Helen angrily, "Don't be smart there, listen to me carefully... My father only has two children, me and my sister, so the future throne must be inherited by one of us, as long as But my sister was weak and sick since she was a child, and her talent is not very good, so basically the future heir to the throne is me. My sister didn't object after she knew about it. It's not like what you said is messy, sisters cannibalizing each other, don't treat our blood clan Thinking too cold-blooded!"

Hellen scratched his head embarrassingly, and asked, "If that's the case, why are you in this situation?"

Speaking of his thoughts, Hepburn sighed softly and said: "It's still because of my sister, since I have been determined to be the heir, my sister is obviously not that important to the whole blood family, besides she I was still a sick child since I was a child, so many elders in the clan hoped..."

"Marriage?" Hellen asked tentatively. This time, he couldn't have guessed wrong, right? There must be a pattern of brother-in-law killing and forced marriage by the family.

Hepburn nodded lightly, and said: "That's right, the opinion of the Presbyterian Council is to marry my sister off as soon as possible, after all, my father is not young, maybe one day I will... But I'm just a Women, if they want to lead the blood clan well, they need certain allies, and my sister happens to be the best partner for marriage with foreign powers."

Helen nodded thoughtfully, and continued to ask, "But you still haven't said why you are like this?"

Hepburn clenched her fists, "That's because... I can't let my sister become a tool for my throne and marry someone I don't like! To prove that I can be the queen of the blood clan, to prove that even without me With the help of my sister's marriage, I can also manage the blood clan well. So I made a bet with the elders."

"The bet is..." Hellen asked.

"The bet is... I must conquer a full-scale dungeon for the blood race within ten years! During this period, except for the old servant Daniel who took care of me since childhood, I cannot accept the help of any clansman, nor can I be in the blood race Living within the sphere of influence, if I can do this, I can prove that even without the help of outsiders, I can manage the blood clan well, and similarly, my sister will not be used as a tool for marriage." Hepburn's voice She trembled slightly, but the firmness in her words was undeniable.

"It seems that your bet has not been fulfilled ideally..." Hellen sighed.

"Yeah, you've seen it too... I still underestimated the difficulty of this bet. Our vampires had to receive regular nourishment from human blood when we were minors. Only after I left the vampires did I realize that I was beyond my control. Because just to meet my daily blood supply, it almost put me in a desperate situation, if it wasn't for Daniel, I might have died outside."

"It's impossible to start in a big city. Our original plan was to live in some remote places first, and then complete the bet when I don't need human blood when I become an adult, but I didn't expect to be discovered by the people of the Temple of Dawn. In the end, you I know, even Daniel..." Hepburn's tone gradually dropped.

"So..." Hellen said.

"Yes, my second request is... I hope you can help me complete my bet with the Presbyterian Church. I know this is difficult, but... But I really have no choice, Daniel is dead, except you I really can't find anyone else..." Hepburn looked at Hellen expectantly, her slender hands trembling slightly.

"Ah...a really dare to bet..." Helen looked at the girl opposite him a little speechlessly.

"I'm sorry, if you really don't want to, forget it. You don't have to pay too much attention to the contract we made. I won't use it to threaten you. When I get to Kenshen, I'll recommend you to [Bo] After the Scholars Guild], let's go our separate ways..." Hepburn's eyes dimmed, and her voice gradually became lower, until at last Helen couldn't hear what she was saying.

With a long sigh, Hellen suddenly reached out and rubbed Hepburn's long hair: "You've already talked about this, can I help you? Well, well, I will do my best!"

Hepburn did not break away from Hellen's hand, and nodded slightly, with a gentle arc at the corner of her mouth:

"Hellen, you really are a good person..."


"Your Excellency Hellen, we will be able to reach Benedict City tonight. This is the last supply point on the road to Kenshen. Do you and your wife need to go to the city to replenish some necessities?" After staying in the carriage for four days In five days, Hellen and his party came to a small city.

Xillen first stuffed the dragon egg into Hepburn's arms again when Hepburn's face was flushed, then opened the curtain of the car and asked, "I'm going down to buy some things, um... are you in a hurry?"

Truman shook his head, "The caravan we are escorting is also planning to rest in Benedict City for one night before starting. You just need to come here on time tomorrow morning to meet us."

Helen nodded, "Then I will trouble you!"

Then he turned around and carefully helped Hepburn out of the car.Noticing that Truman seemed to have something to say, Hearon asked, "Anything else?"

Truman gritted his teeth and said, "Your Excellency, I...I..."

"What's wrong?" A trace of doubt flashed in Hellen's eyes.

"I... oh, I want to ask why you only have a silk scarf around your neck?" Truman sighed heavily.

Hellen touched the wound on his neck left by Hepburn's blood sucking for the past few days, and said, "I'm allergic to some plants here, and I developed some rashes on my neck, so I covered it with a silk scarf, you..."

Truman hesitated to speak, then shook his head, "Excuse me, Mr. Hellen, just pretend I didn't ask you anything."

Seeing the figure of Truman turning away, Hellen was full of doubts.

"He probably wanted to ask you something, but he might still be intimidated by your noble status, so he didn't have the courage to speak up in the end." Hepburn speculated on the side.

Helen nodded slightly, and said: "If it's an urgent matter, he will definitely talk about it again. Well, let's go to the city first. What Truman said just now is also true. It's really not good for a big man like me to wrap a silk scarf around my neck all day long. It's decent, and it's easy to arouse suspicion from others, so I'll go buy some high-necked clothes."

Hepburn didn't object either. After staying in the carriage for so many days, and didn't have time to clean it properly, she had long been unbearable.Although at her level, she is basically an innocent body, but as a girl, it is psychologically contradictory not to take a bath for a few days.

Seeing that Hepburn had no objection, Hellen took Hepburn's hand, and the two walked slowly towards the city of Benedict like a pair of newlyweds on their honeymoon.

"Did they agree?" a mercenary with the same identity as Truman asked.

Truman sighed, and said, "I didn't ask, forget it, let's not trouble others..."

The mercenary shook his head resentfully, " let me tell you what's good about you, it's not easy to meet such a kind nobleman, you..."

Truman was silent.

The mercenary complained to himself for a while, and then sighed slowly, "Yeah, looking at his appearance and demeanor, he probably has a very noble status even among the nobles, so who cares about us poor mercenaries?" Things... oh..."

(End of this chapter)

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