son-in-law of blood

Chapter 54 The Missing Truman

Chapter 54 The Missing Truman (daily request for recommendation tickets, collection...)

Following the coachman's yelling, after half a day's journey, Hillen and his party finally arrived at their destination—the Dark Forest before dark.

After getting off the carriage, the two of them, led by Baron Bryan, walked towards a huge camp that had already been built outside the forest.

Baron Brian introduced as he walked: "I thought it would be easy to deal with those tauren, but I didn't expect to try many times and failed to eliminate them, so I sent someone to build such a camp outside the forest , want to fight a war of attrition with them, this can be regarded as our base camp to attack the tauren tribe."

Hellen nodded and said, "Oh, by the way, Your Excellency the Baron, can we meet our friend first?"

Baron Bryan nodded and said: "Of course, your friend named Truman is our new force to attack the Tauren tribe. If it weren't for our rank three warrior, I would really like to ask The adults of Kenshen City have asked for help."

After finishing speaking, Baron Brian waved to his entourage and said, "Go and invite that Mr. Truman over, and tell him that he has a friend to visit him."

After the servant behind him bowed in response, he followed Baron Brian's order and went to the camp to look for Truman.

"These are some young men I gathered from nearby villages and towns. When they heard that their hometown was invaded by tauren, they were all very motivated. Thanks to their help these days."

After entering the camp, Baron Brian pointed to the farmer-like people coming and going.

"That's natural. With a lord as kind and friendly as Your Excellency the Baron, the people in these territories must be very happy to serve you." Hellen smiled.

Baron Bryan laughed and said, "I'm sorry, Your Excellency Hellen, oh, those are some mercenaries I recruited in the city, your friend named Truman is just like them, I recruited them from the city of Kenshen Yes." Baron Brian pointed to a group of armored people gathered not far away.

Hellen nodded silently, and not long after, the servant who was ordered by Baron Brian to look for Truman ran back with a panicked expression:

"It's not good, it's not good, master..."

Brian's expression darkened when he saw this, and he said, "What are you yelling about? Calm down!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Helen didn't seem surprised at all, and said calmly, "Oh, what happened?"

The servant glanced at Baron Brian with an unnatural expression.

Brian said angrily, "Look at what I'm doing. Your Excellency Hellen is not an outsider. If you have anything to say, just speak up!"

The servant hesitated for a while, and after a while he hesitated and said: "It''s about that mercenary Truman, he...he's gone!"

"What! How could it be gone!"

Brian's face turned cold, he stepped forward and grabbed the servant's shoulders, and roared angrily.

Hellen said: "Don't get angry, Lord Baron, let's listen to what happened."

Brian let go of his hands when he heard the words, and said sternly: "Quickly explain it to Your Excellency Helen, why did this person suddenly disappear after being so good!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The servant took a long breath and said in a trembling tone: "It seems that Truman ran away by himself. He also left a letter saying that he had to leave as soon as possible. The younger one just now Know."

Brian smashed his fist when he heard the words, and said with a sigh of relief: "Oh, it's all my fault. A few days ago, I heard someone report that Mr. Truman wanted to leave in a hurry. At that time, I didn't agree to it because I couldn't do without him. I didn't expect, oh ..."

Seeing the annoyed expression on Baron Brian's face, Hellen chuckled in his heart, calmed down his emotions, and said in a deep voice, "Where is the letter? Can you let me see it?"

After Hellen finished speaking, the servant handed a letter to Hellen under Brian's signal.

After Xiron opened the letter and browsed through it, he sighed and said:

"Oh, what a coincidence, presumably Truman was also eager to find us before he left without permission, that's all, he has already made an agreement with you to help you complete this task, since he has left now, let us help him Let's complete this commission, what do you think, Lord Baron?"

Brian's face brightened instantly when he heard the words, he patted Hellen's shoulder enthusiastically, and said, "Then I would like to thank you two, to be honest, after I heard the news of Truman's departure just now, I was afraid that you two would not stay anymore. Help us, hey, I really judge the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain!"

Hellen chuckled and said, "I'm sorry, since that's the case, let's discuss how to deal with this tauren tribe."

Baron Brian waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, we've been driving for almost a day, now it's getting dark, and the magic tide in the dark forest is coming soon, we can't move, why don't you go back to the camp and have a good rest Let’s talk about it, how about making a fuss tomorrow?”

Helen glanced at Hepburn, thought for a moment, and said, "Alright, follow the baron's orders!"

"Okay, come here, treat our two distinguished guests well!"


After drinking and eating, Helen, who smelled of alcohol, staggered towards the tent arranged by Baron Bryan for the two with Hepburn's support.

At night, Hellen changed into a night suit and said to Hepburn, "Pretend to open the door for a while, and I will sneak out through the door with the shadow stealth. Eight seconds is enough time for me to find a hiding place outside."

Hepburn asked puzzled, "What are you going to do again?"

Hellen said: "Go and find Truman. After all, he has been here for so long, and he must have acquired a lot of useful information. Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win every battle. I want to see how deep this Baron Brian's water is!"

Hepburn bit her lip and said, "Where are you going to find it? Do you know where they hid Truman?" Of course, Hepburn would not believe what Baron Brian said about Truman leaving by himself during the day.

Xillen smiled confidently, and said, "Don't worry, I've already made preparations!" As he spoke, he took out two glass bottles from the ring, one was filled with light blue liquid, and the other was liquid like clear water.

"Night Demon Potion! You... When did you get it?" Hepburn couldn't help but exclaimed coquettishly as she saw what Hellen had brought out.

Helen smiled and said, "I got this thing when I was a gangster in Bito City. When I walk in the rivers and lakes, I always want to get some small things to accompany me."

Hepburn asked: "Then when did you use it, and who did you use it on?"

Helen said in a low voice: "Just now, during dinner, you forgot that I intentionally broke a wine glass next to Brian, and that's when it spilled on his feet!"

Hepburn couldn't help being speechless for a while, and after a while, she said in an inexplicable tone: "Are you really just a little gangster in Bito City? I really can't believe it!"

Helen patted Hepburn's fragrant shoulders and said, "Don't worry, I will tell you about me in the future. Well, it's getting late, and I'm leaving!"

"En!" Seeing this, Hepburn no longer hesitated, and started to act according to Hellen's plan just now.


"How is it? Is there anything unusual?" Baron Bryan asked a servant who had been monitoring Hellen's camp.

"Master, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that the lady named Hepburn came out for a while, but she went back soon." The servant replied.

"Come out for a while... Where's Helen, did he come out?" Brian asked in a deep voice.

The servant shook his head and said: "No, back to the master, that man never showed up from the beginning to the end."

Baron Brian nodded reassuringly, and said, "Okay, you continue to monitor, and if you find anything unusual, remember to report it to me immediately!"

"Yes, sir..."

(End of this chapter)

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