son-in-law of blood

Chapter 70 A Helping Hand from the Temple of Learning

Chapter 70 A Helping Hand from the Temple of Learning

Everyone followed the voice, and it turned out that the person who came was none other than Edgeworth Rodney, the elder of the Erudite Guild in Kenshen City, the ninth-level gold upper priest!

"How... how is this possible... how is it possible to come so fast!"

Not far away, the Lich Gaskell saw the face of the person coming, and after feeling the person's cultivation level, the phosphorescent fire in his eyes suddenly jumped a few times.

Baron Brian was also horrified when he saw this. He still knew Edgeworth, the ninth-rank priest of the Temple of Learning.But how could he appear here so soon?
Baron Bryan froze in place. After thinking for a moment, his whole body trembled violently. He turned his head, pointed at Heron with trembling fingers, and said with trembling lips:

"Yes... it was you... Truman, you let Truman go!"

Helen narrowed his eyes and said, "Your Excellency, it's only now that I think about it, isn't it too late!"

"Bryan Charles! You are also an upright nobleman of the Stewie Empire. Why did you collude with the undead and betray the human race! Have your conscience and dignity been eaten by dogs? Are you worthy of the glorious history of your Charles family! You are not afraid to come from The wrath of the gods!"

Edgeworth looked at Baron Bryan, who was colluding with the Lich Gaskell, with a gloomy face, and shouted angrily.

Brian froze when he heard the words, his face turned pale for a moment, and then he seemed to be stung by Edgeworth's words, and said with a hoarse smile:

"The gods? Hahaha, if the gods can't give me justice, then no one can accuse me of selling my soul to the undead! Edgeworth, you don't know anything at all. If you are in my situation, what do you do? The choice you make will definitely not be much better than mine!"

Edgeworth waved his sleeve robe fiercely, and cursed angrily: "Stubborn, Brian, you will be judged by the gods! Where is the learned Knights of the Temple! Come with me, kill traitors, and execute traitors!" !"


A uniform roar sounded clearly into the ears of everyone present.

Under the light of the moon, mighty knights wearing heavy armor, white cloaks, and heavy spears appeared in everyone's sight.

The Knights of the Temple of Erudition, everyone is the most loyal fanatic of Einhortan, the God of Erudition, and everyone has at least the third-level cultivation of the Bronze Peak. They are guarding the glory of the God of Erudition and defending the The most powerful weapon of the sanctuary's dignity.

The leading knight was tall and burly, holding a giant steel sword, looked coldly at the men in black behind Brian on the battlefield, and roared angrily:

"For the glory of the learned master, charge!"

Then he swung his long sword obliquely and galloped his horse, taking the lead in charging towards the enemy formation on the opposite side.

Hundreds of warriors in armor flooded the entire battlefield like a torrent of steel, and those men in black, who were still fierce just now, were like a wave in a river, disappearing instantly.

Edgeworth hung in mid-air, let out a low drink, and there were streaks of golden light behind him. Not long after, a phantom in the shape of a book appeared behind him, and then roared at the Lich Gaskell:
"You lowly ghoul, your soul will be forever roasted by the purifying flame!"

As soon as the words stopped, he raised his hands high, and then a ray of light shot out from the phantom of the book behind him, and shot straight into the huge black vortex summoned by the Lich Gaskell.


The sound of a violent explosion came, and the powerful shock wave made Xillen and others standing on the ground shake their bodies unavoidably.

At the same time, Gaskell also let out a wail, and half of his body fell from the air while burning.

Baron Bryan also quickly ran to Gaskell at this time, helped him up, and said in a panic:

"What should I do now? I didn't expect this old thing to come so soon. The bastard Hellen actually let Truman go while I wasn't paying attention, and went to Kenshen City to tip off the news!"

With Brian's support, Gaskell stood up tremblingly, his eyes glowing with fire, and he said sharply:

"This old guy is already close to the legendary rank. I am definitely not his opponent now. There is only one way now!"

Brian asked anxiously, "Is there any other way?"

Gaskell suddenly sneered and said:
"Baron Brian, do you know? I've actually been patient with you for a long time. You are a lowly human being. What right do you have to shout at my great undead warrior, Gaskell!"

Brian's face changed, and his voice changed: "What do you mean?"

Gaskell grinned, showing his disgusting tawny teeth, and laughed loudly:

"Hahaha, my idea is that I need your life to complete it! A fourth-level magician, your flesh and blood must taste beautiful!"

Upon hearing this, Baron Brian's pupils instantly constricted to the size of a needle eye, and his limbs twitched uncontrollably.

Gaskell laughed twice, looked at Edgeworth who was about to kill him, and without giving Brian any more time to think, he immediately stretched out a palm and slammed it into Brian's left chest.

"you you……"

Baron Brian's face turned pale in an instant, and his pupils gradually dimmed.

As the arm was inserted into Brian's body, Gaskell's half-burned body was frantically repaired and restored at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a while, Brian's body had dried up extremely quickly, like a piece of paper. The torn rags were generally discarded by Gaskell on the ground.

Gaskell, who had been supplemented, was once again wrapped in a thick layer of black mist, and the phosphorus fire in his eye sockets was burning more and more intensely.

Looking at the horrifying scene in front of him, Xieren shot a look of disgust in his eyes.

The reason why the undead family was resisted and suppressed by the gods is not unreasonable.These wretches are worse than robbers and thieves, for robbers and thieves only take other people's money, but these vile things take other people's life force.

Using the vitality of other creatures as a supplement to extend their own life, these dark creatures deserve to be killed by all races in the Gods Continent!

However, he would not have any sympathy for Brian. If he seeks skin from a tiger, he will be eaten by the evil tiger sooner or later!All this is his own fault!
Edgeworth looked coldly at Gaskell, who had regained his momentum, and continued to radiate golden light all over his body, and rushed towards Gaskell aggressively.

Gaskell grinned grimly, and the black fog all over his body rose up, and it had filled the entire mountain in an instant.

"No, he wants to run!"

There was a gleam of red light in Hepburn's eyes, and he hurriedly reminded Edgeworth.

As soon as the sound stopped, Gaskell took advantage of the thick black fog and turned into a black shadow, quickly darting towards the distant sky.

"He can't run!"

Edgeworth's low voice resounded, his whole body shone with golden light, and he also turned into a golden lightning bolt, only rushing towards the black shadow!

(End of this chapter)

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