President Huan, Pampered Wife Love

Chapter 102 Bringing out the Nighthawk 7

Chapter 102 Bringing out the Nighthawk 7
"If I didn't see the facts, I wouldn't believe it either!" Lao Han's face also became serious, "But, when things got to that point, if Brother Yuan didn't even explain it, that would be acquiescing, and the facts are in front of you again. How? I stand in a neutral position, for whom... don't you know?"

Leng Xiaotian was silent. Back then, they grew up together. At that time, there was Ning Ning, who was a rich lady. In fact, it is strange to say that they were just a bunch of gangsters, because they accidentally rescued them from a kidnapper. Ning Ning, so far, several people and Ning Ning have an inseparable fate...

Such a pure, beautiful, beautiful girl who was regarded as a princess by her family, and she was indeed a princess, just followed them crazy all day long, and finally severed ties with her family. Now that I think about it, I can't understand it until She married Brother Yuan...

I still remember the day when Brother Yuan and Ning Ning got married, there was no wedding, because everyone was very poor at that time, everyone raised money to buy a few boxes of beer, bought a cake, and followed the example of the ancients in the wild, using the sky as a match and the earth as a On that day, everyone was very happy, but probably only Brother Yuan and Ning Ning were really happy, and the rest of them had more or less thought in their hearts.

A man's love is sometimes very simple, not plundering, just smile silly when he looks at the other person, brother Yuan and Ning Ning are in love, a brother, a woman he likes, naturally, he will be happy, then At night, everyone was drunk at the end, but wept. The newly married Ning Ning sat there blankly, waiting for them to wake up. When they woke up and asked her why she didn't sleep, the silly girl said stupidly: " She was afraid that wolves would come and eat us..."

At that time, everyone burst into laughter. After all, she was Miss Qianjin. Although she had been with them for a while, her heart was pure after all...

Memories are always beautiful, Leng Xiaotian couldn't help smiling, shook his head, and said, "Can't we do it again for Ning Ning? Do you still remember the tragedy when Ning Ning gave birth to Jing Han?"

"Because Ning Ning was shot at that time, she could hardly survive, and she was about to give birth again..." Lao Han recalled the past, "The shot was near the uterus, and the fetal breath was almost stopped. The doctor advised Mr. Bao... But, she I don't want to live or die, and I'm afraid that after giving her anesthesia, we won't want Jinghan, so I just endured the pain like that and refused to give her anesthesia. She said that Jinghan was the gift she wanted to give Brother Yuan, and no one could do it. To strangle her love for Brother Yuan, she would rather die...not!"

"Yeah...Brother Yuan was not there at the time, he was very busy, he was busy trying to give Ning Ning a stable life, he kept running around, his mind was smart, if Tianlin hadn't laid the foundation he had laid before, so what? Will there be today?" Leng Xiaotian sighed deeply, "But at such a moment, Ningning needs him, but he can't come back, even..."

"There is even another woman?" Lao Han took the words and said coldly, "But even so, Ningning still wants to give birth to this child for him..."

"No one knows exactly what happened, it's just a rumor!" Leng Xiaotian still didn't believe that Brother Yuan was that kind of person, "But, after all, Jinghan was brought back by Ning Ning almost with his life, could it be... you Can't you help Jinghan once for Ningning's sake? The past is the past after all, why let the children bear it? If Brother Yuan and the others really owe Xiao Chen and the others, Jinghan has already paid off for Brother Yuan It's..."

Leng Xiaotian, who became more and more excited as he talked, stared at Lao Han closely. Although he knew that asking those people out might not solve the problem, he had to try anyway.

Lao Han looked at Leng Xiaotian, finally sighed helplessly and nodded, "Forget it, it's for Ningning!"


Nighthawk's number corps members have expired, and they don't have too many thoughts about the sweep of the police station. However, at this juncture, Leng Jinghan wants to meet them, and they have doubts instead...

Although MG is his territory, and the boss is a thoughtful person, at such a time, one more thing is always better than one less thing, not to mention... Xiaosi just went to the police station and was found out, after all, it's not good .

Everyone was thinking about it when the door of the box was pushed open, and they saw Leng Jinghan with one hand in his trouser pocket, stepping in indifferently, Xing Tian was always following behind him.

Everyone stood up, "Boss, Brother Tian!"

Leng Jinghan nodded slightly and sat down, and everyone sat down too. While Leng Jinghan took out a cigarette and lit it, his eyes swept over everyone, and he said indifferently, "I came here today to discuss the actions of the police station..."

When Leng Jinghan expressed his thoughts, everyone's expressions were very solemn, and even a little puzzled, everyone looked at Leng Jinghan a little unresponsively, wondering what the boss meant?
Xing Tian hadn't spoken since he came in. He didn't know what Leng Jinghan was thinking in advance. When he heard what Leng Jinghan said about this incident, he also secretly frowned. However, regarding Leng Jinghan, he never Not being skeptical, it's not that he is really blindly loyal to what Leng Jinghan said, but... even if he knows it's wrong, as long as Leng Jinghan opens his mouth, he will do it.

"Boss..." Xiao Wu looked at everyone, frowned and said, " you really want to do this?"

"Yeah!" Leng Jinghan said while taking a puff of cigarette, "Someone can bring it up now, if you have no objection, the next thing must be done according to my instructions!"

At the same time as the words fell, Leng Jinghan's sharp eyes lightly swept across the faces of several people, and every time he passed by a person, that person's heart trembled, as if his face had been sliced ​​by a cold blade!
Everyone is silent, but, more or less, they have thoughts in their hearts, after all... giving up so many years of persistence, especially in the heyday, they have been looking forward to the coincidence of Ye and Ying, but now they are getting more and more excited. The farther you go, there is a kind of thing that you have been looking forward to for too long, which is obviously achievable, but the dream is interrupted abruptly by someone. A strong sense of loss spreads in everyone's heart.

"You don't need to have any burden in your heart. The boss just hopes you are well..." Xing Tian said suddenly, leisurely and unintentionally, he was playing with a nectarine in his hand, and his eyes hidden under the glasses looked at him lightly. Several backbones of the digital army.

Xiaosi lowered her eyes and was silent for a while, then said: "Since the boss has made his decision, I will do it, although I am reluctant... But Nighthawk is no longer the Nighthawk of the past, maybe only by letting go of the past, can there be a new chapter .”

Xiao Si is usually indifferent to others, but his mind is excellent. It's not that people like to live on the knife's edge when they are born. Sometimes, they just don't want to give up that attachment.

Without Nighthawk, perhaps the conflict between Boss Leng and Boss Xiao could be a little purer, so that everyone wouldn't have to be so embarrassed...

Xiaosi opened his mouth first, even if everyone still had some thoughts in their hearts at the moment, they had no more thoughts and expressed their opinions one after another.

Until Leng Jinghan and Xing Tian left, everyone's expressions were still extremely solemn...

"Xiao Si, is there really no room for maneuver?" Xiao Qi sighed deeply, the loss in his heart was beyond words.It's not that he doesn't agree with the boss's statement, in fact, he agrees very much, but, agreeing doesn't mean that he can really laugh it off.

Xiao Si didn't speak, but just raised his head and drank the wine in the glass. He swallowed the spicy liquor, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said slowly: "If you lose it, you will lose it...why hold on to it?" , the final result is nothing more than hurting others and yourself!"

"Seeing Boss Leng and Boss Xiao like this, it's so fucking uncomfortable!" Xiao Wu usually handles things very smoothly, but at this moment, he burst out with foul language. It is conceivable how depressed he is recently, "Take care with all your heart!" Brother, what can't be solved?"

Xiao Si glanced at him, but didn't speak.

Xiao Qi sighed deeply, and said quietly: "I don't believe in feelings anymore..."

Everyone looked at him, and he shrugged, "I just ease everyone's dignity, don't mind."

In an instant, Xiao Qi was stared at by everyone.

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Liu didn't speak. All the while, he said very little. He basically listened to everyone talking and watched everyone frolicking. He was only occasionally annoyed by a few people, so he reluctantly put it off. Everyone is already used to this.

At this time, Xiao Wu got up, looked at everyone, and said, "Everyone should perform their duties and prepare for the next 'storm'!"

After the words fell, the person walked away...

With the departure of Xiao Wu, the members of the digital group left one after another. No matter what thoughts everyone had, they could understand Leng Jinghan's actions more or less. After all... they had already been vaccinated in their hearts before. .

"He really decided that way?" Xiao Chen held a golf club in his hand, looked at the hole in front of him, and was visually measuring the distance and trying to make a swing. He was wearing a Bluetooth headset on his ear, and there was a slow voice coming from inside. He listened to the sound, he stopped swinging, straightened his waist, looked forward, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, "He will definitely find the right time, and he is not afraid of capsizing in the gutter?!"

Having said that, Xiao Chen's eyes are full of admiration, he has never doubted Leng Jinghan's ability, sometimes he thinks, if he competes with him... ...In the end, who will win?
After all, they know each other too well, and as long as the other party thinks differently, they can always guess seven or seven or eighty-eight. Now he is blindly giving in, so that he is a bit invincible.

"He's planning to disband Nighthawk, so Boss Xiao has no idea?"

In the earphones, there was a leisurely voice, and it was impossible to hear whether she was happy or not, as if it had nothing to do with her.

Xiao Chen looked back at the hole in front of him with squinted eyes, and then swung the golf ball. The white golf ball rolled straight down to the driving force. This's been a long time!"

Southern District Police Department.

After Shangguan Mu consolidated the action orders for the night, the five teams left the police station in police uniforms and police cars.

The coming of night was a bit lazy for the gangsters. Apart from complaining that the mopping up had ruined their business, there was not much ups and downs. After all, this "Falcon" operation had nothing to do with them.

It's just that this kind of raid, because the goods in the venue can't be dispersed, makes most of the addicts wailing again and again, and because of these unbearable addicts, there will naturally be some people who are willing to take risks to increase the price under the trend of profit Bulk goods, because addicts can't afford the increasingly expensive prices, there are more small cases of sneaking and robbing, which seems to be a vicious circle.

(End of this chapter)

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