President Huan, Pampered Wife Love

Chapter 120 We are no longer friends!

Chapter 120 We are no longer friends!
Shen Yueran roared loudly, she had completely collapsed, her eyes were covered with tears, and she kept saying "Impossible!"

Yuanyuan sighed heavily, patted Shen Yueran, motioned for the nurse at the side to support her, and said heavily, "Mrs. Xing, my condolences!"

After the dean finished speaking, he let out another deep sigh, and left the operating room with the personnel who performed the operation...

Shen Yueran stood still in the same place, her tears silently overflowed from her eyes, and spread down her cheeks to the corners of her mouth. She was trembling all over. She couldn't believe that the one who hugged her opened the stars and said that he would take care of her for the rest of his life. The person just left like this, she has no way to face it, even if she is busy, she will go home, and the person who will give her a kiss in her sleep will never come back...

Shen Yueran pushed the nurse away, and dragged her heavy body into the operating room. Her eyes were dull without any focus, until she saw Xing Tian on the operating bed...

Leng Jinghan stood aside, a doctor was making the final confirmation of death, he just watched all this indifferently, watched the doctor stitch up the wound for Xing Tian, ​​watched the doctor check everything for Xing Tian, ​​and confirmed die!


The heavy applause was extraordinarily loud in the operating room, which shocked everyone. The doctors and nurses stopped their movements and looked at this scene in disbelief...

Shen Yueran's hands were trembling and numb, she looked at Leng Jinghan with her face turned sideways with scarlet eyes, and her eyes were full of fierce anger: "It's all you, it's all your pay back Xing Tian to me!" !what----"

Leng Jinghan slowly turned his slapped face away, his face was calm, as if the person on the operating table had nothing to do with the person in front of him who had completely lost his mind, even the slap just now had nothing to do with him. existing.

Shen Yueran stepped forward and grabbed Leng Jinghan's sleeve, shaking it crazily, and kept shouting "Give me back Xing Tian...", Leng Jinghan let her vent, but his eyes looked determined The dead doctor, the doctor hastily withdrew his eyes and did not dare to look at him, and then made the final confirmation for Xing Tian.

"Xing Tian, ​​I have no way to return it to you!" Leng Jinghan's indifferent words came lightly when Shen Yueran's throat was hoarse, without the slightest emotion, even so indifferent that it made people feel chilling.

However, Shen Yueran suddenly became quiet. She let go of Leng Jinghan, stared at Leng Jinghan with tears in her red eyes for a while, then turned around silently, looking at Xing Tian, ​​who had completely lost all blood on her face. The control keeps pouring out...

The doctor who made the final death confirmation filled in the last item of data and left with the nurse. At this moment, even if it is not in accordance with the rules, there is no rule with Leng Jinghan here.

Leng Jinghan was so indifferent from the beginning to the end without any expression. He watched all this quietly. In fact, when he brought Xing Tian to the hospital, he had already foreseen such a result... But, he Still waiting for a miracle to happen.

The cold self-deprecation spread in the deep eyes, those deep black pupils were as dark as a whirlwind, ready to swallow everything at any time, he looked at Shen Yueran caressing Xing Tian's face, looked at Shen Yueran who couldn't help but still While holding on to myself, a scene suddenly appeared in my mind...

"Boss, it's over this time, I'm going to take a big vacation..." Xing Tian looked proud, "I decided to take Xiaoran on honeymoon, time... just a year for now!"

"Boss, where do you think it is better to go?"

"Forget it, I guess I don't know if I ask you..."

"However, you can still give some advice..."


Leng Jinghan gritted his teeth tightly, and clenched his hands suddenly. The veins on his forehead were exposed, and his hands creaked when he was pinched... He stared at Xing Tian's lifeless face for a long time, Suddenly turned and left...

Since it was winter, the morning light was relatively late, and it was still dark at five o'clock in the morning, and the damp and cold breath in the air made people shiver.

Mu Qingkong stood outside with her arms folded. She wanted to go in to see how Xing Tian was doing, but she couldn't take a step in. When she came out of the police station last night, she was wandering alone under the night, holding a The mobile phone, unknowingly, walked to Shukang Hospital, she knew that Leng Jinghan would definitely bring Xing Tian here...

Mu Qingkong leaned against the wall, looking up at the sky with an unknown expression on her face. Yu Gong said that she didn't think she was at fault, and it was her responsibility to carry out the orders of her superiors and not let the criminals escape, even if the other party was her own. Relatives...Mu Qingkong pulled back her gaze. The scene of Leng Jinghan looking at the world last night and confessing without any scruples made her heart suddenly twisted together. She never thought that there is a huge organization behind Nighthawk... it will be him!
Sadness came to his eyes, thinking of his persistence for so long and Leng Jinghan's words reminding her from time to time, he suddenly felt how ridiculous he was!

Mu Qingkong leaned her head against the cold wall, her mind was in a mess, as if many things became clear all of a sudden, and it seemed that she couldn't see anything clearly...Suddenly, Mu Qingkong stood up abruptly, and she frowned tightly. , muttered to himself: "The people involved in the 'Falcon' operation are all the elites of the police stations in each district, and there are absolutely no frizzy people. In yesterday's situation, who called for the sea goods to be blocked, and... that Xing Tian Who fired the gun?"

She had already shot to stop Xing Tian. Without her order, who fired that other shot at Xing Tian?
Thinking about it, Mu Qingkong didn't have time to think about other things, first glanced at the direction of the hospital, got up hurriedly and ran outside the hospital... Due to Leng Jinghan's relationship, Xing Tian's current status has also become special. Many things are not that simple to prove that the goods are export materials. She has to go back and apply for an inspection order. She needs to check whose gun the bullet was fired from.

As soon as Mu Qingkong left, Leng Jinghan walked out of the hospital with a cold expression on his face. He still had blood stains on Xing Tian's body. He was always neat and tidy, so he didn't have time to pay attention to it. Chen's villa flew away...

Xiao Chen knew that when Leng Jinghan came, he was not surprised at all. He had been waiting for him in the villa and didn't sleep all night. He looked at Leng Jinghan who walked in behind Mu Sen. He was very angry, and his body was filled with bloody breath. He was familiar with such a night.

"You're here!" Xiao Chen took out a cigarette and handed it to Leng Jinghan, motioning for Mu Sen to step back, before he said coldly, "Xing Tian is dead?!"

Leng Jinghan narrowed his hawk eyes suddenly, but opened them immediately: "I just left..."

"It can be regarded as the last thing I did for you!" Xiao Chen's words were still calm.

Leng Jinghan didn't have much emotion on his face, he just lit a cigarette and took a puff, then said: "Xiao Chen, is this your purpose? Let the people around me leave me?"

"Hey!" Xiao Chen sneered coldly, two sharp rays of light shot out from his raised eyebrows, "No, this is not the ultimate goal!"

"I can repay the grievances of the previous generation, so I have to take Xing Tian's life?" Leng Jinghan's voice was very calm, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

Xiao Chen lay on the sofa, with a tired look on his face: "So, aren't you in more pain?"

"So, are you willing to be someone else's pawn?" Leng Jinghan suddenly looked at Xiao Chen with a slightly trembling gaze.

Xiao Chen turned his head slowly, met Leng Jinghan's sharp eyes, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he didn't agree with what he said...but he didn't object either!
Shukang Hospital.

Shen Yueran wiped Xing Tian's body in a dull manner. Xing Tian has many small problems. No matter how tired he is, he must sleep cleanly... Right now he is too tired to get up and clean himself up. She is His wife, she wants to clean him up.

Tears kept flowing down, and the medical staff on the side watched, and their noses became sore. They watched Shen Yueran cry and cry here, and the tears never stopped.

The medical staff looked at each other, and finally, the doctor stepped forward: "Mrs. Xing, please forgive me! Young Master Leng told me to take Secretary Xing's body first... Mrs. Xing - Mrs. Xing..."

Due to excessive grief, Shen Yueran fell into the boundless darkness. Before she fell into a coma, her lips twitched, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't have time to say anything.

The medical staff carried Shen Yueran into the ward, and after examination, they found that Shen Yueran was pregnant.

"Doctor Wang, do you want to see Dr. Cheng from the gynecology department?" the nurse asked.

Dr. Wang glanced at Shen Yueran, who was still in a coma, and nodded, and couldn't help but sighed deeply. Xing Tian is dead, and he doesn't know how the mother and son will live in the future.

Doctor Cheng came up soon, she didn't expect that Shen Yueran, who was checked by her at noon yesterday, turned out to be Xing Tian's wife, moreover, she was so happy yesterday, but today she became like this.

Since Shen Yueran was pregnant again, Dr. Cheng did not use any medicine, but only used mild nutritional supplements.

Shen Yueran fell into a deep sleep after Dr. Cheng took the nutritional supplement due to the grief and exhaustion of her body...

Time will not stop because of people's sorrow, the dawn in the east tears the darkness, and a new day begins.

Shen Yueran didn't know how long she had been in a coma, but she felt a splitting headache, as if a shot ball was rolling around in her mind, she opened her eyes with difficulty, first glanced around blankly, and then pulled back her thoughts... She He suddenly became sober, ignoring his physical discomfort, turned over and got off the hospital bed, and walked out with his heavy and weak body...

"Hey, have you read today's news?"

"About the criminal secretary?"

"Well, that's it... Secretary Xing is really miserable!"

"That's right, it's just to transport the group's supplies, and the police will even think that they are the mastermind behind Nighthawk... Now there is no one left!"

The nurse who spoke before curled her lips: "I really think there is something wrong with the inspector surnamed Mu, who shot without knowing anything... Hmph, a woman who suddenly changed from a police officer to a trainee inspector must have something wrong Bar?"

"I don't know if there's a problem, I just know it's ruthless enough, that shot was aimed straight at Secretary Xing's heart..."

Shen Yueran only felt that her whole body was weak and without a trace of strength, her breathing became short of breath, and her mind instantly went blank.

Yesterday, just yesterday, she felt that her world was full of sunshine, she had Xingtian's baby, and Qingkong's promotion order came down... But now, these two things have become the source of her grief at the moment?

Shen Yueran smiled, that treacherous smile made the soles of her feet chill, she couldn't think about it, even, couldn't face it... Her best friend shot her husband to death? !
(End of this chapter)

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