Chapter 122 Use
A sense of humiliation welled up in her heart, and Mu Qingkong raised her hand as if Leng Jinghan had thrown it away... But before touching it, Leng Jinghan raised her hand indifferently, and grabbed Mu Qingkong's wrist, He looked at Mu Qingkong whose eyes were red, his heart constricted suddenly, he forgot to breathe in such pain.

"Did you know?" Leng Jinghan's voice was so cold that there was no warmth, "In the operating room, when the doctor announced Ah Tian's death, Xiao Ran slapped me!"

"Boom!", Mu Qingkong couldn't think for a while, and could only look at Leng Jinghan with a frozen movement.

"That slap, I received it for myself, and also for you!" Leng Jinghan looked at the despair in Mu Qingkong's eyes, and gritted his teeth.

Let it hurt, since everyone is not feeling well, then...let's entangle each other in such a painful entanglement!

Leng Jinghan squeezed Mu Qingkong's hand slightly, he pulled Mu Qingkong up and threw him out of the elevator, Shangguan Muyan quickly supported Mu Qingkong's unsteady body, and the two men met their eyes at the right time!

Leng Jinghan glanced at Shangguan Mu with disdain, and then his eyes fell on Shangguan Di: "I won't take the same elevator with everyone... Chairman Shangguan, I'll wait for your reply!"

After Leng Jinghan finished speaking, he withdrew his eyes, his stern face was indifference and arrogance, he rolled his eyes at Qingkong and pressed the elevator.

Under everyone's gaze and holding their breath, the elevator door closed slowly. Looking at the numbers moving down, Shangguan Di's complexion became more and more bad. He glanced at Mu Qingkong lightly, and then looked away.

Waiting for the neutral position of the elevator, everyone consciously didn't speak. Everyone could see Shangguan Di's anger. After all, Shangguan Mu once announced his relationship with Mu Qingkong in such a high-profile way in front of the media, and now it happened again. Such a scene is not only reminiscent of the gossip in the magazines back then, but from the eyes of those who don't know it, the relationship between Mu Qingkong, Shangguan Mu and Leng Jinghan may be very complicated.

After leaving the government, Zhang Muyang explained a few words, then got in the car and went back to the headquarters. After entering the office, his phone rang...

Zhang Muyang glanced at the display on the phone and picked it up. He sat down and said, "You really have a lot of people around me. I just entered the office when your call came."

"Don't look at you... I'm afraid I'll die too soon!"

Hearing this, Zhang Muyang smiled instead of being angry: "I guess everyone in the world is dead, but you are still alive."

"Hahahaha..." Insolent laughter came from the phone. After laughing for a while, the voice came, "How is today's result?"

"As you expected, Leng Jinghan wants someone from the Digital Corps!" Zhang Muyang lit a cigarette, "Leng Jinghan is really a character, and he can be said to be impeccable about this matter."

"He has never been a simple person, could he have been safe and sound for so many years under the noses of your police?!"

"You don't have to mock us!" Zhang Muyang flicked the cigarette ash, "Although the police failed to deal with the goods, in the end, the result is what you want...Leng Jinghan died Xing Tian, ​​look at his crazy appearance today You know, he's probably going to take revenge, and I'm afraid you won't be able to control him secretly."

"There is still Xiao Chen in front...why am I in a hurry?!"

Zhang Muyang was noncommittal.

"Did anything funny happen today?"

Zhang Muyang heard this, and said with a smile: "Is it considered that Leng Jinghan kissed Mu Qingkong forcefully in the elevator?"

There was silence on the phone for a while, Zhang Muyang knew that the other party must be very happy to see this situation, he only heard him say slowly: "Now that Leng Jinghan has broken his arm, although Mu Qingkong didn't shoot the fatal shot, However, she didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of her. I'm afraid that Leng Jinghan will not be able to pass the test... I really don't understand you, you can take them all at once, but you insist on playing these tricks. "

"Don't you think it's better this way?" The person on the phone raised his lips slightly, his eyes were completely ruthless, "It's boring to watch the enemy die all at once, but watching them suffer slowly is the enjoyment... It is easy to die, but sometimes it is a great torture to live."

"Fortunately, I am not an enemy of you. People like you are too scary." Zhang Muyang took a breath and said thoughtfully, "What are you going to do next?"

"Let's see what Leng Jinghan does first," sighed softly on the phone, "I hope Xiao Chen won't disappoint me this time!"

Zhang Muyang extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray, sighed lightly, and said seriously: "Just don't regret it in the end, such a thing... No one can say who will be hurt in the end!"

"Regret? I won't do anything I regret..."

Zhang Muyang sighed again, and didn't say anything more. After saying hello, he hung up the phone. He got up and walked to the window. At some point, the sunny day was covered by thick clouds again. The sky and the earth became gloomy, as if a storm was coming...

Looking outside, Zhang Muyang's memory seems to have been dragged back a long time ago. At that time, he was just a stunned young man who had just graduated from the police academy. He was sent to be an undercover agent. To the police station... However, it was later discovered that he was so naive.

When your contact person is gone, even if they know you are an undercover agent, the police would rather kill you by mistake than let it go... Even now, the memory of your escape from the dead is still lingering in shock... If it wasn't for him, I really I don't know if I will survive it, and I don't even know that one day I will be able to be the director of the General Administration of City A!

This position... let him see clearly what happened back then, yes, when a person has desires and wants to climb up, those people with ambitions are just their stepping stones.

Zhang Muyang narrowed his eyes slightly. Standing in this position, he could see very far. The so-called favors were only under the condition of not affecting his official career...and he also understood his own intentions.

If you have to talk about conscience now, I'm afraid... I just hope that the final result won't disappoint him too much.

The night in City A suddenly became restless. Due to the disintegration of Nighthawk, people on the streets of City A were eager to move. Before, because Nighthawk had their principles, even though most people on the street didn't like it, but because of Nighthawk's means And status can only be compromised, and now, Nighthawk no longer exists, and all the hidden dangers that have been suppressed before have all surfaced.

Leng Jinghan stood in front of the window of MG's office on the top floor and watched the scene downstairs, surrounded by police lights, and the crowded night street became chaotic, he just watched with cold eyes, curled his lips coldly.

After watching for a while, Leng Jinghan withdrew his gaze and landed on the black sky. If it was normal, Xing Tian would come in casually, talk about the situation below, talk about the recent development...or just sit quietly on the side, Playing his own game, sending text messages with Shen Yueran...

He is lonely, and Xing Tian has always understood him very well, because he understands, Xing Tian almost has no life of his own!

Suddenly, a pleasant ringtone interrupted Leng Jinghan's thoughts, he took out the phone indifferently, glanced at the incoming call, and then picked it up.

"President, all the procedures for Black Wing have been completed, and all the shares under Xing Tian's name have been transferred to Shen Yueran's name!" Tang Lan's capable voice came from the phone, and she was shocked by Leng Jinghan's identity , but more excited, only the person who can control everything in black and white is the person she Tang Lan is willing to pursue.

Rich families have their rules, no rich family is clean, and even many rich families are bleached by gangsters... Although Tang Lan may be surprised by Leng Jinghan's identity, he is absolutely not afraid of rejecting him.

"En!" Leng Jinghan responded lightly, not sad or happy, Black Wing originally wanted to leave a way for Shen Yueran, and now that all the procedures have been completed, in case of any accident, at least their mother and son will not Unable to live because of the embarrassment of life.

Thinking about it, Leng Jinghan's eyes darkened, and he wanted to hang up the phone.


Suddenly, Tang Lan's urgent voice came from the phone, and Leng Jinghan responded, but there was still no excessive emotional ups and downs in his voice.

"Where are you?" Tang Lan asked after a long time.

"What?" Leng Jinghan asked back.

Tang Lan raised her charming apricot eyes before saying, "I want to accompany you!"

"No need!" Leng Jinghan refused indifferently, without even thinking about it.

"Xing Tian is gone...don't you feel lonely?" Tang Lan's words were a little humble.

Leng Jinghan's Mo Tong became very familiar, and he said slowly with his thin lips: "No one can replace Xing Tian!"

"What about Mu Qingkong?"

Leng Jinghan slightly raised his thin lips, and said coldly: "Xing Tian is a brother, Qing Kong is a lover, they are different existences... Not only can you not replace Xing Tian, ​​you can't replace Mu Qingkong either!"

Such large-scale words made Tang Lan's expression froze in an instant. She gritted her teeth and said, "Mu Qingkong killed Xing Tian!"

"So, these two people in my life are gone..." Leng Jinghan said calmly, he couldn't tell whether he was sad or angry, "Therefore, there is no one else who can replace them!"

"Han, let me accompany you, let me accompany you through this journey, okay?" Tang Lan's words were full of begging, she was so humble that she didn't exist like a proud queen in ordinary times.

"I don't need anyone to accompany me!" Leng Jinghan sighed softly, "Don't waste your time on me, for a person like me, today doesn't necessarily mean tomorrow...Why bother?"

"No!" Tang Lan sharply rebuffed, "I have loved you for so many years, and I have given you silently, but I have never regretted it. I know you don't have me in your heart, but I don't need your return now. Could it be... just Can't you even let me accompany you quietly? I don't care who you are, and I don't care what tomorrow or the day after tomorrow will be like. I am a person who grasps the present, and I only want the present, even if it is a minute and a second all good……"

Tang Lan's voice finally became trembling, and he could even clearly hear the choking sound of forbearance, but all this fell on Leng Jinghan's ears, as if nothing had caused any disturbance. He just lowered his eyes and looked at Looking at the red and blue flashing police lights, looking at the small figure downstairs... Mo Tong became dark and prey.

"I'm in MG!" Leng Jinghan finally spoke softly, and after the faint words fell, he hung up the phone.

When Tang Lan came to MG to find Leng Jinghan, he was drinking with some people in the VIP box, and a woman in revealing clothes was sitting next to her. She frowned slightly as she watched the scene in front of her.

"Yo, Master Leng, isn't this Tianlin's Director Tang?" A man in his thirties who looks handsome, but speaks in a sloppy manner, looked at Tang Lan with raised eyebrows, "Beautiful Tang In the middle of the night, I have to work hard for Master Leng, which is really dedicated."

(End of this chapter)

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