You are the best in the world

Chapter 156 You Are Beautiful

Chapter 156 You Are Beautiful
Ever since she rejected Gu Zixiu again, Yan Mu's mood has always been a little gloomy.

In fact, she really didn't want to hurt him.

Not at all.

However, he confessed to her again, and she had no choice but to refuse.

If you don't make it clear and give him hope, it will only hurt him more.

It's just... In the end he said he wouldn't give up.

If he really doesn't give up, it may be another troublesome thing for her.

Alas... what should I do?

Irritable, irritable... I feel so depressed that I can't add it.

When she was extremely bored, she suddenly received a call from Gu Chenhuai.

"Ah Huai."

Her voice was inadvertently tinged with joy.

"Little Mu."

Gu Chenhuai called Yan Mu with a lingering voice.

"Are you free tonight?"

Yan Mu thought for a while, then nodded, "Yes."

"Then after you get off work, I'll pick you up somewhere."

"where to?"

The conditioned reflex is average, Yan Mu asked.

"You'll know then."

"Well, that's good, I'll wait for you to come over."

Suddenly thought of something, Yan Mu asked, "By the way, you didn't come to the magazine office today?"

Gu Chenhuai explained, "Well, yes. I have an important meeting in the company today, so I don't have time to pass."

"I understand, I understand. I know that you bought the magazine just on a whim. Alright, I'll wait for you to come over."

Interrupting his words, Yan Mu hurriedly said.

"See you later."

After speaking, Gu Chenhuai hung up the phone.


Sitting in the passenger seat, Yan Mu clasped his hands, then turned around and glanced at Gu Chenhuai who was driving beside him.

"Are we almost there?"

Gu Chenhuai opened his lips, "There is still a while, you should sleep first."

"Okay, then you call me."

After finishing speaking, Yan Mu leaned back on the back of the chair, closed his eyes, and assumed a sleeping position.

"Xiaomu, we're here."

While drowsy, Yan Mu heard someone calling her, so she slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing Gu Chenhuai's figure close in front of her eyes, she slowly reacted.

Rubbing her eyes, she muttered softly, "Oh, it's here..."

"Well, let's get out of the car."

After unbuttoning her seat belt considerately, Gu Chenhuai took Yan Mu out of the car.

After getting off the car, a luxurious brown villa greeted my eyes.

Yan Mu was puzzled, "Where is this place?"

"This is the home of an old friend of my mother. Before my mother was alive, she was very kind to me. After my mother died, she also took good care of me. She is an elder I respect very much, so I want to take you meet her."

Yan Mu's heart skipped a beat when he heard that he was going to see his elders, and his mood suddenly became tense.

"I...I haven't dressed up properly today, so I just go in like this, wouldn't it be too good?"

Gu Chenhuai looked at Yan Mu's clothes, then chuckled, "You don't need to dress up, you still look good. It's okay, let's go in."

After finishing speaking, he put his arms around Yan Mu's slender waist, then hugged her and walked towards the gate of the villa.

After Gu Chenhuai rang the doorbell, the door was slowly opened from the inside.

In the next second, a middle-aged woman in a purple cheongsam and a shawl slowly appeared in sight.

"Thank you, auntie."

Looking at this woman, a smile appeared on Gu Chenhuai's cold and handsome face.

"Ah Huai, you are here."

The woman had a kind face, looking at Gu Chenhuai, the smile on her face grew stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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