You are the best in the world

Chapter 174 Gu Zixiu's Provocation

Chapter 174 Gu Zixiu's Provocation
Gu Chenhuai's words made Yan Mu feel happy.

Deep in her heart, it was also sweet, like a smell of ginger candy spreading from the bottom of her heart.

Naturally, she thought of the last time when Gu Chenhuai fired Yang Qiao in order to avenge her.

Sweetness and touch permeate the apex of my heart.

After thinking about it, she opened her lips, "Ah Huai, can I cook for you today?"

Gu Chenhuai looked at her teasingly, "Are you sure I didn't make it for you?"

Yan Mu shook his head, "Of course I made it for you. I am determined to be a virtuous girlfriend."

Standing beside her, Gu Chenhuai smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then I look forward to your craftsmanship tonight."

After getting in the car, Gu Chenhuai did not drive directly in the direction of the villa, but in the direction of the supermarket.

"What's wrong? Your refrigerator is out of food?"

"Well, there are a lot of things and I'm very busy these days. I always eat in the company's cafeteria."

Yan Mu looked at him with concern, his eyes were full of distress, "Then I will cook some more good dishes tonight to make up for you."

Inside the supermarket.

Yan Mu and Gu Chenhuai pushed the cart and picked vegetables in the vegetable and meat section.

After picking half of them, Yan Mu suddenly remembered that she needed to buy some women's personal items recently.

"Ah Huai, that... I have some personal items to buy. You pick the vegetables here first, and I'll come back right away after I go to get the things."

As smart as Gu Chenhuai, when Yan Mu said the words "personal items", he immediately understood what she probably wanted to buy.

Looking at her slightly embarrassed expression, he nodded, "Okay, you can go."

After getting permission, Yan Mu hurried to the area where women's personal belongings were kept.

"Seven-Dimensional Girls Series, ABC, Sophie..."

Yan Mu looked around the shelves, and finally chose the one for daily use in Seven-Degree Space.

After taking a bag, she hurried forward, afraid that Gu Chenhuai would wait for a long time.

After walking a few steps, Yan Mu's arm was patted lightly from behind.

who is it?
With this doubt, she slowly turned her head.

"Hi, Yan Xiaomu!"

When the line of sight was fixed, a hearty and clear male voice came from Yan Mu's ear.

The young man in front of him was as sunny and handsome as ever.

He looked at her with some excitement.

Although he hid it well, Yan Mu still peeked out a hint of love from inside.

After all, it's been a long time, and Yan Mu is also happy to see his old friends.

However, seeing the love in his eyes, she was a little embarrassed.

For a moment, Yan Mu was a little at a loss.

"Gu Zixiu, long time no see, are you here to do some shopping?"

Finally, in order to avoid embarrassment, Yan Mu had no choice but to ask dryly.

"Well, come in and buy a bottle of water."

Gu Zixiu observed Yan Mu's expression, hesitated for a few seconds, and then asked.
"Yan Xiaomu, are you free later?"


"She's not available."

Before Yan Mu could finish speaking, a deep voice sounded from behind and answered for her.

Gu Zixiu frowned, and looked behind him.

When he saw Gu Chenhuai, he felt a sense of vigilance in his heart.

"Big brother."

He opened his mouth to call him, but his tone was not very friendly.

Gu Chenhuai ignored Gu Zixiu, walked to Yan Mu's side, and he hugged her shoulder in a possessive gesture.

"Have you chosen? Let's go after we have chosen..."

After speaking, he planned to take Yan Mu away.

Looking at Yan Mu's back that had already taken a step forward, Gu Zixiu suddenly felt unwilling.

"Yan Xiaomu, wait a minute!"

The next second, he walked to her side and grabbed her right arm.

(End of this chapter)

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