Chapter 51
Mi Xiaobai has been chasing him for a long time, but the distance can only be further and further away. Even if that person is carrying one, two, three, he can still shuttle back and forth between the houses. Is this person really only at the third level of Qi Gathering? ?
Although Mi Xiaobai was very skeptical, he used the pair of eyes provided by the system to look directly at the meridians of the human body to observe the person's whole body. Only the liver had three threads of true energy condensed, and the three threads of true energy twisted into a whirlpool. Gathering Qi Sea means, that is to say, this person's cultivation is only at the third level of Qi Gathering, not much higher than himself at the second level of Qi Gathering, but how can this guy run so fast as if he has been beaten with chicken blood?

Mi Xiaobai was out of breath, and the further he went, the more oppressive Mi Xiaobai felt, as if he would enter a bottomless whirlpool.

The man looked back at Mi Xiaobai, and [-] on his shoulders also began to struggle violently. [-] was bound hands and feet, and his mouth was blocked by special glue. Apart from twisting his own body, he can no longer do other behaviors.

Even so, Mi Xiaobai knew that One Two Three was asking him for help.

Mi Xiaobai's throat was dry from running, and every swallow would cause painful retching, but he was still persevering, his arms were waving quickly, his physical strength was exhausted bit by bit, he was surpassing the limit.

"One two three! Wait! I'll save you!"

One Two Three might have felt a little bit more secure, she didn't seem so worried anymore.

Mi Xiaobai raised his head, and found that there was a large-scale spaceship a little further ahead. This type of spaceship was more magnificent than the C+ dart ship of Dilang Escort, and it probably reached the standard of a B-level spaceship.

Seeing this, Mi Xiaobai knew that he had to work harder.

The person who took away One Two Three frowned. The snake boss gave him the order to take this girl away without causing trouble as much as possible. If there is an unavoidable accident, he can kill her.

He knew that he was incapable, but it didn't mean that others were incapable. Seeing that he was about to reach his destination, he took a deep breath and made a sound for the first time.

"Second master! Third master! Please act!"

Mi Xiaobai was taken aback for a moment, and the next moment, he felt a death scythe appeared on his right.

Of course it wasn't the real Death Scythe, it was just Mi Xiaobai's illusion, which meant that he felt the existence of death.

Mi Xiaobai stopped subconsciously, and then raised the Chinese kitchen knife in his hand.

All of a sudden, a very shocking air wave rushed towards the place where Mi Xiaobai was blocking. Mi Xiaobai didn't have that much strength to block the blow, so he flew more than ten meters together holding the Chinese kitchen knife. He didn't stop until he hit the wall.

There were two or three bloodstains on Mi Xiaobai's forehead, and the corners of his mouth were wet with blood.

Mi Xiaobai looked at his body with eyes that could spy on meridians.

"Three broken ribs, a comminuted fracture of the left calf, and a dislocated hand holding the knife..."

Mi Xiaobai couldn't believe it, what happened just now?How could I become like this in an instant?

He tried to keep himself awake.

But there was no need for him to think about it at all. A short and fat man came out by himself. He saw that the man was wearing a lot of machinery on his arm, and he was holding a pistol with a barrel [-] centimeters long in his right hand.

The man came out of the darkness, and Mi Xiaobai saw the man's face clearly. There was a long scar on the man's face from the upper right to the lower left. When the man laughed, the scar would protrude fiercely , looked terrifying.

This scarred face held a gun in his hand, looked at Mi Xiaobai with a smile, and said: "Boss Mi of Linjiang Fairy, I have been following you for a long time, you are the first person who can catch my bullet with a kitchen knife, I really want to know what kind of material the kitchen knife in your hand is made of, and it can actually block white jade-level armor-piercing bullets."

Mi Xiaobai's heart tightened.

There are two rings of white air seas in the lungs of this scarred face!This is actually a white jade-level mechanical martial artist!
Narrow escape!

The scarred face obviously had no interest in continuing to procrastinate. After all, the really important thing this time was to take away the daughter of the military captain Yi Quanqiang. As long as someone took it away, everyone else was dispensable.

Scarface is not afraid of trouble, especially not of murder. He has already carried hundreds of lives on his body, and he will not feel burdened by one more.

I saw him slowly raise his right hand, and the gun unique to the Mechanic School was gradually absorbing the Qi in Scarface's body, and fused the Qi with the bullets to form a more powerful gun.

Mi Xiaobai didn't expect to die here like this. He tried his best to break through the limit, even at this moment, he was already crying and scolding the system, but it was of no avail.

The system will only answer him repeatedly: [The current physical function of the host is too poor to operate the system function]

Mi Xiaobai yelled: "Damn! I didn't see what you were doing when you were in good health! Break the system!"

Scarface doesn't know what Mi Xiaobai is cursing, but he doesn't care, almost everyone who is about to die will try to scold him, but it is useful.

"No, I'm still going to die!"

Scarface pulled the trigger, and the steaming warm current exploded on the barrel of the gun along with the metallic luster.

The high ejection drove the powerful warrior bullet.

Mi Xiaobai seemed to have seen the end of his headshot.

Everything is like watching flowers on horseback.

Life is nothing more than scenes of life and death.

Just like the lens of a movie, the picture is exiled frame by frame.

Mi Xiaobai felt that he was going to die.


who said it?
How can the main character die?


The moment the bullet was about to jump out of the muzzle, a long knife cut off the muzzle.

The energy contained in the bullet explodes at the muzzle.

The powerful qi and shock wave affected the three people present at the same time.

Scarface was the most affected. The mechanical parts of his right palm were almost blown apart, and only a small part of particularly hard tissue remained.

Scarface glared viciously at the direction where the knife was swung.

He Yu grinned his fangs and canine teeth, his eyes were almost as red as today's crimson moon, holding two knives, looking at his scarred face, he was asking Mi Xiaobai: "Gourmet! Are you okay!"

Mi Xiaobai felt his physical condition again: "It's all trauma, it hurts a bit."

Seeing that Mi Xiaobai's life was not in danger, He Yu was relieved.

After two rounds of double swords, one must turn and one turn, it seems that today is about to start a killing spree.

Scarface was intimidated by He Yu's aura.

"Quenching Realm?!"

He Yu jumped up and walked quickly, "Master is stronger than you little Bai Yu!"

Seeing the blade approaching Scarface, Scarface was startled, and he quickly shouted: "Third brother! When are you going to watch the show!"

As soon as the words fell, a steel knife appeared in front of Scarface, and he blocked He Yu's attack for Scarface.

Only then did Mi Xiaobai remember that in the sentence that the person who kidnapped Yi Er San shouted, there was a second master and there was also a third master.

It's two people.

(End of this chapter)

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