Chapter 16
Zhang Zhonghou was taken aback, but he immediately came to his senses and said with a slight smile, "Where did you see me? What did you see me?"

Du Mengyuan pointedly said: "I saw you taking a woman to the mall! Shopping for clothes! Hugging and hugging! Zhang Zhonghou, a man, if you dare to do it, you must dare to be it!"

Zhang Zhonghou pondered in his heart at the fastest speed: I just said, something must have happened.But fortunately, she didn't see it with her own eyes, probably some friend of hers saw it and told her.Thinking of this, he was full of confidence, pulled his face and said, "It's just nonsense! You believe what people say? Do you believe when people say they saw me kill people? Du Mengyuan, Du Mengyuan, I didn't say you, you are now a day How did you become so suspicious at night?"

Du Mengyuan knew that she couldn't stand to pester this matter any longer. How could an old fox like Zhang Zhonghou confess so easily?Take what happened just now as an example: "Then how did you explain it just now?"

"You, you..." Zhang Zhonghou shook his head, and said with a look of resentment, "I'm already in my fifth year, can I still be as fierce as a 20-year-old boy? I just came back from a business trip and I'm too tired. There are so many entertainments outside, isn’t it normal for something to break down occasionally? Even BMW and Mercedes-Benz may have problems sometimes, right?”

Du Mengyuan had nothing to say, because after all the talk, she was the one who made trouble for no reason.Forget it, don't talk to him anymore, if he continues to talk, he will beat him up, and he will become a wrongdoer.

But as a woman, she is very sensitive to some things.Zhang Zhonghou is no longer as simple as "something goes wrong occasionally", he has been out of shape for a long time.Either he couldn't do it, or the amount of bullets was pitifully low, or he simply left her alone.In the past, she always thought it was because he was too busy working and working too hard, and because he was getting older, his bullets would be less, and his libido would also decrease.Thinking about it later, isn't it right? Wasn't he like this a few months ago?At that time, they still had at least a few times a month. It couldn't be less suddenly, right?He is such a big man, and his body is normal, where did the bullets go?There was only one explanation: the bullet had run out outside.

It is said that a woman is like a wolf at thirty and a tiger at forty. This is true. Now she feels that her heart is very hot and unbearable, and her husband can't satisfy her every time.Every time, she had just entered the state, and before she had time to enjoy it, he ended hastily, and it was over.It's like listening to a piece of wonderful music, and before you can get intoxicated, the power goes out, which is really disappointing!

She is not afraid of other people's jokes when she speaks out. In order to satisfy herself, she even secretly bought a masturbation device online.When Zhang Zhonghou was not at home, she closed the door and solved it by herself.It's really sad to think about it!She is a 40-year-old woman, and she is not a widow, since she used this thing.Isn't this a great irony?

Thinking of this, two lines of clear tears slipped from the corners of her eyes, and she cried.

It was late at night, Zhang Zhonghou was already snoring, but Du Mengyuan couldn't fall asleep.Thinking of what happened just now, and thinking of Li Yao's words, she felt very sad and had mixed feelings.Is the man sleeping next to her at this time her husband who has been with her for decades?How could this man, who is usually virtuous and full of benevolence and morality, do such a scandal behind his back?And you don't even blush when you tell a lie?

Du Mengyuan knew in her heart that he was still the same man as before, but his heart was no longer the same as before.

Du Mengyuan got out of bed, put on her clothes and went down to the living room, picked up the "Haitian Morning Post" of the day and flipped through it casually. A headline in the emotional edition attracted her: "Revealing the Eight Reasons Why Middle-aged Men Cheating", the author is Yang Hong.She often sees this reporter's articles in newspapers, and has read a few of them. The articles are not bad.Unable to fall asleep, she simply read on.

In marriage and family, infidelity is one of the important factors leading to the breakdown of marriage and disintegration of family.In the current society, men cheating, especially middle-aged men cheating, is no longer news.But why do middle-aged men like to cheat?What was the reason and motivation for their derailment?

[-]. Life is not harmonious, marriage is hard to keep fresh
During the investigation and interview, the reporter found that disharmony in the sexual life of husband and wife and aesthetic fatigue in marriage are one of the important reasons leading to the derailment of both parties, especially men.Many men have the experience of looking for lovers or one-night stands outside, as well as one-time sexual consumption, on the grounds that their sexual life with their wives is not harmonious.For this reason, experts in marriage and psychology pointed out that after two people get along for a long time, it is a common problem for modern urbanites to encounter aesthetic fatigue.With the passage of time, the marriage between husband and wife is facing the problem of keeping fresh, and the life of husband and wife also needs to be kept fresh.How to keep married life fresh?Couples can take advantage of interesting activities such as traveling, watching movies, listening to music, and attending friends' gatherings together to increase the relationship between husband and wife and keep the marriage fresh.In addition, the husband and wife maintain the necessary communication and mutual understanding, so as to respect each other as guests.Be understanding and considerate to those who have disharmony in their sexual life due to physical health factors.In addition, during sex life, maintain the necessary foreplay, give the other party enough caress, do it in an emotional environment, and don't go straight to the point.

[-]. Changes in values, derailment is fallacious
Values ​​are thoughts that control and direct a person's actions, what kind of values ​​lead to what kind of behavior and results.When men cheat, especially middle-aged men cheat, many people have their own set of values ​​and fallacies about cheating.

During the interview, the reporter learned that, especially those middle-aged men with money and status, derailment is regarded as a normal phenomenon, a necessity of life, and even a sign of a successful man.They even believe that since ancient times, successful men in China have had three wives and four concubines, and groups of wives and concubines, not invented by modern people. They just inherited the fine traditions of the Chinese nation and carried them forward.Whether it is Qin Huang Han Wu, Tang Zong Song Zu, or Genghis Khan, they conquered women while conquering the world.In today's society, as a successful man, if you are only satisfied with your wife, you will not only have no fun in your life, but also feel bad, and people will think you are a man with no ability.Mr. Liu, a Guangdong businessman doing business in Haitian City, confessed without hesitation that he took care of a mistress outside. For this reason, he said: "Why do I earn so much money? For what? Is it just for a few meals?" In the middle, be confident.

During the interview, the reporter found that the variation of the values ​​of successful men is an important reason for cheating.Many men even regard the possession of female resources as a privilege of successful men, thinking that those who are capable get more, and successful men will occupy more social resources, including female resources.In addition, the values ​​​​of many young women in modern society have also become deformed and distorted in the market economy environment. The rampant "mistresses" and "second wives" are also important factors that lead to frequent cheating of middle-aged successful men.

[-]. Work pressure is high, cheating to find relaxation
Work pressure is also a reason for middle-aged men to cheat.The reporter once interviewed such a middle-aged man. He worked in a certain company and was under a lot of work pressure, and he was often criticized by the leaders.In order to seek the release of pressure, he became obsessed with online games and online chat, and has had many one-night stands with several female netizens.When it comes to cheating, he said lightly: "I didn't take it seriously, I just relax occasionally."

For this reason, experts pointed out: Husband and wife should care, considerate and understand each other.As a wife, she is not only the wife of the husband, but also the confidant of the husband. When the husband is under too much work pressure or encounters grievances and difficulties, he should comfort more and blame less, so that the home can truly become a safe haven for men and a place for healing. , nor can you use the pressure of work as an excuse to cheat. After all, cheating means betrayal.

[-]. Husband and wife live in two places, derailment relieves loneliness
Due to objective reasons, there are many couples living apart in Haitian City, especially many migrant workers. The wife lives in their hometown and the husband works in Haitian City.They relieve not only male hormones, but also boredom and loneliness.

Mr. Yuan has been working in Haitian City for 5 years. His wife works as a primary school teacher in his hometown. The husband and wife have been separated for a long time and cannot live a normal life. He formed a "temporary couple" with another woman in the same situation.They both have three chapters: both parties cannot destroy each other's family, and they have no obligation to take responsibility for each other's family, it is purely to resolve loneliness together.For this reason, Mr. Yuan said frankly: They have been in a sexual partnership for two years, and they live in peace with each other, and everything is normal.

[-]. The wife is too capable, cheating and looking for a confidant
There are not a few middle-aged men in modern cities who complain that their wives are too capable, or that they have an inferiority complex, so they go out to seek comfort and stimulation, find like-minded women and have sex with each other.

Mr. Huang is such a person. His wife is an executive of a foreign company with an annual salary of more than one million, but he is just a department manager of a small and medium-sized private enterprise with a monthly salary of only 3000. The huge gap makes him feel that he has no status among relatives and friends. , and even believed that his wife's light covered his development.After going back and forth, he hooked up with a female employee in the company, but was revealed to his wife by a competitor in the company.After the wife saw the clerk, she couldn't understand it, because no matter the appearance, ability or status, the clerk and her were people from two worlds.She angrily asked her husband why did he do this?He said: "Living in your shadow, I don't have the dignity of being a man." His wife was even more puzzled: Although she earned a million dollars a year, she never looked down on her husband. mind.Why does the husband seek the so-called dignity of a man by cheating?It's incredible.

[-]. Patriarchy is at work, derailment is conquest

In today's modern civilization, the patriarchy in many men's hearts has been at work. They regard women as men's accessories.Under the guidance of patriarchy, many men regard derailment, extramarital affairs, having lovers, and mistresses as a fashion, a conquest of women, and a manifestation of the value of men.Men who hold this kind of thinking are mostly middle-aged men with money and status.In this regard, they claim: "Conquering women is an unparalleled sense of accomplishment, and men are like this."

[-]. The environment is affected, derailment follows the trend
In today's society, it seems that men's cheating, especially successful men's cheating, is no longer news. Those men who haven't cheated have finally found an excuse for cheating: it's the trend, everyone does it, and I'm not the only one who cheated .

Due to the needs of social communication and work entertainment, many men have more or less patronized some erotic places. For this reason, many men actually think that this is not cheating, claiming that it can only be regarded as playing on the spot.Mr. Yan, who is in charge of sales in a certain company, said that he was a frequent visitor to sauna places in order to entertain customers and leaders, and he also said that he had to take the lead when he accompanied others. "No way, it's necessary for work, it's unavoidable," he said.

Eight, family disputes, derailment to resolve hatred
Whether it is family economic disputes or emotional disputes between husband and wife, family disputes are also another important reason for men to cheat.The reason for their derailment is simple: to seek vent and relieve hatred through derailment...

The entire article is about 3000 words long, half a full page, and Du Mengyuan read it all in one go.She thinks the article is really wonderful and wonderful!The motives and reasons for men's derailment are thoroughly analyzed.She even had an urge to talk to and communicate with the author Yang Hong, thinking that this reporter must be rich in personal emotions and knowledgeable, otherwise how could she write such a hearty article?

Through this article, Du Mengyuan compares herself with Zhang Zhonghou in her heart.She thinks the biggest reason lies in Zhang Zhonghou, he is the two types mentioned in the article, "values ​​change, derailment is wrong" and "male power is at work, derailment is conquest".Thinking of this, she couldn't help cursing in her heart: "Stinky man!"Not a single good thing!

Closing the newspaper, Du Mengyuan told herself in her heart: No matter what reason Zhang Zhonghou cheated on, as a wife and a legal wife, she couldn't swallow this breath, and she couldn't swallow this breath, she must Defend your legal rights!
(End of this chapter)

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